1,257 thoughts on “संस्कृतं शिक्षामहै। Learn Sanskrit

    1. Could someone suggest the starting place for learning Sanskrit with absolutely no knowledge of Devanagari script or Hindi? Where do I start? Are there sites that walk students through from square one? Books? I am learning Arabic and they don’t just start with the alphabet – they also introduce words and phrases spelled phonetically in Roman letters. I hope there is material available for Sanskrit like that and that someone could suggest some. Thanks very much!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Correct pronunciation is the heart of Sanskrit language. So the script ought to be a phonetic script.

        There is no script better than Devanagari to make a good, unmistakably error-free, confident start-off on learning Sanskrit.

        As they say, “there should not be short-cuts on the path of success”. A serious, determined effort to learn Sanskrit should be to start with learning Devanagari script. I consider that anyone wanting to learn Sanskrit without learning the script is not serious and sincere to one’s own goal.

        Believe me, the script is not difficult. What is more, it is so well-structured. Because it is phonetic one does not have to learn spellings and pronunciations separately. In English we have the problem of how to pronounce the vowel ‘a’ in words ‘far’ ‘fat’ ‘fall’ ‘another’ In English we have vowels ‘a’ ‘e’ ‘i’ ‘o’ ‘u’ and also ‘y’ spread here and there across the alphabet. In Devanagari we have them all in a set.

        Look at the beauty of the structure of the script. You will love it. Once you will find love of it, you will learn it fast, quite fast, I am sure.

        I myself made a start on devising a course to “learn Sanskrit in distance-learning mode” I have uploaded six lessons so far at my blog http://slabhyankar.wordpress.com But there also first lesson is on the Devanagari script only. I would never subscribe to the idea that a course for learning Sanskrit should circumvent the essential starting point of learning the script. Circumventing would end up misguiding a student right at the start. That would be sinful, that a course should misguide a student right at the start.


      2. Thanks you, S. L. Abhyankar. Then I will learn Sanskrit differently from Arabic, as per your suggestion.

        I have the book, “Introduction to Sanskrit” by Thomas Egenes, but he includes phonetic spellings to introduce some vocabulary beyond what letters & sounds have been studied in the Devanagari script. So, I will skip those and simply master the script, then afterward begin to follow the lessons on your site. Is that right?

        I believe you, that Sanskrit is an elegant language. I am looking forward to gaining some small level of proficiency in it.


      3. That’s the spirit!!

        You have some introduction to Devanagari script in the first lesson on my blog also, under the “distance learning” category. I hope that also will help.

        I shall be obliged for any comments, so that I can improve the lessons to be more useful.

        ॐ ameen Amen !!!


      4. Thank you! I’m glad to know I have the right spirit! 🙂 For anyone who might not know, this site http://acharya.iitm.ac.in/sanskrit/lessons.php has the sounds of the letters. I put them on my cell phone where I can play back groups in a continuous cycle while looking at the Devanagari symbols, thereby doing precisely as you suggest – bypassing the Roman phonetic attempt at showing how they sound. I actually want soooo much to read some sacred texts in their own language. Thank you, S. L. Abhyankar, a million times for your help toward that end! It means so much! ~Highly Motivated


      5. Catherine Madam,

        Even when i started composing my lessons for “Learning Sanskrit in Distance-learning mode” I was really wondering whether I was spending time in reinventing the wheel. And lo! what a site you have located!! Great!!

        That shows your penchant for learning!! I must salute you. I am very much enchanted that “Acharya” and his team at iitm (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai) have put in such a marvellous site and you located it!!

        For many people who are looking for a good website for learning Sanskrit, you have shown one!

        God helps him, who helps himself!!


      6. Dear S. L. Abhyankar,
        If what you have invented is a wheel, if you’ll permit, it seems to be a very unique one. I have found no one else who is actively involved in fielding students’ questions as you do! I look forward to the time when I am ready to begin the lessons on your site!
        I don’t mean to hog your attention, but I have another question. The acharya site seems to be missing a sound in the long vowels. I don’t know how to access my Devanagari font yet, but it is similar to English long L. Can you tell me what that looks like? The short one looks like a heart hanging from the horizontal line. Oh, I can cut & paste: ऌ I wrote to the webmaster, but he never responded. Why do you suppose they have the sound and not the symbol? Are the long and short symbols the same?
        Thanks so much for your help!!


      7. लृ is the short vowel
        लॄ is the long one
        Since audio for short ones includes लृ for the long one लॄ you have to extend the ending “u”” sound that much longer, so that it sounds “oo”. So the short one “lRu” and the long one “lRU”. This is how one types in BARAHA PAD.

        As is mentioned at the website, it is difficult to comprehend, why the Rishis who devised the script, thought of including these as vowels. These probably one specimen of “Exceptions also prove a rule!” 🙂

        I know of only one word, where the short लृ is used. The word is क्लृप्ति meaning an idea, a scheme, a strategy

        BARAHA PAD would be another good facility for typing / scripting in Devanagari. I use that only for all my Devanagari scripting. One just activates the script one wants under “languages” and types English spelling. If you select “sanskrit”, and type in English, at the end of the word, BARAHA PAD promptly converts the spelling into the script of the set language, so into Devanagari for Sanskrit language.

        Some letters need special spelling for example,
        “oum” will render ॐ
        “aM” will render अं
        “am” will render अम्
        “aH” will render अः
        “ah” will render अह्
        The “help” menu explains all that.

        BARAHA PAD will also help you greatly to get acquainted with Devanagari script quite comfortably.

        All the best!!


      8. Dear Catherine,

        Hope you must learn Sanskrit now, we are publishing a news paper in Sanskrit from New Delhi and looking associates.

        Kindly revert with your detail.

        Deven S Khatri


      9. Namaste Catherine,
        Are you still looking out for a teacher to teach you Sanskrit? If yes, you may send a mail to ahamroshini@gmail.com and I can arrange for classes online for you.


      10. visit language curry – app where Acharya Sampadanand Mishra is teaching from starting, it a very good course and he is a great teacher. Won many awards for promoting Sanskrit..


      1. Belita Madam,

        Hamsa is synonymous word for swan in Sanskrit. According to Hinduism, If there is a mixture of good and bad things together then Hamsa/Hansa has a capability to choose to separate/extract good things out of it.So it is said one should be like that in our normal things.Our intention would always be to seek positive things and convert negative ones into positive.


    2. I have exhausted my efforts on the internet. I am trying to train my mind on the four noble truths and The Noble Eightfold Path. In doing so, i wanted to get Sanskrit tattoo of Buddhas quote “Peaces comes from within, do not seek it without” i cannot find a translation anywhere. I don’t want this to be written incorrectly on me. Any help would be appreciated.

      तमाखु !


  1. A friend is teaching Yoga. She teaches it for free to anyone that shows up. The group that attends regularly wants to give her something special. She ends our Yoga class with “Namaste”. We would like to find how Namaste is written in Sanskrit to have it printed on a jewlry piece.
    Your help will be appreciated.


  2. Yeah I meant that :). By the way, how did you find my blog? I had provided a link to your very-educative blog on my page, and my first comment is from you. How is it possible? Co-incidence?


  3. Hi , This is response to request posted by Veronica L. Gonzalez .

    You can write Namste as …. नमस्ते


    I hope the answr is not too late.



    1. Hi i’m wondering if anyone can help me translate this into sanskrit…Contentment is the highest gain, good company the highest course,enquiry the highest wisdom, peace the highest enjoyment


      1. Noted below are some सुभाषितानि, which emphasise almost the same meaning as contained in the phrases mentioned by you.

        Contentment is the highest gain,
        संतोष एव पुरुषस्य परं निधानम् ।

        Actually the complete SubhaaShitam is as follows –
        सर्पाः पिबन्ति पवनं न च दुर्बलास्ते ।
        शुष्कैस्तृणैर्वनगजा बलिनो भवन्ति ।
        कन्दैः फलैर्मुनिवराः क्षपयन्ति कालम् ।
        सन्तोष एव पुरुषस्य परं निधानम् ॥

        Meaning is –
        Serpents drink the wind, they are not weak,
        Even by eating only dry grass, elephants are so strong,
        Muni’s spend their time surviving only on roots and fruit
        Being contented is the best solace.

        good company the highest course,

        महाजनस्य सम्पर्कः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः ।
        पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् ॥

        Meaning –
        who cannot progress in good company?
        A drop of water on lotus leaf shines as if it is a pearl.

        enquiry the highest wisdom,

        अक्षराणि परीक्ष्यन्ताम् अम्बराडम्बरेण किम् ।
        शम्भुरम्बरहीनोऽपि सर्वज्ञः किं न जायते ॥

        Meaning is –
        Enquire into the field of knowledge, why make a show of the hollow?
        Is not Shambhu regarded as all-knowing, even if he wears only the deer-skin?

        peace the highest enjoyment

        सन्तोषामृततृप्तानां यत्सुखं शान्तिरेव च ।
        न च तद्धनलुब्धानामितश्चेतश्च धावताम् ॥

        Meaning is –
        The happiness and peace, which is enjoyed by people, who were blessed to have the nectar of being content, cannot be understood by people who run around here and there, following the enticements of wealth.


    2. Hi!
      I am interested in knowing the right translation of “No Regrets” in Sanskrit.
      Which one of these is the correct one?
      पश्चात्तापः न
      न कश्चित् खेदः

      Thank you 🙂


  4. My brother and I were considering getting matching tatoo’s as soon as i turn 18 and had considered getting simply “brother” in sanskrit but i need to know how to write it first. Any help?


  5. To Nate:

    The stem form of “brother” in Devanagari (the script Sanskrit is commonly printed in today) is भ्रातृ (pronounced bhraatri). If it’s the subject of a sentence, it’s bhraataa: भ्राता . If you want to say “one who has a brother” you would say भ्रातृवलः (bhraatrivalaha). Or if you wanted to say, “brotherhood” or “fraternity,” you’d say भ्रात्र्यम् (bhraatryam). Happy birthday.


  6. Me again, my brother and I changed our idea, we would like to get the meaning of my sister nora’s name tatooed, which is honor. We paid for an online English to Sanskrit translation but I’m not confidet that it is correct as I don’t recognize many of the symbols used. It’d be a huge help if you could tell me how to write “honor” in Sanskrit.


  7. प्रियः हिमाशुंः,
    त्वया अतीव सुन्दरं पृष्ठं रचितं।
    नमस्ते च शुभकामनाः।


  8. Namonamah,
    I just discovered this blog and currently learning samskrit through Samskrita Bharati. Thanks for this effort.



  9. I have been searching for a long time on translated words written in Devanagari. I have come accross this page and are hoping that someone can help me.

    I have through a lot and my brother has always been there. So in his honor I want to get “older brother” or “Big Brother” as a tatto. If anyone can help that would be amazing. Thanks


  10. Also if someone can help me translating “Family streangh” or “Strong Family” “Close Family” any of these would be amazing.


  11. Hi everyone
    Sadar Pranam
    I am a Hindu pundit, If you need any kind of help related to Hinduism and Karam-Kand (Puja-Path)I am ready to do it.
    Shubham Bhuyaat.


  12. Sorry I forget to tell you that I am a Jyotish Aacharya (Hindu Vedic Astrologer). So i can help you that way too.


  13. श्रीकृष्णपन्डित,

    भवतः शुभसंदेशेभ्यः धन्यवादः| भवान् कुत्र वसति| वयं जानीमः श्रीकृष्णः तु सर्वत्र वसति किन्तु अस्मिन् काले भवान् कुत्र वसति किं स्थानं पवित्रं करोति च|

    अहं औस्ट्रेलियादेशे केन्बरानगरे वसामि|

    अहं मम वृत्तपत्रस्य अनुवादं करणस्य प्रयासं करिष्यामि| किन्तु अहं मन्ये अहम् अतीव सरला भाषा प्रयुज्ये तर्हि सर्वे बोधितुम् शक्नुयुः| तथापि प्रयासं करिष्यामि|

    कृपया पुनः लिखतु| यदि भवान् संस्कृतभाषायां लिखेत् तर्हि साधु भवेत्|

    त्रुटयः क्षमस्व|



  14. Pranam Himanshuji
    I am living in Canada, I am so sorry to tell you that i can’t help you to Anuvad anything.


  15. I am trying to find out how i would write the phrase “Love yourself” in sanskrit or a close tranlation I paid for three different translatins but they were all different…..any help would be appriciated!! thanks so much!!


  16. Hello all…if anyone could please help me with how to write “warrior” and “servant” in sanskrit script I would really appreciate it. Thanks


  17. Hi,

    Me and my girlfriend are planning to get our names tattooed in sanskit as a present to eachother for our 12 year wedding anniversaire. Im finding it difficult to find some1 to help me translate Bunty and Tinaz into sanskrit as my last family member that spoke/read it died a few years back. Appriciate it if some1 can help me out. Thanks in advance.


  18. हिमांशु: महोदयः
    भवतः जाल पुटे भवान् उत्तमतया संस्कृत भाषायाः प्रसारणं नानारित्या करोति। अहमपि भवतः जाल पुटं यदा समयं प्रप्यते तदा पश्यामि।
    अहं संस्कृत भरत्याः संस्कृतम् पठन् अस्मि।
    भवतः सतकार्यं सदा वर्धयेत्।
    अनेके धन्यवाधः


  19. Thank You very much for the translation. Bunty is spelt rong thou but can it still be used in the same way you have written?


  20. hi
    I do not know how it sounds. It is hard to figure out. Let us see whether I get it right.
    bunty – I thought it is sounds like bun and tea.
    tinaz – teen and added az at the end.
    If my guess is right then you can use my previous translation. If it is not right then you may have to try someone in person.


    1. Pranam! Mahoday…
      I guess he meant that the name bunty is to start with ‘b’ as in bear and not ‘BH’ as in Bhaloo….
      get the drift sir….
      Please do not impose your Bh on someones b…. 😉
      just Nirmal Aanand…..


  21. I am wondering if anyone can recommend a Sanskrit teacher or school in New York City. I am brand new to the language, but wish to learn to speak, read and write in Sanskrit.

    Thank you


  22. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew if there is a symbol or knows how the word Brother is written in Sanskrit. My younger brother has passed away 1 year ago tomorrow & I am trying to get this tattooed on my arm. This way I can carry him where ever I go, even though I still carry him in my heart.

    Thank you,


    1. Sorry about your brother’s demise Mia… hope you already have got tattooed what you intended to…. It’s been nearly 3 years since your post….but if you are still in waiting then… do check this site… They are very accurate…. Maybe someone from this forum may also be managing the site….
      Have a pleasant week ahead…. Take care…..


  23. Hi!
    Can someone please translate the following words
    Fahey ( pronounced “fay-he”)
    Sister and/or sisterhood
    Any word/symbol that has to do with the number three/trinity/tri/
    Also, i’ve heard that there are different names for the birth order of siblings…can i also have the names for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd born sisters in a family?
    Thank you so much! this site is fantastic!!!


  24. Hi,
    I was thinking about getting a tattoo involving “brother” & “mother”. And was hoping you could translate those words into a sentence for me?


  25. You people should stop asking about translations for tattoos. It is TACKY. And as for names, all you want is the Devanagri script, not the language Sanskrit. It’s easy to learn Stop bugging this guy and go learn it. Besides, he doesn’t know how to pronounce your weird hippie names, and the transliteration (YES! TRANSLITERATION, not translation) may come out wrong.



    1. Bitter? Why don’t you let “this guy” tell them to “stop bugging” him and keep your nose out of it. What the hell are you? His protector? I’m sure he is happy to help. The fact that you left a message with such a negative vibe is TACKY. Find something better to do with your time than to be so insulting.


      1. Dear Heidi,

        Our friend in not a protector but what I would call a well-wisher. Learning a new language takes time and he can see that I need all the time to learn the language itself. What most people ask me to do it relatively simple and he is suggesting that people can do those things by themselves.

        My point-of-view is that amongst all who ask for help with writing things in Devanagari script or translating into Sanskrit, even if one genuine soul is there who is encouraged to use Sanskrit for their own progress, I would consider my job well done.

        Sanskrit is a wonderful language and I am happy to do everything practical to promote it.

        In summary both of you have a valid point-of-view.




  26. I am trying to create a tattoo in sanskrit with the meaning “Strength of woman or great strength of women”. Unfortunately, it seems to be a difficult to receive an answer can someone help? I would like to compare answers prior to putting permanent marking on my body. Is there a script that is more delicate? Will follow up please send to email site given.


  27. I am trying to create a tattoo in sanskrit with the meaning “Strength of woman or great strength of women”. Unfortunately, it seems to be a difficult to receive an answer can someone help? I would like to compare answers prior to putting permanent marking on my body. Is there a script that is more delicate? Will follow up please send to email site given.


  28. Want to start your private office arms race right now?

    I just got my own USB rocket launcher 🙂 Awsome thing.

    Plug into your computer and you got a remote controlled office missile launcher with 360 degrees horizontal and 45 degree vertival rotation with a range of more than 6 meters – which gives you a coverage of 113 square meters round your workplace.
    You can get the gadget here: http://tinyurl.com/2qul3c

    Check out the video they have on the page.


    Marko Fando


  29. Paropakaraya Phalanti vriksha,
    Paroparakay vahanti nadyah,
    Paropakaratharthamidam shariram.
    Ho’nble Pora Mahabhag,
    Sadaram Pranatih,
    May Irequest to know how to start with Sanskrit Learning sequencially.


    1. Nam Myoho renge ko !
      I am so happy to read these words. It has been a long time since I’ve chanted those words and seeing them just now gave me a warm and uplifting feeling.
      daimoku to you!


      1. Ynfortunately, it’s a mantra uttered from a cultish sect of Soko Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism that believes that chanting that phrase will bring all sorts of samsaric, worldy goods. The motivation to be happy is human and good, but this form of Buddhism is dangerous as it is not rooted in any form of Buddhist knowledge and truth. There is too much grasping, as I quickly found. My happiness lay in the fact that it led me to find Tibetan Buddhism which has been a true gift. Peace to you all of you, like me, a sentient being, and I hope you find happiness and the sources of happiness.


      2. Unfortunately, it’s a mantra uttered from a cultish sect of Soko Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism that believes that chanting that phrase will bring all sorts of samsaric, worldy goods. The motivation to be happy is human and good, but this form of Buddhism is dangerous as it is not rooted in any form of Buddhist knowledge and truth. There is too much grasping, as I quickly found. My happiness lay in the fact that it led me to find Tibetan Buddhism which has been a true gift. Peace to you all of you, like me, a sentient being, and I hope you find happiness and the sources of happiness.


      3. Unfortunately, it’s a mantra uttered from a cultish sect of Soko Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism that believes that chanting that phrase will bring all sorts of samsaric, worldy goods. The motivation to be happy is human and good, but this form of Buddhism is dangerous as it is not rooted in any form of Buddhist knowledge and truth. There is too much grasping, as I quickly found. My happiness lay in the fact that it led me to find Tibetan Buddhism which has been a true gift. Peace to all of you, like me, a sentient being, and I hope you find happiness and the sources of happiness. ღ


  30. i dont know if anyone still uses this website… but, im so despersate.. ill try.. does any one know how to write KAMALA in sanskrit.

    thank you!


  31. hi there,

    my father passed away recently, and in his memory i want to get a tatoo that says ‘pitaajee’ or ‘pitaashree’. I can get pitaa, but i can’t find pitaajee or pitaashree anywhere. can anybody help me?


  32. I am having a hard time finding a reliable source for learning sanskrit, any suggestions as for at home studies. Can anyone tell me the definition of tattvadarzin? Thanks?


    1. The word tattvadarshin is used in second line of verse 34 in chapter 4 in Shreemad-Bhagavad-Geetaa. the verse is
      तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया |
      उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्त्वदर्शिनः ||
      This second line seems to lay down eligibility criteria for a person to be regarded as a precept or a teacher. A teacher has to be a ज्ञानिन् which means he has to be knowledgeable of the subject. But every person who knows a subject may not necessarily have the skill to explain it to a student. Hence the other criterion that he has to be तत्त्वदर्शिन् one who can demostrate the principle.
      This word तत्त्वदर्शिन् has two parts तत्त्व + दर्शिन्
      तत्त्व = the principle, often the fundamental principle or the fundamental. Philosophically this word तत्त्व has great import. By its etymology, the word means “that, which has the quality or characteristics of being ‘that’! This way, it means the principle, the fundamental principle!
      तत्त्व = तत् + त्व That is why you have done correct spelling by using two ‘t’s. The suffix त्व stands for “having quality” The main word तत् means ‘that’. Together, तत्त्व = तत् + त्व means quality of being that. But तत्त्व finally becomes a common noun and hence would have the extended meaning as “that, which has the quality or characteristics of being ‘that’! Any topic in any ‘knowledge’ would comprise of fundamental principles, तत्त्वानि e.g. axioms or theorems in geometry.
      दर्शिन् = one who has the capability to show, to demonstrate or to explain.
      A teacher of geometry should be able to explain all the theorems of geometry!
      By knowing for oneself, a person becomes ज्ञानी
      To be a teacher he should be able get down to the level of the student and bring the student from there. For that he has to be a तत्त्वदर्शिन्
      I love tis verse very much. To me in two lines this verse summarises the whole science of education – the first line explaining the science and methodology of learning and the second line summarising the essentials of teaching, together the whole science of education – in just two lines!!

      What a scripture Geetaa is !! The principles elucidated there are universally valid. Humanity has been misled by those who called it as a scripture of the Hindus. Geetaa nowhere says it is only for Hindus or only of Hindus.


  33. I apologize in advance for this but I am hoping it wouldnt be a terrible inconvenience for you to type the below words for me in sanskrit the first few are obviously already translated by the other section in english needs translating. Thank you so very much.

    apasmarapurusa, prabhamandala, trilochana, agni, alankarapriyo.

    ganges’ immortality
    elephant’s pride
    tiger’s lust


  34. अपस्मारपुरुष, प्रभामण्डल, त्रिलोचन, अग्नि, अलन्कारप्रियो
    ganges’ immortality गङ्गायाः अमरत्वम्
    elephant’s pride हस्तिनः गर्वः
    tiger’s lust व्याघ्रस्य मदः


  35. नमस्ते ! I have a question. I see two translations for “good morning” (as a greeting): सुप्रभातम्‌ and सुप्रभात . Pray tell, what is the difference between the two? Which one is better for a morning-time greeting?

    You put in a lot of work on this website, dealing with lots of silly questions. I feel for you. If you ever want to learn Chinese, I’m a professional translator and can help.
    स्वस्ति , मङ्‌गलं भूयात्‌



  36. ># maya Says:
    >October 18th, 2007 at 11:55 pm
    >hi there,
    >my father passed away recently, and in his memory i want
    >to get a tatoo that says ‘pitaajee’ or ‘pitaashree’. I can get
    >pitaa, but i can’t find pitaajee or pitaashree anywhere. can
    >anybody help me?

    pitaajee = पिताजी

    pitaashree = पिताश्री

    Hope this helps…

    – Ravindranath


  37. ># Heirabbit Says:
    >October 28th, 2007 at 5:36 pm

    >नमस्ते ! I have a question. I see two translations for “good
    >morning” (as a greeting): सुप्रभातम्‌ and सुप्रभात . Pray tell, what
    >is the difference between the two? Which one is better for
    >a morning-time greeting?
    >You put in a lot of work on this website, dealing with lots of
    >silly questions. I feel for you. If you ever want to learn
    >Chinese, I’m a professional translator and can help.
    >स्वस्ति , मङ्‌गलं भूयात्‌


    Hi Ian,

    I think, सुप्रभातम is the right word to use. I am not a scholar of samskrit (leave alone ever learning it). However most of the indian languages are derived from samskrit. सुप्रभात looks like a hindi version of सुप्रभातम

    Best regards,


  38. There is nothing tacky about admiration in my opinion. I have a few tattoos, 2 of them in other languages. People should always evolve throughout life; and their tattoos are subject to evolve with them. There is also nothing wrong with people, especially the young, to have interest and the need or passion to learn of other beliefs and philosophies, religions or cultures; it should be encouraged, not scrutinized. And, even if it is just a trendy phase in life – we all go through it at one time in our life, some more than others. Again, it is their time to learn, not yours to judge.


    1. protect me ; pAhi mAm, or rakSha mAm; e.g. the famous mantra to Shiva, meaning the “auspicious” aspect of the undefinable Lord

      chandrashekhara chandrashekhara chandrashekhara rakSha mAm
      chandrashekhara chandrashekhara chandrashekhara pAhi mAm

      Guide me ; naya, from the root to lead, e.g. very common in RgVeda, : Agne naya supathA rAye asmAn: Agni, Sacred Fire, lead us, guide us, on auspicious paths that lead to great treasures.


  39. namaste

    I would like to translate the words ‘ collect, skill, hobby,nice and ivvaru , avvaru, (tamil). Kindly someone help me.


  40. Hi there,

    I am searching for the Sanskirt translation of two words that hold great meaning in my life. Can anyone help me translate the words, Integrity and Perseverance?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.


  41. Hi there,

    I am searching for the Sanskrit translation of two words that hold great meaning in my life. Can anyone help me translate the words, Integrity and Perseverance?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.


  42. Hello- I am in need of finding the following words translated into sanskrit, can anyone please assist me with this?

    Good thoughts
    Good words
    Good deads

    Thank you so much!


    1. good thoughts, good words, good deeds

      Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta in Avestan, if are seeking the equivalent of the Zorastrian mahAvAkya!

      In that specific case,

      Humata : sumata, otherwise good thoughts could also be, sumanas

      Hukta : su-ukta; sUkta

      Hvarshta ; su-rSti, but this construct not common in Skt., sukrti more intelligible.


  43. i really loved studying hinduism in school and found the bhagavad gita very, very inspiring..especially when arjuna is grieving over the inevitability of life and death. he was told, “thou hast no cause to grieve”. how would you write that in sanskrit?


  44. hello and thank you in advance.
    can someone please give me the sanskrit version of;
    everything happens for a reason

    thank you.


  45. Wonderful. So much helpful for me. After several years I am trying to read something in Sanksrit and am so happy that I can understand quite a lot. And this site is very helpful for me.

    Ahamapi 7-8 varshapoorve ekah sanskrita bhashayah vidyarthi abhavam. adhya aham sanskritabhasham samyak na janami tu kinchit kinchit broken sambhashanam karushaknomi. ayam website bahu sahayakam asti. Anekani dhanyavadani..


  46. Can someone please give me the sanskrit version of ; Edin, Emina, Edina, Halida, Zulfo=) and maybe translate rihannas tattoo ? 😀


  47. Hi everyone,
    I’d like to get a phrase tattood for my 18th birthday, but it would also be a reminder to some family members who have passed away.. I was thinking of getting ‘all that is mine I carry with me’ in sanskrit, referring to some precious memories that will always stay mine and that no one can take away from me =) I hope some one can help me with this, I live in Belgium so I apologize for my bad English.
    Regards, Stephanie


  48. Hello everyone,
    I would like to recieve a tattoo representing my family, I cant really decide on which idea to use but can you help me translate a few things…



    1. “sister” = (translation): स्वसृ, स्वसर् & (transliteration): सिस्टर;
      “mother” = (translation): मातृ, माता & (transliteration): मदर;
      “father” = (translation): पितृ, पिता & (transliteration): फादर;
      “family” = (translation): कुटुम्भम & (transliteration): फॅमिली;
      “Roseanne” = (transliteration): रोझीन;


  49. नमस्ते Shradhyeya Pota Magabhat,
    Ativ sumonoharam Jagvritanta pristah Bhavanah prakashita. Bhavdeeyoh anusaranam kritva Aravindo Ashramah Sabda Prakashitah Saral Sanskritam Sariniyam ahamPathami. Idam mam saral Sanskrit Lekhanam Abhasah. Agre bhavdeeyoh margdarshanah prarthneeyam.
    Sadhuvadam sadhuvadam Cha te.


  50. Hi,
    I come from Poland and I’m getting married soon and my future husband wants tattoo with my name written in sanskrit Please for help 🙂 if it is possible can you translate “Anna” for me Thanks


  51. Hey!
    I’m wanting to get a tattoo is Europe this summer and wanted a translation of “live.” In a way that means to live, to be full of life, to enjoy life, etc. Any help would be much appreciated!!


      1. Hi can anyone tell me how to write the work Karma in Sanskrit? I want it to be written in the sense of the meaning where it says what goes around come around.


  52. Hi, i am needing the name MAYA written in sanskrit? are you able to help me with this?

    Also the meaning behind the name & how it is correctly pronounced. i have always thought it to be said as MY-ah


  53. Hello anyone, I would really appreciate help with this – Im having a tattoo done in sanskrit script and need to translate ‘ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE’. All help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks


  54. i would like to learn to speak and write Sanskrit. I speak only English but would love to study the Vedas & Upanishads in originality. thanx.


  55. hello can you translate the numbers one to ten in sanskrit
    as it is for a tattoo of my children’s birthdays.thank you.


  56. Hey, my best friend and I have just turned 18 and would both like to get the words ‘shine your light’ as a tattoo. If someone could translate this for me that would be great.


  57. i would like to tattoo my name in sanskrit…
    would very much appreciate it if anyone could help me out.thanks alot


  58. Hi i am desprately in need of the translation of these sentences from English to Sanskrit:

    What Doesn’t Kill Me Only Makes Me Stronger

    My Family, With Me Always

    Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

    Your help would be HUGELY appreciated.
    Thank You 🙂


  59. Hi there,
    I was hoping that someone might be able to write sisters, or sisterhood. I am also looking for strength, and beautiful life. Thanks for the help.


  60. Hi,
    I am very interested in Sanskrit, is there anyone who can tell me how to write “I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind” and also “Be the change you wish to see in the world” ?
    Thank you in advance for the help


  61. Hello, can someone please translate ‘chiliboy’ it’s the nickname of someone dear to my heart.
    Appreciate any help I could get.


  62. Hi im sure you are sick of all these comments but i would be very grateful if some come Transliterate/translate the name “Stuart” into Sanskrit – script??? thank you x 🙂


  63. नमस्कार,

    I have been hearing since childhood that sanskrit (sanskrut?) is the most suitable language for computer programming. Can any expert (pandit) shed some light on this ? Is there a sanskrit compiler available ? Is there a published language specification ? Or have I misinterpreted the statement ?



    1. Dear Anand,

      I am also interested in finding out more about the potential of sanskrit to be a compiler. Did you find anything? I have heard that NASA was doing some research on this topic to use it as a voice controller for space walking equipment; since it is much less ambiguous than English.



  64. Sanskit is written in the devnagari skript.
    Pop, below is how to write stuart in Devnagari.
    This is just a Transliteration. (I dont know the meaning of Stuart)

    स्ट्युअर्ट or स्टुअर्ट


  65. A good friend of mine is getting the phrase “What we do in life echoes through eternity” etched in stone to remember a loved one who was studying Sanskrit before he passed away. Could you translate this for me? This is a gift and I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!


  66. hello. im having a hard time on this unicode. my computer is broken so i am using computers in internet cafes. they dont allow me to download programs to enable me to read sanskrit. i would be most greatful if you can give me a screenshot of the sanskrit symbols for jai guru deva om.


  67. rahul breh, is you can please upload a picture for the text of the line jai guru deva om, i would deeply appreciate it. please help me.


  68. hi
    as a tribute to my mother i want to tattoo the sentence “namaste, mother” or “i love you, mother” in sanskrit.
    i was wondering if anyone could translate these sentences for me.
    Thank you


  69. Namaste, Mother – हे मातः नमस्ते| (he maata namaste)
    Mother, I love you – हे मातः अहं त्वयि स्निह्यामि| (he maata ahaM tvayi snihyaami)



  70. Sorry one more thing. How would you say

    I will see you in another life (younger) brother.

    My brother just passed away on the 8th. It has been a big blow to my family. I would like to get this in remembrance that this is just one life and I will see him again soon.


  71. हे कनीयन् भ्रातः आवयोः जन्मजन्मान्तरस्य सम्बन्धः अस्ति पुनः मेलितास्वः|
    On younger brother, our bond is for life and after life, we will meet again.


    1. Himanshu, how would you say, ‘Our bond transcends all realms of reality..Always and forever.’
      Also how would you write the birth date 23/05/45. And finally how would you write ‘Always in my heart’
      I would like to get some sort of variation of the above tattooed on myself for my father who recently passed away.

      Your help wuold be greatly appreciated

      Many thanks, Risha


  72. Hello my name is Mohi and I was wondering if someone can write out the words “LIVE LAUGH LOVE” in sanskrit and send it to my e-mail address which is mohiawal@yahoo.ca it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again


  73. Hi i would like to get a tatoo in sanskrit in memory to my grand parents. in sanskrit because they where hindu. would like some urgent help to translate this for me please : ” there is no death, only a change of world” or “there is no death but a change of world” thanks a lot for helping me! have to get my tatoo before to go back to my island!! thank u


  74. Hi, I would like to know how my name, DERRICK, is written in Sanskrit (Devanagari)? Any help that you could give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, Derrick


  75. Hello, I would like to know how would you write ” God’s Love Conquers All Fear” in sanskrit. It is for a tattoo the I would like to get. Thank you


      1. Could someone kindly translate the sanskrit meaning of :

        an asti saha
        an asti iti saha
        (anastasia )

        Thank you


      1. First it is to be pronounced as ‘a na sh Ta’

        T as in ‘tumbler’ not as in ‘thermometer’
        sh as in ‘shop’

        anaSTa = a + naSTa

        which means ‘cannot be made naSTa’

        naSTa means lost,wasted,destroyed,corrupted,fruitless,spoiled etc.
        anaSTa means unimpaired,undestroyed,uncorrupted,fresh etc.


  76. Hello, I would love to know what the sanskrit translation of “A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages” is. It’s a tattoo im seriously considering of getting. Thanks so much for your help!


  77. I am in need of a translation, well a couple.
    Can someone translate “tyler” “February 2, 2004” and “mcKenna” “April 29, 2005” for me please?
    Also, does anyone know the sanskrit translation for
    “I hope you dance”?
    Thanks so much in advance!


  78. Hi just wondering if anyone could help…

    Im wondering if someone could translate

    “love will tear us apart ”

    ” Somehow or other I’ll be famous, and if not famous, I’ll be notorious”

    into sanskrit??

    Thankyou soooo much 🙂 x


  79. Hi, for personal reasons I wanted to know the sanskrit script for any or all of the following:
    “Be the change you want to see in the world”

    I would gladly appreciate it, I find it beautiful. Please, if you’re going to help, don’t translate it to really say something horrible.. i’ve heard its happened. Thank you so much, my email address is NicoleMichelle43@aol.com. That’s the best way to reach me. Thanks again


  80. Hey,
    I was wondering if someone could write “one life” in sanskrit for me, I would greatly appreciate it.


  81. Hello…

    I was hoping that I would be able to get sanskrit scripture for ‘everything happens for a reason’ …

    Only if that is possible,

    Thank you very much 🙂


    1. “everything happens for a reason” is best stated in the first line of Shloka 21 of Adhyaaya 13 of Bhagavadgeetaa
      कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वे हेतुः प्रकृतिरुच्यते ।
      To be read as –
      Kaarya-KaaraNa-kartrutve hetuh prakruti-r’uchyate.
      Cause and Action make the very purpose of existence of “Nature”. “Nature” is to be understood as all the material world.
      One should rather dwell upon three shlokas 20-22 together.
      प्रकृतिं पुरुषं चैव विद्ध्यनादी उभावपि |
      विकारांश्च गुणांश्चैव विद्धि प्रकृतिसम्भवान् ||१३-२०||
      कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वे हेतुः प्रकृतिरुच्यते |
      पुरुषः सुखदुःखानां भोक्तृत्वे हेतुरुच्यते ||१३-२१||
      पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थो हि भुङ्क्ते प्रकृतिजान्गुणान् |
      कारणं गुणसङ्गोऽस्य सदसद्योनिजन्मसु ||१३-२२||
      Great Indian philosopher Gurudev Ranade (1886-1957) observed that realm of philosophy deals in three broad subjects – metaphysics, ethics and spiritualism. Much of this Adhyaaya (Chapter) 13 dwells on Metaphysics and details relevance of Prakruti (Nature) and Purush (The Soul) as two prominent entities of metaphysics. (प्रकृतिं पुरुषं चैव विद्ध्यनादी उभावपि |)

      To be replete with vices and virtues (rather, good and bad effects) is inherent to Prakruti (Nature) विकारांश्च गुणांश्चैव विद्धि प्रकृतिसम्भवान् ||१३-२०||

      Because, cycles of causes and actions is inherent to Prakruti (कार्यकारणकर्तृत्वे हेतुः प्रकृतिरुच्यते |)

      When the Soul resides in Prakruti, (पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थो हि)
      it manifests the characteristics inherent to such residence (भुङ्क्ते प्रकृतिजान्गुणान्)
      and hence gets into the cycles of causes and actions (कारणं गुणसङ्गोऽस्य सदसद्योनिजन्मसु)
      and in turn has to experience the sorrows and happinesses (पुरुषः सुखदुःखानां भोक्तृत्वे हेतुरुच्यते)

      This is just a glimpse to appreciate why Geetaa is a great scripture!!


  82. Hi.

    Can someone please help me find out what the sanskrit symbol meaning sister is? I would really appreciate it.


  83. Hi
    can someone give me the translation of:
    “Be the change you wish to see in the world” in sanskrit please?

    many thanks xx


  84. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – yat parivartanam vishve draShTum icchhasi tat tvameva bhava|

    यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव |


    1. Dear Mr Pota,
      Having started to read the translation of the Rig Veda and being very much interested in the earlier Vedic traditions and hymns I wonder if it would be possible for you to provide me with the translation of यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव (Be the change you wish to see in the world) in Vedic Sanskrit.
      Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.


  85. Is it possible to translate initials into Sanskrit? I would like to translate LG.

    Additionally, is there a sanskrit translation for “doctor”.
    Thank you.


  86. hello everyone. I’m looking for the source of this quote:

    “Everyone is controlled by money.”

    I saw this once on a Hinduism related website that I cannot find again. I would like to know where it comes from so that I can read the context. This is for a writing project I am working on.

    Thank you. If anyone recognizes this quote, please write to me at: itsaboutspace@hotmail.com


  87. Hello everyone I am looking for these words in sanskrit:
    Truth (sat)
    Justice….in sanskrit can you please help me…thanks


  88. hi…how do u write om namah shivaya and lotus springs from mud in sanskrit….also…what are the rules of having the single line or double line markings in between or at the end of phrases or words….

    thank u!


  89. hi i was wondering how do you write “peace and happiness”?
    also how would you write “love, honour and respect”?


  90. ॐ नमो शिवाय – Aum namo shivaaya
    पङ्कजं पङ्कात् जायते – lotus springs from mud
    शान्तिः सुखः – peace happiness
    प्रेम मानः आदरः – love honour respect


  91. can i please have the translation for ‘the beautiful life’ sorry to ask, but im thinking of doing an art project based on the text or in italian text, la bella vita. Thanks


  92. At least the part of the Rihanna’s tattoo that I can see is:
    क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः – although incorrectly written. It means forgiveness, honesty, suppression, and control. These four words are from verse 4 of the tenth chapter of Gita – a holy scripture of Hindus.

    I cannot guess that which is hidden!


  93. hello everyone..

    im getting a tattoo and am finding it difficult to translate love conquers all into sanskrit..

    can anyone help me please, i would be very gratfull
    thank you


  94. Himanshu Pota,

    I am impressed with your knowledge of Sanskrit… Could you please help me to translate 4 words that I am getting tattooed on me soon. They are…


    This was the translation someone gave me…Are they correct?

    Faith = श्रद्धा

    Serenity = मानसिकशांति

    Breath = श्वास

    Be = भव

    Thank you SO much for your help!


  95. Hi Himanshu Pota,

    I would like to ask if you could kindly help me translate “soul-mate” into sanskrit?

    I appreciate your help.



  96. Hi Himanshu,

    I just saw these postings, and it’s something that I’ve been thinking of because of my belated and only sister. I saw “On younger brother, our bond is for life and after life, we will meet again.” and I wanted to know how you would you say

    “My sister, our bond is for life and after life, we will meet again” in sanskrit?

    Thank you, I really appreciate it!!!


  97. Hi, could you please translate:

    Love conquers all

    it would be greatly appreciated, I’m having troubles finding real translation. Its for a tattoo. Thank you


  98. Hi,

    I would just like to know how you would spell in sanskrit, the word love and family. I apologize for taking your time on this, but it would really help me out.

    Thank You for your time.


  99. I’m getting some tattoo’s but would like them in Sanskirt!
    Please could someone translate…

    Forgiveness, honesty, suppression, and control

    There is no death, only a change of world

    All around the world and back again

    Freedom in god

    This would be really appreciated, many thanks x


  100. I am getting a tatoo in memory of a friend of mine that was recently killed. In her eulogy, I described her as a warrior. She was studying yoga and part of that study was to learn mantras in sanskrit. Will you translate warrior in sanskrit for me?
    Thanks so much!


  101. What an awsome blog page. So many people helping each other and its good to see.
    I have recently broken out of an 11 year drug addiction and i am looking to have ‘Inner strength’ as a tattoo to remind me of the things we can achieve when we believe in ourselves. I am toying with the ideas of either Sanskrit, Arabic, Hindi or Hebrew. Is there anyone out there who could help me with the translations and then i can decide which i like the most. Sanskrit is my most favored, but having not seen the translatons for the others it is difficult to decide.
    Many thanks


  102. Could someone please tell me the correct sanskrit writing for ‘Integrity’? I was told शुद्धता was correct for that. I’m thinking about getting it tattooed and it would be quite stupid when it was written wrongly. Thanks in advance!


  103. hi first of all in sanskrit what is the meaning of my full name,
    i always do pooja so in sanskrit reading slokes and mantras i have a difficulty to speak i know hindi but some word i didnot understand like valmiki ramayan in sanskrit.so i didnot get it how i do it at easy way.


  104. Hi I would like to do a tattoo of the mantra Chamanalaya chamaya. I would like to know how to find it in sanskrit. Can I use the sanskrit’s letters of the word (I have them in sanskrit). Will it to the same or will it have a different meaning???
    Thanks for so much for your help.


  105. i was just curious as to what bull looks like written in sanskirt.
    if some one could help me out that would be very much appreciated =)


  106. Hi would it be possible to translate this in sanskrit?

    Lead us from darkness to light
    From ignorance to truth
    And from death to eternity

    Many thanks!


    1. This is a holy ‘Shaanti mantra’ or ‘Peace mantra’ from the upanishads.

      asatOmA satgamaya | -> from untruth move into truth
      tamasOmA jOtirgamaya | -> from darkness move into light
      mrtyOmA amrtamgamaya | -> from death move into immortality
      OM S’AntiH S’AntiH S’AntiH || -> let there be peace within you, around you and within peace

      It is sung in the end of the movie the matrix revolution i.e matrix part 3.


  107. Hello I have a very dear Hindu patient that is terminally ill that I’m currently caring for who reads the bhagavad gita daily. My colleges and I wish to make on a silk cloth for her a verse that she has often read to us.

    Can you please transliterate the following?

    Knowledge, forgiveness, compassion, honesty, control, happiness, birth, death, fear, fearlessness, equanimity, contentment, austerity, charity, fame, infamy

    All these qualities originate from me alone

    What we do in life echoes through eternity

    Thank you very much. (We hope to get it made for her before she passes)


  108. Hi can you please translate this THANKU


    & with a space could you just seperate each word
    thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


  109. hi i would like to get a quote by gandhi translated from english to sanskrit its “MY LIFE IS MY MESSAGE”… it means soo much to me and i would like to have it tattooed… thank you soo much.


  110. Hello. I’m thinking abot getting a tattoo so could anyone help me translate “Nothing Else Matters” into sanskrit???
    Thank you!!!


  111. i was wondering how to say and write
    “My Family, With Me Always” in sanskrit. If anybody could help me out that would be great 🙂 thank you!


  112. my aunts buddist name was karuna she died of cancer last january as the date of her death is coming up i want to get a tattoo of her name if someone could please let me know how to write it i would be so happy.
    thank you


  113. Hi, I have 3 sisters and we would like a tatoo that symbolizes sisters so we thought the word sister in sanskrit would be beautiful,could you please help me with that? Thank you!


  114. Hi,
    I’m looking at getting a tattoo in sanskrit and I want to have ‘mommy daddy and jackson’ written. If you can help me, it’ll be awesome!!


  115. Hi,
    I’m thinking of getting a tattoo with this Buddhist mantra:

    Lead us from darkness to light
    From ignorance to truth
    And from death to eternity

    Could someone translate it for me please?
    Much thanks!!


  116. Hi I Am Looking To Get A Tattoo Down My Side Similar To Rihanna’s However With A Different Meaning,,
    Can Anybody Tell Me How To Write The Following In Sanskrit;
    Many Thanks


  117. Hi, i would like to get my sons name tattooed on me in sanskrit, could some one help me please translate it. His name is Jai. Thank You!


  118. Could you please translate:
    सह निश्चयेन, बलेन विनम्रत्वेन च

    It is suppose to mean “with determination, strength, and humility”

    I just want to make sure.
    Please e-mail allie_007@hotmail.com with the answer.


  119. Hi! I apologize if this question has already been asked, but I wuold love to know what the translation is for this sanskrit prayer? I know part of it is is not showing but here is a picture, perhaps if the first few words could be translated?

    thank you so much in advance!


  120. I recently lost a brother. In memory of him I wish to tatto the word brother on me. If it were you that wanted to rmember him which word for Brother in Sanskrit would you use? The root word? the word for Brotherhood?

    Could you please send me the word via email in Sanskrit.

    Kindest Regards, Derek


  121. I want my name written in Sanskrit. My name is Danielle. What is the translation if anything. Thank you for all of your help.



    1. jiivanam sundaram – जीवनं सुन्दरम्
      jiivanam shobhanam – जीवनं शोभनम्
      jiivanam divyam – जीवनं दिव्यम्


      1. what is the differences in them?
        also if u want it reading down in a tattoo
        how wood u write it properly?


  122. Hello Himanshu,

    You’re a very generous and helpful guy, it has to be said.

    I recently had my first daughter – her name translates as “Fathers Joy”

    I was hoping you could help translate to sanskrit (devanagari).

    Thanks for looking


    1. पितुः आनन्दः – pituh aanandah

      Congratulations on getting a lovely daughter. I am sure she will be a great joy till she turns 13 and after she has a child of her own. My commiserations for having to suffer in between.


  123. Can someone please give me a correct translation of the following quote: “A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages”.

    It’s for a tattoo.

    Thank you very much!!


    1. अहं मन्ये तमिलभाषया घजिनि इति किन्तु संस्कृतभाषया रजनी इति अस्ति|


  124. hello. ive been trying to find the translation for “that which does not kill me makes me stronger” in sanskrit but cannot find it anywhere!! could you help me out!!?? thanks so much


  125. hello. ive been trying to find the translation for “that which does not kill me only makes me stronger” in sanskrit but cannot find it anywhere! could anyone help me out? thanks so much


  126. I would greatly appreciate if someone could show me how to write strength faith and hope in Sanskrit?? Do you also have to put the “:” symbol if you just want the words to stand alone ?


  127. I would greatly appreciate if someone could show me how to write strength faith and hope in Sanskrit?? Do you also have to put the “:” symbol if you just want the words to stand alone ??


  128. Can somebody translate the words “fighting spirit”, “willpower”, “dignity,pride” ( I’m searching for a word that includes both of these two meanings) for me? I want to get a tattoo and I’m searching for so long now to find the translation 🙂 Thanking you in anticipation!


  129. Can somebody translate the words “fighting spirit”, “willpower”, “dignity,pride” ( I’m searching for a word that includes both of these two meanings) for me? I want to get a tattoo and I’m searching for so long now to find the translation 🙂 Thanking you in anticipation!!


  130. im getting “that which does not kill me only makes me stronger” in sanskrit for a tattoo. could you tanslate that and make it go vertical. im wanting it down my spine! thanks again!!


  131. Sorry to be a pest but it looks like I finally found a site to answer my query.
    I am popping my tattoo cherry with the saying ‘Faith over Fear’ and am looking for a translation into Sanskrit, if anyone can help I’d be hugely appreciative, thank you


  132. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could write “He will never put more on me than I can bare” or “He’ll never put more on me than I can bare” in sanskrit please, I want to get a tattoo of it for my birthday, could you send the response to sta1jacks@yahoo.com


  133. Hi, i was wondering if you could translate

    “falling is the first step in learning how to fly.”



    Thank you so much


  134. Ally

    “Family” is – कुलं or वंशः
    “Blessed” as in “fortunate” is something like – शुभ or भाग्यवत् depending on the context. There are other words like पुन्य or पवित्र for “holy” or “pure”

    “falling is the first step in learning how to fly” is beyond my capability. Sorry


  135. hey i would like “peaceful change” in sanskrit and if you know anyone who could translate “peace” and
    “truth lies from within in you” from english to arabic
    i would be much appreciated.


  136. hi i would like somebody to translate me two phrases in sanskrit(both ways)
    1.life is gambling
    2.dont do what you dont want others do to you
    plz translate in the shortest way
    thank you very much


  137. Hi Himanshu,
    I really don’t know how you have such great patience answering everybody….i was hoping you could translate ‘all that is mine i carry with me’ which holds alot of meaning for me at the moment.

    Thanks so much, Laura


  138. Hi
    its me again.
    i found these translations for laughter:

    हास haasa m. laughter
    हसन hasana n. laughter
    हसित hasita n. laughter
    हास्य haasya n. m. laughter

    i wanted “laughter is the best medicine” tattooed on my wirst but i think thats to long for a wrist. so i decided to just go with laughter.

    which one would be best suited for that quote?

    Again sorry to bother you and thank you!


  139. Hey! I would greatly appreciate it if someone could translate the following terms into sanskrit

    Peace, Love, Prosperity. Namaste.

    thank you so much!


  140. Hi! Could some please translate “born of fire” into sanskrit for me?

    Thanks and I really appreciate the help!


  141. Hi I wanted to translate my daughters birthdate into sanskrit her birthday is December 12 2005 also needed the words “my heart” translated as well
    thankyou so much for you help


  142. Hello, I was wondering how to write out the following words in Sanskrit:


    Thank you so much.


      1. Neither perseverance nor patience is Dhairyam.

        If perseverance is “to be at it with a passion and undeterred” then it should be dRuDhataa दृढता

        And patience as tolerance or “capacity to bear” should be sahana-sheelataa सहनशीलता.

        Patience as forbearance or “capacity to wait” should be dhRutiH धृतिः

        dhairyam धैर्यम् is boldness or “mental strength to face a challenge”.


  143. Hey!!! Himanshu Pota I wonder if you could help me out with a little thing! since you a pro writing sanskrit im wondering if you could write this : forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control” cause im doing a tatto and i really want that in sanskrit the text! So PLEASE it would mean so much to me if you could be so kind and let me know how to spell it in sanskrit. cause i was thinking to copy it and then go to the person who does my tattoo so i could have it.

    Btw why does it says that rihannas tatoo is incorreclty written? isn’t it suppose to be forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control”??? anyways i hope you do it right for me.

    And please get back to me as soon as possible.
    Thank you// Sara=).


    1. forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control

      क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः – kshamaa satyam damah shamah

      This is from the fourth verse of the tenth chapter of the Gita.

      From memory there is a “spelling” mistake in the tattoo of that singer.

      I have a request, please get this tattoo done on a part of your body which is associated with spirituality or intellect and not physicality.



  144. hey caremena
    i think HASYA will be the best for ue wrist.
    i am a student and am learning sanskrit for the past 5 years.


  145. shri himanshu ko pranam
    namah sarvebhyah
    himanshuji main sanskritki kahaniyaan aur books padhna chahta hoon. internet par kya aisi stories uplabdha hain ?
    isi prakr main sanskrit ko bahut padhna chahta hoon aur snatak banana chahta hoon. kya mujhe internet par ya kahin aur aisi suvudhayein uplabdha hain? main india mein rehta hoon.


  146. Hi, Please could you tell me how to write my daughter’s name Nemina in sanskrit. It would mean a huge amount to me I’ve been trying for 3 years to find out how to write it! Thanks & Kind Regards


  147. Hi, I was just wondering whether you could translate these words for me in sanskrit: Peace Love & Respect.

    I would like to get this as a tattoo so i want to be certain it matches the other translations that i’ve got.
    Your help would be much appreciated.



  148. Hi, can you please let me know the translation for “COMPUTER” in sanskrit (can u provide the english pronunciation too)


    1. यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव | yat parivartanam vishve draShTum icchhasi tat tvameva bhava.


  149. hi, i was wondering if you could translate this into sanskrit for me:

    ‘what goes around comes back around’
    could you also translate
    ‘my hero’



    1. ‘what goes around comes back around’

      यत् परिवर्तते तत् आवर्तते – yat parivartate tat aavartate

      could you also translate
      ‘my hero’ – This depends on what you mean by ‘hero’, a brave person or a motivation or one of the many other connotations:
      मम वीरः – mama viiraH


  150. How do you translate independence? Thanks so much for your time and consideration. Have a good one. Look forward to hearing back. Best, Reed


  151. I was wondering if someone could let me know how to write Love, honesty and compassion in sanskrit? thanks so much!!!!


  152. himanshuji ko mera pranam !
    himanshu ji agar hamein computer par sanskrit type karni ho to hum kaise karein?
    iske liye koi software hai to hum uska praog kaise karein?
    kripya sahayata karein. dhanyavaad


  153. himanshuji
    main sanskrit ka ek safak vakta banana chahta hoon.
    mujhe uske liye kya prayas karna chahiye?
    main school ki 11 class mein padhta hoon.
    mujhe sanskrit ki shiksha grahan karte huye 5 varsh ho gaye.


  154. I am looking to have “laughter”…or “he who laughs” translated into sanskrit. It is the meaning of my sons name. Thank you.


  155. Hi I’d love if you could help me translate something for me for a tattoo.
    “I am my love’s and my love is mine, who browses among the lilies.”


    1. I am my love’s and my love is mine, who browses among the lilies

      अहं मम प्रियतमायाः अस्मि मम प्रियतमा मम अस्ति, या कुमुदमध्ये विचरति | – aham mama priyatamasya asmi mama priyatamaa mama asti, yaa kumudamadhye vicarati (I – male, my love – female)
      अहं मम प्रियतमस्य अस्मि मम प्रियतमः मम अस्ति, यः कुमुदमध्ये विचरति | – aham mama priyatamaayaah asmi mama priyatamah mama asti, yah kumudamadhye vicarati (I – female, my love – male)


  156. Hello Sir,
    can u help me translate this to sanskrit, this is for my parents

    ” mother father, you will always be with me”
    thank you for ur time and kindness in advance sir


    1. हे मातः हे पितः भवन्तौ मया सह सदैव स्थास्यतः – he maatah he pitah bhavantau mayaa saha sadaiva sthaasyatah
      हे मातः हे पितः भवन्तौ सदैव मम हृदये स्थास्यतः – he maatah he pitah bhavantau mama hRRidaye sthaasyatah (live in my heart)


  157. Hi, I would appreciate if you can help me to translate “Devotion, forgiveness, Gratitude”. After a near death experience these words came to me through meditation, and I would like to have these words so I can frame and hang them up to see every day.
    Thank you for your time.


  158. hello.
    i’ve been searching everywhere for the correct way to write:
    mother, father, sister, brother. – in sanskrit
    if you could help me out that would be great!
    many thanks.


  159. himanshu ji agar hamein computer par sanskrit type karni ho to hum kaise karein?
    iske liye koi software hai to hum uska prayog kaise karein?
    kripya sahayata karein. dhanyavaad


  160. Hello!
    Can you please translate this into sanskrit: “What does not kill me makes me stronger”

    Thank you =)


    1. What does not kill me makes me stronger
      यत् मां न विनश्यति तत् मां बलीयासं करोति – yat maam na vinashyati tat maam baliiyaasam karoti (male speaker)
      यत् मां न विनश्यति तत् मां बलीयसीं करोति – yat maam na vinashyati tat maam baliiyasiim karoti (female speaker)


  161. hi, i was just wondering if you could translate the words ‘Dawn’ and ‘Paul’ into sanskrit for me as i would really like to get the correct translation for a tattoo??
    thanks,it is much appreciated.


  162. hi again, i was also just wondering if you could translate ‘i am my loves and my love is mine’ and just the words ‘my love’… thank you so much, sorry for requesting more from you..


    1. I am my love’s and my love is mine

      अहं मम प्रियतमायाः अस्मि मम प्रियतमा मम अस्ति | – aham mama priyatamasya asmi mama priyatamaa mama asti (I – male, my love – female)
      अहं मम प्रियतमस्य अस्मि मम प्रियतमः मम अस्ति | – aham mama priyatamaayaah asmi mama priyatamah mama asti (I – female, my love – male)
      ‘Dawn’ – डोन
      ‘Paul’ – पोल


  163. Hi.

    I am going to get a tatoo soon and I saw in a website the word Brijabala meaning daughter of nature, I don’t know if this is correct but if so, can you please tell me how to write brijabala in sanskrit or a word with a similar meaning??

    thank you!


    1. Brijbala = Brij + Bala.
      Brij is the name of the place where Lord Krishna was born. Bala means a young lady. The name actually refers to Lord Krishna’s beloved, Radha, who was considered one of the most beautiful women in her time.
      Brijbala is written in Sanskrit as बृजबाला


  164. Can you give me the writteSanskrit translation of
    Be still and know that I am God
    thank you
    I want to get a tattoo with that


  165. Please could you translate the following for me (both in sanskrit script and sanskrit in english script:

    only god can judge me
    my soul is eternal
    Sharvi (name)
    My Art is Freedom

    Thankyouvery much


  166. I was wondering if I could get two more words translated.
    Humor and foregiveness? Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing back. Have a good one. Best, reed


  167. Hi,

    I hope you can help. I want to get the following translated to Sanskrit:

    Lead us from unreal to real
    Lead us from darkness to light
    Lead us from the fear of death
    To the knowledge of immortality


    Lead us from darkenss to light
    From ignorance to truth
    And from death to eternity

    Thank you, your help is much appreciated


    1. This phrase already exists in Sanskrit as follows:
      असतो मा सद्गमय
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
      मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय

      Lead me to truth, not to untruth
      Lead me to light, not to darkness
      Lead me to life, not to death


  168. Hello,

    I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to write Sat Chit Ananda in sanskrit as it means a lot to me.
    I know this can be written as one word but is it ok to write the words seperately?

    Many thanks for your help 🙂


    1. Sat = सत्
      Chit = चित्
      Ananda = आनंद

      These three are very important in Indian spirituality, and often combined together as सच्चिदानंद (Sachidananda). I have seen both the separate and combined forms being used freely, so both are right.


  169. Hello,

    Could you translate this for me in Sanskrit:

    If you’re not living on the edge, you took too many steps

    It really means a lot to me.

    Thank you for your help!


  170. Hello,

    Could you translate this for me in Sanskrit:

    If you’re not living on the edge, you took too many steps

    It really means a lot to me.

    Thank you for your help!


  171. i’m wanting to get the phrase Jai guru deva om tattoed on me in sanskrit symbols but i can’t seem to find them anywhere.
    can anyone help?


    1. Scripting in Devanagaree will be –
      जय गुरुदेव ॐ
      I think ॐ should rather be at the beginning. It is supposed to be the “big bang” sound of the beginning of the universe, so, beginning of everything!!!
      Proper utterance of or meditation of ॐ is hence supposed to help tune up and resonate with the universal energy.


  172. hey there i would like to translate the word ” inner strength” into sanskrit language so i can tattoo it on my wrist or back
    i want it to mean inner strength meaning to over come any challenges i may face in life
    please and thanks


  173. Thank you so much for your help. I am recovering from a very physically abusive marriage and am here today because of my desire to protect my children. I have a lovely necklace that translates to the word “Raks” (protect) but I want to be clear that the meaning is not obscured by copying my necklace as there may be more flourish in the written word. Can you respond, please as to how the word truly appears in written form? Bless you and thank you for me and all those you have helped. Please email me at Christine.wellborn@gmail.com….All Best


  174. Hello,

    Could you translate to sanskrit
    I will persevere
    Never give up
    or something to that extent?



    1. Mumukshu is a person having intense desire for self-realization. Mumukshatva is the phenomenon of desiring self-realization intensely.
      Mumukshu = मुमुक्षु
      Mumukshatva = मुमुक्षत्व


    1. Om Namah Shivaya = ओम् नम: शिवाय
      (I salute Lord Shiva with respect)

      Anjali = अंजलि
      (a gift, offering, also refers to a position of the joined palms of both hands pointing downwards as if offering something)


  175. I want to get my wife and son’s names and dobs as a tattoo in Sanskirt text. Kerry 19/10/78 & Jake 24/05/2007. I would be very grateful if you could translate for me. Many Thanks


      1. Thanks alot Anil.

        Can you also translate.

        ‘My family is my strength and my weakness’

        Many thanks



  176. Hi, me again.

    Sorry to be a pain! Could you translate the following into Sanskirt text? Thanks

    Kerry & Jake
    My family is my strength and my weakness

    I feel that this has more meaning for a permanent tattoo.


  177. hi, could you please translate the following into sanskrit if possible?

    Eternal love

    Many thanks x


  178. Please help me translate these words/sayings to sankrit. Thank you so much!



    1. Forgiveness = क्षमा (kshama)
      Honesty = सत्यशील (but please take a second opinion)
      Suppression = (sorry I’m not sure what did you mean by suppression. Did you mean suppression of worldly desires?)
      Control = नियंत्रण


    1. Chandani is written in Devanagari script (Hindi) as चांदनी. However, if you meant to “translate” it in Sanskrit instead, it would be written as चंद्रप्रकाश (chandraprakash).


  179. Could you please translate WARRIOR into Sanskrit
    or if there are a few versions of warrior what are the differences
    thank you!!!


      1. i was hoping you could translate “protect my heart” into sanskrit for a tattoo that i want. i have been given two separate ways and wanted to make sure i have the correct one! thanks
        मम हृदयं रक्षति or मम हृदयं रक्ष
        are either of those correct?! thanks!


  180. Mr. Pota, You are such a wonderful person to be helping so many people! If you don’t mind, I have two questions. First, can you reccomend any books, DVD’s, or maybe computer classes for learning Sanskrit ( I am moving soon to a small town). Also, would you be so kind as to translate my son’s name and birthdate for me? I really appreciate it!! Thank you!! Daniel ( pronounced dan- yool) Thomas ( pronounced tom- us) and the date is: 28 March 2001


  181. Dear Himanshu Pota,
    i have been looking for someone reliable to translate a phrase for me, and by looking on here it seems that you are indeed extremly reliable and have made lots of people extremly happy.

    the phrase im looking to translate is ” no star stands alone”

    if you could do this for me this would be fantastic and i would really apriciate it.

    thanks in advance.


    1. “No star stands alone”

      star = तारका (taarakaa)

      no star = न काचित् तारका (na kaachit taarakaa)

      stands = shines = विभाति (vibhaati)

      alone = एका एव (ekaa eyva) = एकैव (ekaiva)

      “No star stands alone” = न काचित् तारका एकैव विभाति । “Na kaachit taarakaa ekaiva vibhaati”


  182. Could you please translate:
    الحرية في الله




    1. To translate “Freedom in God”
      Freedom = स्वतन्त्रता “swatantrataa”
      in God = देवे “deyvey”
      By rules of syntax in Sanskrit “in God, freedom” = देवे स्वतन्त्रता “deyvey swatantrataa”


    الحرية في الله



  184. Hi! Can you help me translate =)

    Jamie –
    I bless the rains down in Africa –
    Learn to fly –

    Kind regards from Sweden =)


  185. Hi there,

    Could you please translate “save the world” for me in sanskrit & “bring the light”.

    Thank you so much for this 🙂


    1. Save the world – जगदिदं रक्षितव्यम् ।
      jagadidam rakshitavyam
      Bring the light – आनय प्रकाशम् ।
      aanaya prakaasham


  186. Hi. Can you tell me what this translates into English:

    तत्परिवर्तनं भव यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि



    1. तत्परिवर्तनं भव यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि|
      Be that change, what you would like to see happening in the world.


  187. Thanks SOOOOO much S.L.!!!

    I’ve seen a few different writings on how to write Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world” so I very much appreciate you helping me with this.

    Can you tell me if the one I listed above or this is more accurate: यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव

    Thanks again!!!!



    1. Meaning of विश्व is usually considered to be “The Universe”, so, more comprehensive. Relatively जगत् is more commonplace, the “World”. But for this fine difference, the sentence यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव is also good.


  188. hi there,
    im looking to get a tattoo down my side in sanskrit saying “Nanna forever in my heart always by my side” i have got it translated before but have had so many different results,this was one of them but i think its mixed up in the saying

    पक्ष मेरा के द्वारा हमेशा हृदय मेरा में सदैव के लिए नाना

    i do appreciate your help thank you.
    nat 🙂


    1. That is the wrong translation, and it’s not even in Sanskrit – it appears to be a poor effort in Hindi. Mr. Abhyankar’s translation just below is the perfect one for you.


  189. Thank you very much glad i didnt have that in a tattoo would of been horrible-can i just ask one more thing as i dont know much about the language, would it be correct to have it written down my side with the beginning being सार्धम् followed by the rest?? and could u also please translate it to english so i know the exacted translation i have 🙂
    thank you so much


    1. Difficult part is writing “Nanna” properly. Devanagari script is totally a phonetic script. In this script, it is important to understand that we write the sounds and not just the letters. Hence the letters in Devanagari have the same name as their pronunciation. In the Roman script, letter ‘a’ has its name ‘a’ but could be pronounced differently. Pronunciation of ‘a’ is different in ‘cat’ and different in ‘far’ and still different in ‘ball’. We would not know how you would be pronouncing “Nanna”. Depending upon the pronunciation it will have to be written differently in Devanagari. Given below are four different ways of writing “Nanna”, for four different pronunciations which I could think of.
      नॅन्ना = Nan-na with pronunciation of first part Nan as in Nan-ny and pronunication of second part ‘-na’ as in Tina
      नन्ना = Nun-na with pronunciation of first part as in ‘nun’ and pronunication of second part ‘-na’ as in Tina
      नान्ना = Naan-na with pronunciation of ‘aa’ as in ‘far’ and pronunication of second part ‘-na’ as in Tina
      नेना = Nen-na with pronunciation of first part as in ‘Ten’ and pronunication of second part ‘-na’ as in Tina
      As far as मम सार्धम् is concerned, because the two words together make the phrase meaning ‘with me’ or ‘by my side’ they should not be separated away from each other. One can transpose the total phrase anywhere in the sentence. The facility of transposing phrases anywhere is another beauty of Sanskrit. This is great facility, especially for composing poetry. Much of Sanskrit literature is poetry. And poetry makes it so easy to commit to memory. That possibly is the essence why Hindu scriptures have been alive even after thousands of years, much of them passed from generation to generation only orally and yet they have the stamp of inbuilt eternal existence with hardly any distortions.
      Shall I say something about tattooing? If ‘Nanna’ is so dear to you, please keep her in your heart and do not bring her out from there – out from your heart, on to your body. Place for dear ones is in the heart and not on the body.


  190. hello again i want to thank you for all you help i do appreciate you helping me translate. Would ‘Nana’ be any better or just the same as नॅन्ना = nan-na?? also aswell as you said about मम सार्धम् the two words together meaning ‘with me’ or ‘by my side’ should the two be put together to be correct as in ममसार्धम् ??? as the phrase should then look….
    नन्ना सर्वदा मम हृदि सदा ममसार्धम् meaning:
    nanna, forever in my heart always by my side

    i do appriate your view as in keepin the most dearest in your heart and i do agree….. im not having it tattood on me for fashion and will be having it placed in a place only for my self as in memorance of my nanna as its 10years and have considerd this for the past 2 years.

    I do thank you again for all your advise and help,
    natalie 🙂


    1. Two words can be put together in three ways – by Sandhi or by Samaasa or as a phrase. संधि or समास or वाक्यांश / शब्दसमूह (Vaakyaansha / Shabdasamooha)

      Two words can be put together by Sandhi only if the ending of first word, even in natural pronunciation, merges automatically into the beginning of the next word. e.g. aham + asmi = ahamasmi अहं + अस्मि = अहमस्मि

      About putting two words together by Samaasa, please see my post under समासानां परिचयः (Introduction to SamAsa, compounds). The two words मम and सार्धम् can be put together as a compound as मत्सार्धम्.

      Just joining two words as ममसार्धम् does not qualify it to be either a Sandhi or a SamAs. As a phrase, one simply keeps two or more words, next to each other, together and one does not really join them. Joining them will be incorrect. Joining has to be either a Sandhi or a SamAsa.

      I hope you will get it right.


    2. ‘Nana’ could be written as नाना, pronounced as ‘naanaa’

      Incidentally in Sanskrit नाना is an indeclinable, though used as an adjective, meaning ‘different’ or ‘various’.

      In Hindi and in Marathi नाना means mother’s father! I wonder about your relation with your Nana !!


      1. नमो नमः श्रीमन् “लवलेशानंद”-महोदय !
        हिंदीसे संस्कृत में भाषान्तर की सुविधा कहां मिलेगी यह तो मैं नहीं जानता |
        संस्कृताध्ययनम् इस नामका मेरा ब्लोग है | उसके लिये लिंक नीचे उपलब्ध है | शायद वह आपको अच्छा लगे |
        अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः ।
        “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”
        संस्कृताध्ययनम् । http://slabhyankar.wordpress.com


  191. Hello,
    Could someone kindly post a jpg of satchitananda in sanskrit. I want to make it a tattoo as I’m a follower of Sri Ramana Maharshi. I have seen this typed in this forum but when I try to cut and paste it into Word I find it won’t work as I don’t have sanskrit fonts. A jpg would work. I like the one word version not 3 separate words as after all, we’re dealing with oneness. Many thanks.


      1. Thanks very much Anil. It’s such a beautiful expression, and a tribute to the great gurus of your country.


    1. A translation as कश्चिदपि दिवसः मरणाय युक्तो भवेत् । to be read as “Kashchidapi diwasah maraNaaya yukto bhavet” would mean “May any day be good for death.”

      My first reaction to the post was, “Why do people indulge in such negative thinking?” So, I did not feel like replying.

      Michael’s statement that “Everyday should be a good day to die” leads me to think, whether it is for the day to be good. If our conduct is good, it would not matter when we die. This is precisely, what is mentioned in a proverbial wisdom
      गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् । Forever be alert of being righteous, and alert that you are always in the grasp of the Death, which is holding you by the tufts of your hair. This implies that no one should be caught unawares by the Death, such that Death catches up with you when you are not righteous. One should be always sublime in conduct, more so when bidding “good bye” to this world.

      And yet there is some convention for the better time for death. Death is supposed to be a happy ending for a Yogi, if it happens led by the Deities of Fire, of Sun, of Daytime, of first fortnight of the month and of the six months after the solstice in January, (see Shloka 24 in Chapter 8 of Bhagavadgeetaa) अग्निर्ज्योतिरहःशुक्लः षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् ।

      Bheeshma, the great grandfather of Kaurava’s and PaaNdava’s was well aware of this. He was also blessed to choose the time of his death. So, even after he was felled by Arjun on the battlefield, he lay alive on a bed of arrows and waited for the day-break after the solstice in January.


      1. Thanks!

        Your second reaction is exactly right…not something meant to be negative but more to live every momeny for every moment so much that death at anytime would be “ok”. It’s actually a line from a Dave Matthews Band song.

        And thank you for the interesting and enlightening background. I might go with the sanskrit you wrote about always being in the grasp of death and such.


    1. One can say आत्मा तु अविनाशी एव ।
      Actually as many as 7 verses from 2-19 to 2-25 in Bhagavadgeetaa detail and emphasise the eternal character of the soul.

      I fail to understand why people have such fancy for tattoos!

      Body is susceptible to afflictions. So body cannot be and should not be the place for nobler thoughts. Noble thoughts should be etched on the mind. Once so done, noble behaviour should become habitual conduct. It should then not require any reminders anytime.

      Fancy for tattoos exemplifies weakness of the mind that it needs reminders – even for the noble thoughts (?)


      1. Thank you!
        I understand what you mean, but don’t fully agree. I am still going to get a tattoo of this (and it is because of 2:17 from the Bhagavad Gita that I want this phrase).

        I have these 2 translations of “the imperishable soul”, would any of them work?

        अविनाशी आत्मा OR अमर आत्मा


      2. While I would certainly agree to the ephemeral nature of the body, it is still a part of human existence that can be changed, imrpoved upon, and used as a form of media- you cannot assume that a tattoo is merely a reminder that shores up a weakness of the mind when the intent may in fact be to illustrate or educate or, dare I use the word, evangelise what is written?

        Indeed one could argue that although modern technology could eventually erase the inking, it is a permanent act- one that implies constancy, permanence, and symbolizes much that is contrary to modern, disposable, and materialistic society… just a thought!


  192. Dear Mr. Sunny Patel,

    I picked up the word अविनाशी from 2-17 only. But on closer analysis I find that being अविनाशी is mentioned as characteristics of that तत् which is further described as येन सर्वमिदं ततम् meaning that superior element which created all that is, was and will be. So what is referred to as अविनाशी in 2-17 is not soul in general, but the Supreme, which is the creator of the universe.

    Soul in general being indestructible, etc. is better detailed in verses 2-19 to 2-25.

    It can also be noticed that for the Supreme, in 2-17 the pronoun used is तत् which is Third person neuter. In 2-19 to 2-25 all mentions are in Masculine, which is more the reference to soul in general.

    No clear mention is made in 2-17 about what is that तत् which is referred to there. But that it refers to the Supreme has to be understood by the description येन सर्वमिदं ततम् | and by the Neuter gender.

    Likewise all what is referred to in 2-19 to 2-25 is to be understood as referring to आत्मा by keeping in mind the masculine gender. The word आत्मा is just not seen anywhere in all these 7 verses. But they refer only to आत्मा This understanding is in the manner of the saying “Those who know, know” यः पश्यति स पश्यति । See 13-27 and 13-29

    I would not like to comment any further about tattooing. But I wonder how ironical it would become, if the spot where one would put a tattoo अविनाशी आत्मा, that exact spot may suffer a burn or a scar. Body is susceptible to afflictions. That cannot be denied.


  193. Wow, that was very informative. So you’re saying “imperishable” as mentioned in 2:17 is referring to God and not one’s soul? I always thought that verse was about the soul and how it is immortal.

    I understand your point about verses 2:19-2:25. Very interesting. I was having a discussing with a pundit the other day and he was mentioning the same thing.

    Even so, will it make sense to translate “the imperishable soul” into अविनाशी आत्मा OR अमर आत्मा instead of आत्मा तु अविनाशी एव or would this make the phrase grammatically incorrect?

    Thank you again, you have been very helpful.


    1. I would agree that अविनाशी आत्मा is crisper than आत्मा तु अविनाशी एव | But आत्मा तु अविनाशी एव becomes a statement whereas अविनाशी आत्मा becomes just a phrase – an adjective and a noun. Optionally you can make आत्मा – अविनाशी The hyphen will give some hint that you have the focus of आत्मा being अविनाशी.

      I would rather recommend अविनाशी आत्मा instead of अमर आत्मा because अमर आत्मा would be a grammatically okay in Hindi, Gujarathi, Marathi, but not Sanskrit. More than that, if you see 2-20, you will realise that Atma is eternal, it is neither born nor it has death न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन् It is not anything like ‘has happened’, ‘is to happen’ or ‘did happen’. नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः | The meaning of Atma being eternal is not exactly connoted by अमर आत्मा|
      All the explanations in 2-23 i.e. नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः |
      न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः | (weapons cannot slash it, fire cannot burn it, waters can make it wet, wind cannot dry it) – all these more explain that it is indestructible. So, अविनाशी आत्मा summarises all that.


      1. Please consider following corrections –
        waters cannot make it wet,

        – all these more explain that it is indestructible.

        Instead of ‘indestructible’ maybe, the word used by you, ‘imperishable’ is less harsh than ‘indestructible’ and would hence sound better.


  194. Hi, I am considering having my wife’s name, Yvette, tattooed on my forearm… what I do understand is that in Devanagari her name would probably be split into two distinct sounds- ee / vet – and so therefore would comprise only two symbols and not six letters as in English- would that be correct and if you could, can you show me what it would look like? Or from a design perspective, as it will be a piece of art, is it possible/plausible to have each of the six letters, Y-V-E-T-T-E, depicted? If the letters suggestion is implausible and I am restricted to phonics, then her full name, Shafronia Yvette, would be my choice- phonetically I assume – sha / fro / nee / ah / ee / vet – six symbols. Thank you, David.


  195. hey,
    im planning on getting a tattoo and a part of it needs to be in Sanskrit. The first word is Discover and the second one is Alia.


  196. por favor gostaria muitto de saber como se escreve “Liberdade em Deus ” em sanscrito, quero homenagiar a cantora Rihanna q tem essa tatuagem na lateral esquerda da cintura,vou fazer uma tatuagem igualzinha…desde ja agradeço…obrigada…


    1. I missed out on spelling also “Shafronia”. So the full name will be शफ्रोनिया ईव्हेट्

      I am impressed by your mention of “anugruhiitosmi” अनुगृहीतोSस्मि

      I was really wondering how one should say, “No mention, please” I think one can say that as न तु मन्तव्यम् “na tu mantavyam”


    1. Extempore = उत्स्फूर्तम्
      Submarine = below the surface of the sea = समुद्रपृष्ठात् अवगतम् = समुद्रपृष्ठावगतम् This will be the translation for ‘submarine’ as as adjective.
      As a means of transport going or travelling below the surface of the sea, the translation can be समुद्रपृष्ठावगच्छत् यानम् or as a ship sailing below the surface of the sea समुद्रपृष्ठावगच्छती नौका or to put it more dramatically or idiomatically, as a means of transport travelling like a fish, मत्स्यवत् यानम् = मत्स्यवद्यानम् |

      Of the ten incarnations of Lord VishNu, the first one was the fish. The mythology of the ten incarnations is virtually the anthropology of evolution of life. It appeals to be logical that basic form of life would have emanated in the congenial environment of water, since in the early stages of the cooling down of the earth as a planet of sun, the terrestrial environment could have been too hot for life to emanate. hence the first incarnation was मत्स्य ‘matsya’ the fish.

      The second incarnation is कूर्म ‘koorma’, the Tortoise, a form of life which could sustain itself in both terrestrial and oceanic environments.

      Next is a quadruped the वराह Varah the hippopotamus, which could move around well-balanced because of four feet and again, was comfortable both in terrestrial and watery environs.

      Then comes नृसिंह ‘nrusinha’ half animal (lion), half man. Then वामन ‘Waamana’ a diminutive human form.

      Then परशुराम ‘Parashuraama’ a grown up human, caricatured as somewhat uncultured or savage.

      Then राम ‘Raama’ fully cultured human, with total sociologically benevolent conscience, and

      then कृष्ण really a multi-faceted personality.

      Then बुद्ध ‘buddha’ a spiritually magnificent soul.

      Lastly, कलंकी where the deity कली rules, allowing the good and the evil to co-exist. The present period is known as कलियुग ‘kaliyug’ and how truly we see the good and the evil co-existing!!


  197. Hi there,
    I am wondering about a translation for a phrase: “Trust Your Journey.” I’ve looked a few places online and seen a few different versions. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!


    1. Yes, there would be various ways to express “Trust your journey”. For the right translation, one should also know the context. For the phrase by itself, the translation-options would be
      (1) प्रवासे विश्वसिहि Pravaase vishwasihi ‘Vaasah” means stay. “Pravaasah” means stay away from home. So, although the word “Pravaasah” is used as a translation for “journey”, by its etymology, it is not ourney; it is stay.
      (2) गमने विश्वसिहि “gamaney vishwasihi” “gamanam” means going, just the action of going. Going from one room to another is also “going”. So, “gamanam” is not exactly “journey” But the word “gamanam” is also used to translate “journey”
      (3) पथि विश्वसिहि “pathi vishwasihi” would mean “rely on your road” which is again an indirect way of saying “Trust your journey”
      (4) One popular phrase to wish “Happy journey” has been to say “शुभास्ते सन्तु पन्थानः ।” “shubhaah-ste santu panthaanah” meaning, “May the paths of yours (paths, you would traverse) be happy and congenial”

      You will hence appreciate, why it is important to know the context, to be able to give most appropriate translation.


  198. Hi,

    Me and my best friend would like to get matching tattoo’s. She’s leaving the country and it will be a while until i see her again. We decided on the phrase:

    “Do not walk in front of me, I may not follow.
    Do not walk behind me, I may not lead.
    Just walk beside me and be my friend.”

    Would someone please translate this into Sanskrit for me?
    Thank you very much 😉


  199. hey, i want to get some tattoos done, i want “in you i am found” “paradise” and “honor, glory, praise”. I would like both of them in sanskrit, if anyone can help that would be great!
    Also, my friend got a tattoo done, and she thought it was live laugh love, but it was actually something very different. So please make sure that both of the meanings of my tattoos are the right ones! Thanks very much!


  200. Namaste,
    Thank you for this blog. It is excellent.

    I would like to know why some sources drop the final ‘a’ in many words while others do not. For instance, in the context of yoga some people say asan, pranayam, yog while others say asana, pranayama, yoga.

    Thank you again!


    1. ‘a’ in the end of English spelling is likely to be pronounced with the vowel sound of ‘a’ as in ‘far’.

      Actually, ‘a’ at the end of most Sanskrit words is not to be pronounced with the vowel sound ‘aa’ but only ‘a’ as in ‘another’.

      It was with great difficulty that I could think of the word ‘another’ to tell which sound of ‘a’ is appropriate for the ending of Sanskrit words like Asana, prANAyAma or Yoga. Capital A more clearly conveys the vowel sound of ‘a’ as in ‘far’.

      Not to put the ‘a’ in the end also becomes wrong, because then the consonant ‘n’ at the end in the word like ‘asan’ may be pronounced like the consonant sound of ‘m’ in the pronunciation of the English word ‘some’ or ‘sum’. The consonant sound of ‘g’ in ‘Yog’ is the more complete consonant as in ‘gut’ or as in ‘girl’ and not like that half sound of ‘m’ as in ‘sum’ or in ‘some’

      There is always the dilemma of how to spell the consonant sounds, coming at the ending but ought to be the complete sounds. In English the consonant sounds at the words are rarely complete consonant sounds. Most of them are half sounds. In Sanskrit there are words with ending consonant sounds complete as in rAma, deva, jnyAna, dwija and words with half consonant sounds e.g. rAjan, manas, etad, dik, Atman, etc.

      Actually words with complete consonant sound at the end are categorised as words with vowel-ending. So, rAma, deva, dwija are al words with vowel ending and consonant ending.

      And there are words with ending of prolonged ‘a’ as in ‘far’. Words of such vowel ending are feminine nouns e.g. mAlA, ramA, shAlA, etc. yoga even if spelt with ‘a’ in the end are not to be pronounced with prolonged ‘a’ as in ‘far’ or ‘alma’


      1. Hi,

        Would you be able to translate the phrase “Goobye yesterday” into Sanskrit for me? I have been told that this “गोद्ब्ये येस्तेर्दय्” means goodbye yesterday, but then i have also been told that “विगम ह्यस्” means the same.

        Thank you for taking the time.


  201. hey, i want to get some tattoos done, i want “in you i am found” “paradise” and “honor, glory, praise”. I would like both of them in sanskrit, if anyone can help that would be great!
    Also, my friend got a tattoo done, and she thought it was live laugh love, but it was actually something very different. So please make sure that the meanings of my tattoos are the right ones! Thanks very much!


    1. “in you i am found” = अहम् त्वयि (aham twayi)
      or त्वयि अहम् (twayi aham)

      “paradise” = स्वर्गः

      honor = सन्मानः,
      glory, = वैभवम् or ऐश्वर्यम्
      praise = स्तुतिः


    1. Children learn to speak their mother tongue even before being able to read or write it. But children get to acquire the skill of speaking the mother tongue, because they get so much of the environment around them.

      To be able to speak Sanskrit also fluently, one would need the environment of spoken Sanskrit.

      When that is not possible, the order of the skill-sets has to be changed. Maybe, speaking skills will emerge by reading a lot, preferably lot of prose, because speaking will be in prose only.


  202. Hi!

    I’m thinking about getting a tattoo done in sanskrit. I want it for myself to remind me about my goals in life and it’s, of course, really important for me to get it spelled right. If anyone can help me, that would be perfect!

    The poem:
    “There is no letter which doesn’t have any charm.
    There is no root which doesn’t have any medicinal property.
    There is no man who is not able.
    Rare is a person who knows it’s proper application.”

    You might already recognized that I’m not a native speaker, so if there are any mistakes, please remind me of that!
    Maybe also somebody does have an idea what hindu-sign I can put next to my tattoo.

    PS: I found this poem written in a lot of different styles on the internet, but they’re all different, so I don’t know which one to trust…


    1. This is a beautiful “Subhaashitam”. In a book I have it reads –
      अमन्त्रं अक्षरं नास्ति । or अमन्त्रमक्षरं नास्ति
      नास्ति मूलं अनौषधम् । or नास्ति मूलमनौषधम् ।
      अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति ।
      योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः ॥
      In the two options for the first two lines, the first option is after deciphering the conjugations. By that it becomes easy to follow the meaning, without harming either the rhythm or the pronunciation also, to any great extent.


  203. Hi i’m wondering if anyone can help me translate this into sanskrit…Contentment is the highest gain, good company the highest course,enquiry the highest wisdom, peace the highest enjoyment


  204. Does anyone know how to translate the word “unity”? Or if there is just one character for it? I am making a tabletop fountain for my Baha’i friend, and I want to write unity on it somewhere – but I can”t if it’s too long. Please help me – he’s a very good friend, and he’s my best friend’s father!


    1. Your question asking whether आत्मानं प्रीणय। does mean “love yourself” is quite challenging. प्रीणय is imperative of second person singular of the verb प्री which has various shades of meaning, to please, to be pleased. The imperative of second person singular of the causative प्रयोजक would also be प्रीणय meaning make someone please another. Apte’s dictionary gives meanings of verb प्री as “please” and not as “love”. Sanskrit word for “loved one” or “dear one” is प्रिय the short “pri”. With long “pree” the meaning seems inclined rather towards “pleasure” than “love” So, meaning of आत्मानं प्रीणय। should rather be “please yourself” than “love yourself”.

      If you have a guest and want to tell him to be comfortable, to say in the manner of “please yourself” then आत्मानं प्रीणय। would be the phrase.


  205. Hi, My godson is named Shivaiah, and he isn’t clear on the meaning. i looked up the meaning on a site that gives meanings of names and it had many names that started with Shiva.. which had various endings, and it translated tham all as meaning simply “lord Shiva.” It seems to me that the meanings must be sutly different somehow, and that the suffix -iah must mean something. Can you tell me what the suffix iah means in sanskrit? and the name Shivaiah or Shiviah in particular.


    1. The ending is to be understood rather as “aiah” usually pronounced as “aiyyaa” as in शिवैय्या, Shivaiah रामैया Ramaiah. One famous name of a leader of Bharatiya Janata party is वेन्कैय्या नायडू Venkaiah Naidu. विश्वेश्वरैय्या Vishveshwaraiyyaa is name of another famous Indian Engineer, who was an authority in designing dams. The ending “aiyyaa” is thus common primarily in South India, there again more common in Karnataka and Andhra. The ending stands for “respectable gentleman”.

      As such this ending has no direct connection with Sanskrit. If your Godson is from Karnataka or Andhra, it seems my explanation would fit in.

      In north India similar ending is popular for respectable ladies. The ending is not “aiyyaa”, but “maiyyaa” as in सीतामैय्या “Sitamaiyyaa”. All respectable ladies are considered respectfully love-able as one’s mother. In Hindi, मैय्या means mother.


    1. That is also a good one. So, “aiyyaa” ending is there in North India also!! Kanhaiyyaa seems to have been derived from “Kaanhaa”. I guess “Kaanhaa” means son or boy. And “Kanhaiyyaa” is for the most cherished one among the boys?


  206. “गोद्ब्ये येस्तेर्दय्” is simply an attempt to write the pronunciation, “goodbye yesterday” in Devanagari script. Even this attempt to script the pronunciation in Devanagari is not a good attempt. One can better write it as गुड् बाय् येस्टर्डे

    Writing the pronunciation does not become the translation.

    For translating “Goodbye yesterday”, one should have the noun form for “yesterday”. In “विगम ह्यस्” the word ह्यस् is not a noun. The word ह्यस् as a part of speech is an indeclinable. Since yesterday is the day gone by, then for a noun form for yesterday, one may compose a word such as “विगतदिन:” and then to say “Goodbye yesterday” one may say “विगतदिन, विगम |”


    1. If “I am Love” is to be understood to mean “I am love incarnate” then the translation can be स्नेहः अहमेव । Of course there would be different synonyms for the word “love” I have used “snehah”.

      If “I am love” is to be understood to mean “I am in love” or “I am overcome with loving sentiments” the gem among poets Mahakavi Kalidasa uses the word कामार्ता: in the following verse in Meghadootam.
      धूमज्योतिःसलिलमरुतां सन्निपातः क्व मेघः ।
      सन्देशार्था: क्व पटुकरणैः प्राणिभिः प्रापणीयाः ।
      इत्यौत्सुक्यादपरिगणयन् गुह्यकस्तं ययाचे ।
      कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु ॥
      The meaning is –
      Is not a cloud a phenomenon where the vapour, the lightning and the waters are together? Are not messages really to be sent through wise and agile bodies? But the Guhyakah i.e. the Yaksha having lost his sense of appropriateness made the request (to the cloud, to carry his message to his wife).
      And by this Kalidasa brings forth a moral –
      “Persons overcome with loving sentiments कामार्ता: lose their senses (become poor of judgement) about how to react or interact with whom.”


    1. Congregation for Divine worship = ईशस्तवनार्थे सम्मेलनम् = ईशस्तवनसम्मेलनम् ।

      For translation of “Disciline of the Sacraments”, I would like to refer to the last shloka of 16th chapter in Bhagavadgeetaa. Here, Lord Krishna emphasizes the need to follow proven or established or laid down (in the “sacraments”) disciplines, i.e. the norms, sciences and practices
      तस्माच्छास्त्रं प्रमाणं ते कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ ।
      ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुमिहार्हसि ॥ भगवद्गीता १६-२४॥
      By separating words which are phonetically joined together, i.e. by doing सन्धिविग्रह् the shloka would read
      तस्मात् शास्त्रं प्रमाणं ते कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ ।
      ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुम् इह अर्हसि
      Now putting it in prose i.e. by अन्वय, the statement becomes
      तस्मात् इह कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ ते शास्त्रं प्रमाणम् (एवं) ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुम् अर्हसि ।
      Word by word meaning is –
      तस्मात् = therefore
      इह = here
      कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ = in the situation of what to do and what not to do
      ते = for you
      शास्त्रं = the sciences, (disciplines, proven and established practices)
      प्रमाणम् = (become) the norms
      (एवं) = thus
      ज्ञात्वा = knowing
      शास्त्रविधानोक्तं = that which is endorsed or specified by the sciences and practices
      कर्म = totality of actions and tasks
      कर्तुम् = to be doing
      अर्हसि = becomes of you.
      From the above, I would recommend the translation of “Discipline of Sacraments” to be शास्त्रविधानोक्तं प्रमाणम्, since it appropriately means the norms specified or endorsed by the sciences and practices.

      What is important to note that in this shloka Lord Krishna is recommending not the scriptures but norms established by the sciences and proven practices. This leaves no room for blind or superstitious practices.

      In the Shloka previous to this the Lord cautions that those who throw to the winds the sciences and proven practices, driven by their own vested interests as they are, would end up not achieving lasting happiness.

      More charming subtlety of this dialogues comes when in the next shloka (which is first shloka of the 17th chapter) Arjuna asks, “what to say of people who are quite devout and sincere and are not necessarily driven by vested interests, but happen to be not abiding by the specified practices, just because they do not know the sciences ?”

      These three shlokas 16-23, 16-24 and 17-01 make a very interesting trilogy.

      What a scripture Geetaa is!!!


  207. Can you please translate the following into sanskrit: –

    No one can destroy the imperishable soul

    It perfectly sums up what is going on in my life at the moment… thanks


    1. Famous line of great strength and reassurance from the Lord in SrimadbhagavadGita:

      Na hanyate hanyamaNe sharire

      Exactly what you said, Northern Star, the SOUL cannot be killed no matter if the body is destroyed. NA HANYATE ; IT DOES NOT DIE, CANNOT BE KILLED.


  208. The translation can be in different ways
    अर्थबोधः तु अर्थनिर्मितिः । or
    अर्थबोधः अर्थनिर्माणेन एव । or as
    अर्थज्ञानम् सार्थकत्वेन एव ।

    The theme is most excellently put forth by Mahaa-kavi Bhavabhooti in his Uttara-Raam-charitam.
    महाकविभवभूतिविरचिते उत्तररामचरिते –
    लौकिकानां हि साधूनां अर्थं वागनुवर्तते ।
    ऋषीणां पुनराद्यानां वाचमर्थोऽनुवर्तते ।
    Sadhus demonstrate how there should be oneness in thoughts, words and deeds.

    In the case of accomplished seers and sages, even Gods have to take incarnation to enact what thoughts are penned by the sages. There is a belief about the mythology of RaamaayaNa, that Sage Valmiki wrote RaamaayaNa and Lord Vishnu had to reincarnate as Shree Raama to validate Sage Valmiki’s thoughts. So potent and compelling are thoughts emanating from the minds of sages.


  209. Hi there…

    I am trying to find a sanskrit symbol for “perseverance” or “i persevere” for my tattoo design. Can you pls help me with this?
    Thank you very much.


      1. Thank you. One more question. I assume this (जीवनम् च मरणम्) means life and death, and this (ऊर्जा च शान्ति) means enegy and peace. What exactly is (च ।) ? Just so I’m clear. 🙂


    1. The phrase “New Order of the Ages” seems to have been coined rather difficult to interpret.

      If “Ages” is interpreted as “Era” or “generation” and if I may take the liberty to interpret “New Order of the Ages” as “Order in the New Era” or “order of the new generation, then the translation into Sanskrit would become नवयुगधर्म् :। Here, I am also taking the liberty to interpret the word “Order” as “Code of conduct” i.e. as धर्म् :।


  210. hello, first of all i have read and must say that you are very generous to take your time and knowledge and help so many people out.
    i am interested in getting a sanskrit transliteration for my first tattoo, and as my brother is in the canadian forces i wanted “life only gives you as much as you can handle”
    as well as “family is growth”
    thank you so much for your time


    1. “life only gives you as much as you can handle” = तन्मात्रमेव ददाति जीवनं, यन्मात्रं भवता ग्राह्यम् । To be read as “nanmaatrameva dadaati jeevanam, yanmaatram bhavataa graahyam”

      “family is growth” = वृद्धिरेव कुटुम्बकम् । To be read as “Vruddhirev kuTumbakam” Or one can swap the order of the two words कुटुम्बकम् वृद्धिरेव | I think this swapped order is more in conformity with the intended meaning.


  211. hi, i am looking to get a Gandi quote translated into Sanskrit, for a tattoo, and as it would be permanent I want to make sure it’s the right translation, Thanks in advance.

    I want the quote in several lines so here is how I broke it down:

    you can chain me
    you can torture me
    you can even
    destroy this body
    but you will never
    imprison my mind

    Thanks again, Rosa


    1. you can chain me = क्षपय मां कारागृहे
      you can torture me = त्रासय माम् यथैव
      you can even
      destroy this body = विनाशय इमं मे शरीरम् अपि
      but you will never
      imprison my mind = मम मनः तु सदैव अबन्धनीयमेव ।

      What Gandhiji has put forth seems to be his style of saying, what indestructibility of soul is detailed in the second chapter of Geetaa. There the indestructibility of soul is detailed as
      नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः |
      न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः ||२-२३||
      अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च |
      नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः ||२-२४||
      अव्यक्तोऽयमचिन्त्योऽयमविकार्योऽयमुच्यते |
      तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनम् नानुशोचितुमर्हसि ||२-२५||
      नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि = swords and arms cannot cut it
      नैनं दहति पावकः | = fire cannot burn it
      न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो = water cannot wet it
      न शोषयति मारुतः = wind cannot dry it
      अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽ = this one is unslicable, unburnable
      यमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च | = unwettable, undry-able
      नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणु- omnipresent, all-pervading, steadfast
      रचलोऽयं सनातनः immovable and eternal.

      यमविकार्योऽयमुच्यते |
      तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनम्
      नानुशोचितुमर्हसि ||२-२५||


  212. hello! I was wondering if someone could translate for me the words Persistence Pleasure Death in sanskit..thanks in advance


  213. hello,

    i’m looking for somebody who can help me with a translation englisch – sanskrit.
    i’ve been looking on the internet and i’ve got many diferent answers.. And i find out that there are many ways to write sanskit, and many different meanings of the words ande the words in a sentence.

    me and my partner would like the same tattoo, in sanskrit because our family’s are from india.. we are the 4th generation, so our parents and grandparents can speak the language but can’t write it..

    can somebody translate : “forever yours” for me?

    in the sentence that our love never will be over..

    thank you very much!

    gr kim


      1. thank you very much S.L. Abhyankar.

        so the first (सदैव भवदीय) is for me, to him?
        and the second (सदैव भवदीया) for him, to me?

        greets kim


      2. “forever yours” = सदैव भवदीयः when sender of a message or when speaker, speaking about oneself is of masculine gender

        “forever yours” = सदैव भवदीया when sender of a message or when speaker, speaking about oneself is of feminine gender


    1. samyak = सम्यक्

      By the way, where did you come across this word and how did it appeal to you so much, that you thought it good to ask, how it is written in Sanskrit.

      Also, please note, Sanskrit is the language. The script is Devanagari देवनागरी. So, when one wants to ask “How is xxx written?” one should ask, “How is xxx written in Devanagari?”


  214. Hi,

    How do you write/read the following sentence in sanskrit

    “Hey Supreme GOD guide me to complete victory forever”

    Thanks for your help


    1. हे परमेश्वर ! देहि मां नित्यजयम् । To be read as “Hey parameshwar, dehi maam nityajayam” or हे परमेश्वर, शाश्वतं जयं देहि । to be read as “Hey parameshwar, shaashwatam jayam dehi”

      One famous prayer, of similar tenor is
      असतो मा सद्गमय ।
      मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ।
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
      The meaning is –
      असतो मा सद्गमय । = Lead me from untruth to Truth
      मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय । = Lead me from mortality to immortality
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । = Lead me from darkness to light


  215. i am so happy i found this site…just reading the posts are so educational and giving me a greater respect for saskrit,,,

    PLEASE help me translate 2 important words that have helped me through life….




    1. Determination = निश्चयः

      I am more fascinated by another word धृतिः, which, I think can be translated as FORBEARANCE. I am charmed by what all is the import of the quality of FORBEARANCE which is summarily contained in the word धृतिः

      Music = संगीतम्

      Music is considered to be a part of a stage-play, नाट्यम्

      Music is of course an art which would entertain an audience especially by a stage-performance.

      Thinking of entertainment by a stage-performance I get reminded of मालविकाग्निमित्रम्, Wikipedia says,
      “The play Malvikagnimitram tells the story of the love of King Agnimitra, the Shunga king of Vidisha, for the beautiful hand-maiden of his chief queen. He falls in love with the picture of an exiled servant girl named Mālavikā. When the queen discovers her husband’s passion for this girl, she becomes infuriated and has Mālavikā imprisoned, but as fate would have it, in the end she is discovered to be of royal birth and is accepted as one of his queens.
      The play contains an account of the Rajasuya sacrifice performed by Pushyamitra.

      Importantly and interestingly, the play also contains an elaborate exposition of a theory on music and acting.”

      Mostly, if I remember it right, the opening Shloka in मालविकाग्निमित्रम् is
      देवानामिदमामनयन्ति मुनयः कान्तं क्रतुं चाक्षुषम् ।
      रुद्रेणेदमुमाकृतव्यतिकरे स्वाङ्गे विभक्तं द्विधा ।
      त्रैगुण्योद्भवमत्र लोकचरितं नानारसं दृश्यते ।
      नाट्यं भिन्नरुचेर्जनस्य बहुधाप्येकं समाराधनम् ॥
      In this Shloka, Kalidasa endorses stage-play to have been initiated by Lord Shiva in conjunction with Goddess Uma and hence eminently has two aspects Laasya (feminine) and TaaNDav (masculine). In the Shloka, Kalidasa underlines the widest appeal of a stage-play to all sorts of people.

      Music, dance, acting, stage-design, backdrops, story and the plot, dramatics, poetry, …so many arts together make stage-play a comprehensively entertaining performance, the नाट्यम् Naatyam!!!


  216. I would like to know how to write ‘Love yourself’ is in Sanskrit

    also, if you had the translation for ‘Honor’ that would be great, I seem to be getting many different answers


    1. Different people would be using different words, since there are synonyms. It is well said in a SubhaaShitam
      पिण्डे पिण्डे मतिर्भिन्ना कुण्डे कुण्डे नवं पयः ।
      जातौ जातौ नवाचाराः नवा वाणि मुखे मुखे ॥
      Every person has a different mind, water in every pond is different, every community has different rituals and every tongue has a different speech.
      So, you need not feel worried at different answers. Poet Amarsinh compiled in his Amar-kosh some 10,000 Sanskrit words into groups of synonyms and antonyms. His Amar-kosh was possibly the first Thesaurus in any language across the world. For the word Love, he compiled following synonyms –
      प्रेमा ना प्रियता हार्दं प्रेम स्नेहोऽथ दोहदम्
      Possibly one can add
      प्रीतिः सौहार्दम् बन्धुता मित्रता
      In the context of “Love yourself” there is a good advice in the sixth chapter in Bhagavadgeetaa, where it is said
      उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् ।
      आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः ॥
      one should uplift oneself by oneself; one should not downgrade oneself by oneself. Oneself is one’s own true brother (friend). Oneself can prove to be one’s own enemy also!!
      Love yourself = आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुः |
      Honor = आदरः । सन्मानः ।


  217. Hallo,
    ik wil graag een tattoo in het sanskrit laten zetten, maar daarvoor moet ik wel de juiste vertaling hebben, niet dat ik met iets heel verkeerds op mijn lichaam loop!
    ik zou het erg fijn vinden als u deze woorden voor mij wilt vertalen!

    Samen één
    en I love you ( deze is heel belangrijk )

    Alvast harstikke bedankt,



    1. Dear Silvana,

      The language in which you have sent your message sounds quite similar to Deutsch i.e. German. Yet there are differences. Maybe it is the language in Holland or Austria.

      Mama = mother = मातर्
      Zusje = is this name of your mother? त्सुस्ये
      Oneindig`= together ?
      Liefde = lived?
      Samen één = with you ? त्वया सह
      en I love you = and I love you = सादरा प्रीतिः मम = love and respects from me.
      ( deze is heel belangrijk ) = (this is quite long ?)

      Alvast harstikke bedankt, = with hearty thanks ? = हार्दिकाः धन्यवादाः ।

      Please clarify the words, where the meaning is not clear.


  218. Het moet zijn:

    Samen 1
    en ik hou van je, liever in het engels (ILOVEYOU)
    het komt anders te staan als ik het bericht plaats.



  219. I saw you translated the word “sister” earlier but I was wondering if “sisters” would be written differently? Thank you for your help!


      1. Dear Renata,
        To say “Three sisters” we have to use the numerical adjective त्रि
        in feminine first case plural.

        Hence “three sisters = तिस्रः भगिन्यः । to be read as “tisraH bhaginyaH”

        One can also use a compound word भगिनीत्रयम् । (to be read as bhaginee-trayam) meaning a threesome of sisters.


      2. Dear Renata,
        To explain feminine first case plural of त्रि, when speaking of “three sisters” if one wants to speak of “three brothers”, it will have to be masculine, first case plural of the numerical adjective त्रि. Then one would say, त्रयः भ्रातरः or त्रयः बान्धवाः |
        The rule is that an adjective will have the same gender as of the noun, it qualifies.
        By the way when speaking of “three sisters”, at Allahabad there is supposed to be confluence of three rivers, regarded as sisters of each other. At the confluence only two flows of visible, those of Ganges and Yamuna. River Saraswati is supposed to be joining the confluence by a subterranean flow.
        Maybe, some Rishi took a dive at the confluence and could sense the gush of a third subterranean flow. Actually, all emanations of rivers are subterranean flows gushing out. So possibility of a subterranean flow gushing out at the confluence cannot be ruled out.
        It would not have been necessary for some Rishi to take a dive either. Water-diviners have been practising water-divining even today.


  220. I want to compile Rules of Sandhi, with examples. Here are Swar-Sandhi when first word ends in ‘a’ अ and to join thereto are words having in their beginning other vowels अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ॠ, लृ, लॄ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ
    I could not frame some of the rules and also could not locate proper examples for some of the rules. Please help!!
    अ + अ = आ यथा (१) न + अन्यथा = नान्यथा । (२) च + अविद्याम् = चाविद्याम् । (३) एव + अवशिष्यते = एवावशिष्यते ।
    अ + आ = आ यथा (१) गज + आनन = गजानन । (२) च + आत्महनः = चात्महनः ।
    अ + इ = ए यथा (१) एव + इह = एवेह । (२) अथ + इदम् = अथेदम् ।
    अ + ई = ऐ यथा (१)
    अ + उ = ओ यथा (१) वेद + उभयम् = वेदोभयम् । (२) ईशावास्य + उपनिषत् = ईशावास्योपनिषत् ।
    अ + ऊ = औ यथा (१)
    अ + ऋ = अर् यथा (१) देव + ऋषी = देवर्षी ।
    अ + ॠ = यथा (१)
    अ + लृ = यथा (१)
    अ + लॄ = यथा (१)
    अ + ए = ऐ यथा (१) च + एव = चैव । (२) न + एनत् = नैनत् । (३) न + एजति = नैजति ।
    अ + ऐ = यथा (१)
    अ + ओ = यथा (१)
    अ + औ = यथा (१)
    Most of the examples are from IshaavaasyopaniShat ईशावास्योपनिषत् ।


  221. नाकउतपृथिवी
    what does that say? can someone help to translate that into English? Shouldn’t there be spaces in between?
    Please advise back, thanks in advance!!



    1. नाकउतपृथिवी ? Only पृथिवी makes sense.
      What can नाकउत converted into Devanagari from typing “naaka uta” in English?
      If I type “naakauta” in BARAHA PAD, I get नाकौत
      To get नाकउत I have to type naaka uta with space inbetween. So there will already a space there. But that is yet not making any sense.
      Often meaning can be deciphered by knowing the context.
      Where did you come across this word, please?


      1. I asked my friend to write Heaven & Earth and that’s what she gave me. Could you advise back to write and space them in correct way? Thank you so much.


      2. One reference, which I know, where Heaven and earth, rather the skies and the earth are together mentioned, is in Shloka 11-20 in Bhagavad-Geetaa.
        द्यावापृथिव्योरिदमन्तरं हि व्याप्तं त्वयैकेन दिशश्च सर्वाः ।
        दृष्ट्वाद्भुतं रूपमुग्रं तवेदं लोकत्रयं प्रव्यथितं महात्मन् ॥ ११-२०॥
        Here द्यावापृथिव्योरिदमन्तरं means all the space between the skies and the earth.
        I am not able to connect नाकउतपृथिवी


  222. Hello everyone I’m trying too decide on a tattoo and I think Sanskrit looks so gorgeous when written . Can any one help me with the phrase :

    ” Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is a light in the heart .”

    or simply just the word beautiful .


  223. Hello,

    I just tried to post, but it did not go through. You are so patient with everyone’s request for words for tattoos, I was wondering if might help me learn Sanskrit through skype, using a textbook. I am very interested, but unfortuntely, there are not so many possibilities where I live.

    With many thanks and kind regards,


    1. In the sky = आकाशे
      The location-indicating prepositions such as in, at, over, upon, on are translated by using सप्तमी विभक्ति the locational case. Declension of word आकाश in सप्तमी विभक्ति becomes आकाशे
      Across the universe =विश्वतः
      This reminds me of a Ruchaa in Rigveda, ऋग्वेद which states
      आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः। to be read as “Aa noe bhadraaH kratavo yantu vishwataH” Late Mr. K. M. Munshi, who founded Bharatiy Vidya Bhavan, भारतीय विद्या भवन adopted this Ruchaa as the motto of the Bhavan.
      English translation appearing at the Bhavan’s site says, “Let noble thoughts come from across the universe.”
      I am convinced that better translation would be “May noble thoughts pervade across the Universe.
      The difference is between “come from” and “pervade across”. I am convinced that the Vedas always harboured a philosophy of universal good. So, “pervade across” makes the translation more in tune with the philosophy of the Vedas.


    1. Self-respect would also know how to respect the self-respect which other would have. What self-respect you are refering to is a self-respect, which has no considerations. That kind of self-respect is EGO. Ego is a characteristics of people of viscious character. All the characteristics of viscious people are discussed in the 16th chapter in Geetaa. Their attitude of “having no considerations” is mentioned in the following shloka.
      श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायां षोडशे अध्याये आसुरीगुणानां विवेचनं अस्ति । तत्र उक्तमस्ति
      प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च जना न विदुरासुराः ।
      न शौचं नापि चाचारो न सत्यं तेषु विद्यते ॥
      Ego as the most offensive aspect is mentioned by the word
      अहंकारं The word comes in the shloka
      अहंकारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं च संश्रिताः ।
      मामात्मपरदेहेषु प्रद्विषन्तोऽभ्यसूयकः ॥
      Other four aspects of character of viscious people, mentioned in the first line of this shloka are also worth noting.
      बलं = rogue strength
      दर्पं = offensive pride
      कामं = clamour
      क्रोधं = anger
      Together it gets established that ego knows no considerations.
      Thanks for motivating me to download BARAHA here in Dubai also.


  224. I have been trying to find the correct word for “Mother” I have come across 4 variations which one is right – Much appreciated.

    मात – ?
    माता -maataa
    माता -?
    मातर् – mother


    1. The root word is मातृ
      Declension in First case singular प्रथमा विभक्ति एकवचन becomes माता. The declension in Address case singular, i.e. सम्बोधन एकवचन is मातर् or मातः or मातस्
      In an ode to Mother of the whole Universe, the sage Adi-Shankaraachaarya prays, “…जगन्मातर्मातस्तवचरणसेवा न रचिता ।”
      Here both मातर् and मातस् are in evidence.
      In your search you came across different words. All these words have a common root word, as explained above. The different words you got are because they are different declensions of the same word.


  225. Hey,
    Great blog paige!!
    I was hoping to get a tattoo that loosely translates to
    “the Truth Is One, But He Has Many Names”
    I have found this translation so far, i just wanted to be sure it was correct!

    एकं सत विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति


    1. I think that the translation of
      एकं सत विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति
      can rather be –>
      “Truth is one, but the wise men speak of it in (their own) different ways”


  226. Hi, I was wondering if this translation of Yogananda’s quotation was correct!
    न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचि

    त्रायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः ।

    अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोडयं पुराणो

    न हन्यतो हन्यमाने शरीरे। २०।

    (He) is not born, nor doth (he) dies; nor having been, ceaseth (he) any more to be; unborn, perpetual, eternal and ancient, (he) is not slain when the body is slaughtered. (20)

    Any help would be much appreciated!!
    Thank you!!!


    1. The quotation is not of Yoganand. It is a shloka from the second chapter in Geetaa, maybe 20th shloka in Chapter 2. The English translation might be by Yoganand. The translation is fairly okay. The last sentence can as well be , “He is not slain, even when the body is slain.”
      “nor doth (he) dies” does not sound to be correct English grammar. It should be “nor doth (he) die” Doth is already for third person singular. Thverb “die” then should be in its root form.


  227. Hey!!
    I was wondering if anyone could translate this quotation into sanskrit 🙂

    If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly,
    our whole life would change.

    Thanks for any help!!!


    1. The translation in Sanskrit can be –>
      यदि एकमात्रं पुष्पं कथं प्रफुल्लितं भवति तद् दृश्यते, तेन सर्वा जीवनधारा अन्यथा भवति ।
      This reminds me of a Subhaashitam
      रात्रिर्गमिष्यति भविष्यति सुप्रभातम् ।
      भास्वानुदेष्यति हसिष्यति पंकजश्रीः ।
      इत्थं विचारयति कोषगते द्विरेफे ।
      हा हन्त हन्त नलिनीं गज उज्जहार ॥
      The Subhaashitam speaks of a Honeybee, which is enticed by the nectar of a Lotus. It is evening time. The honeybee enters the bosom of the lotus, thinking that the night will pass, it will become sunrise, and the lotus will open up again. Unfortunately, in the early hours an elephant comes along and uproots the lotus from the lake!!
      Moral?? You can never be certain of the future!!
      That’s the power of Sanskrit language and the intellect of poets, who composed such beautiful Subhaashitaas!!


  228. hey !
    i have been looking into some sanskrit and i have found different variations.
    but can someone translate this for me so i know that it is right::

    the mind is everything. what you think you become.

    also i found this prayer that is great, if you could translate that as well?? :

    Lead me from the unreal to the real,
    From darkness to light,
    From mortality to the immortal,
    Om, Peace, Peace, Peace

    thanks so much for help!


    1. There would of course be different ways to write “as you think, so you become” I would put it as
      यथा विचारयसि तथैव भविष्यसि । to be read as yathaa vichaarayasi tathaiv bhaviShyasi (Please note capital S in the middle of bhaviShyasi)

      Your query reminds me of a quotation describing the noteworthy aspect of the character of the gentlemen. It says
      मनसि वचसि काये सज्जनामेकरूपता। to be read as manasi vachasi kaaye sajjanaam-ekroopataa, meaning gentlemen are those who have uniformity in what is in their mind, what they speak and what they do.
      There is a Subhaashitam “good verse” on this. It is not coming to mind right now. I shall post it again, when I shall get it.

      The other part of your query refers to a famous quote.
      Lead me from unreal to the real = असतो मा सद्गमय । to be read as asato maa sad-gamaya
      असतो = from unreal
      मा = me
      सद्गमय = सत् + गमय
      सत् = (to) real
      गमय = (please or pray) lead

      Lead me from darkness to light = तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । to be read as tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya

      from mortality to immortal = मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय । to be read as mrutyor-maa-amrutam gamaya

      Sometimes I have also seen an addition as
      अनृतो मा नृतं गमय । to be read as anruto maa nrutam gamaya, meaning Lead me from untruth (falsehood) to truth.

      You will appreciate that unreal (imaginary, fictitious) and untruth (falsehood) are not same. So, this addition of अनृतो मा नृतं गमय । makes the prayer more complete!!

      om peace, peace, peace ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः । to be read as oum, shaantiH, shaantiH, shaantiH


      1. wow. thankyou so much for getting back to me.!
        i greatly value everything you have said, and i am really interested in the verse you are talking about as well.

        thankyou again


    1. I would translate “Love is patient, love is kind as सौहार्दं धृतिः सौहार्दं कारुण्यमपि ।

      Actually love, patience, kindness are all different virtues, often interdependent, inter-related also. Having love but not having patience does not make the right kind of love. Having love but not being compassionate again does not make right love.

      Wholesome LISTs of virtues are found at different places all over Geetaa. For example, first three Shlokas in Chapter 16 make a list of some 25 virtues of human character. These Shlokas and their prose (anwaya) –>
      अथ षोडशोऽध्यायः | दैवासुरसम्पद्विभागयोगः | श्रीभगवानुवाच |
      अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः |
      दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम् ||१६-१||
      अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्यागः शान्तिरपैशुनम् |
      दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं हीरचापलम् ||१६-२||
      तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचमद्रोहो नातिमानिता |
      भवन्ति सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारत ||१६-३||

      अन्वयः – भारत, दैवीं संपदं अभिजातस्य भवन्ति (१) अभयं (२) सत्त्वसंशुद्धिः (३) ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः (४) दानं (५) दमः (६) यज्ञः (७) स्वाध्यायः (८) तपः (९) आर्जवं (१०) अहिंसा (११) सत्यं (१२) अक्रोधः (१३) त्यागः (१४) शान्तिः (१५) अपैशुनं (१६) भूतेषु दया (१७) अलोलुप्त्वं (१८) मार्दवं (१९) हीरचापलं (२०) तेजः (२१) क्षमा (२२) धृतिः (२३) शौचं (२४) अद्रोहः (२५) नातिमानिता ।

      It can also be seen that the third virtue in this list can be deciphered as a compound word, combining three virtues therein, viz. ज्ञान, योग, व्यवस्थितिः |

      Then the number of virtues becomes 27!!

      There is similar list in Shlokas 7 to 11 in Chapter 13 –>
      अमानित्वमदम्भित्वमहिंसा क्षान्तिरार्जवम् |
      आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रहः ||१३-७||
      इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यमनहंकार एव च |
      जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिदुःखदोषानुदर्शनम् ||१३-८||
      असक्तिरनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु |
      नित्यं च समचित्तत्वमिष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु ||१३-९||
      मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी |
      विविक्तदेशसेवित्वमरतिर्जनसंसदि ||१३-१०||
      अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम् |
      एतज्ज्ञानमिति प्रोक्तमज्ञानं यदतोऽन्यथा ||१३-११||

      अन्वयः – (१) अमानित्वं (२) अदंभित्वं (३) अहिंसा (४) क्षान्तिः (५) आर्जवं (६) आचार्योपासनं (७) शौचं (८) स्थैर्यं (९) आत्मविनिग्रहः (१०) इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यं (११) अनहंकारः एव (१२) जन्म-मृत्यु-जरा-व्याधि-दुःख-दोष-अनुदर्शनं (१३) पुत्र-दार-गृह-आदिषु असक्तिः अनभिष्वङ्गः (१४) इष्ट-अनिष्ट-उपपत्तिषु नित्यं समचित्तत्वं (१५) मयि अनन्ययोगेन अव्यभिचारिणी च भक्तिः (१६) विविक्त-देश-सेवित्वं (१७) जनसंसदि अरतिः (१८) अध्यात्म-ज्ञान-नित्यत्वं (१९) तत्त्वज्ञानार्थ-दर्शनं एतत् (सर्वं) ज्ञानं यत् अतः अन्यथा (तत्) अज्ञानं इति प्रोक्तम् ।

      Here also the 18th virtue (१८) अध्यात्म-ज्ञान-नित्यत्वं can be considered as a compound word combining two virtues.

      And there are more lists in Chapter 18 –>
      शमो दमस्तपः शौचं क्षान्तिरार्जवमेव च |
      ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यं ब्रह्मकर्म स्वभावजम् ||१८-४२||

      अन्वयः – शमः दमः तपः शौचं क्षान्तिः आर्जवं ज्ञानं विज्ञानं आस्तिक्यं च स्वभावजं ब्रह्मकर्म ।

      शौर्यं तेजो धृतिर्दाक्ष्यं युद्धे चाप्यपलायनम् |
      दानमीश्वरभावश्च क्षात्रं कर्म स्वभावजम् ||१८-४३||

      अन्वयः – शौर्यं तेजः धृतिः दाक्ष्यं युद्धे अपि च अपलायनं, दानं ईश्वरभावः च स्वभावजं क्षात्रं कर्म ।

      कृषिगौरक्ष्यवाणिज्यं वैश्यकर्म स्वभावजम् |
      परिचर्यात्मकं कर्म शूद्रस्यापि स्वभावजम् ||१८-४४||

      अन्वयः – कृषिगौरक्ष्यवाणिज्यं स्वभावजम् वैश्यकर्म । परिचर्यात्मकं शूद्रस्य कर्म अपि स्वभावजम् ।

      The three lists of course have different contexts. But they are lists of human virtues alright. These lists are not exactly identical. Eliminating the duplications, a together list would become a list of some 42 virtues!!

      That in short is a summary view of how virtuous, a virtuous person can be!!!

      And this becomes an eternally valid reference list for all societies, for all human beings, anytime, anywhere, beyond all sectarian or religious concepts. Geetaa has come to be known as a scripture of Hinduism, maybe because its text is in Sanskrit. An impassion-ate study of Geetaa will bring forth that the philosophy there has universal appeal and is eternally valid.


  229. Hello, I would like to get an excerpt from the fourth verse of the tenth chapter of the Gita translated to Sanskrit. I have taken out some words from the original.

    Intelligence, knowledge, freedom from doubt and delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, self-control and calmness, pleasure and pain, birth, death, fear, fearlessness, equanimity, and satisfaction are created by Me alone.

    Thank you so much!


    1. Actually two verses, the fourth and fifth, together make one sentence.

      बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः ।
      सुखं दुःखं भवोSभावो भयं चाभयमेव च ॥ ४ ॥
      अहिंसा समता तुष्टिस्तपो दानं यशोSयशः ।
      भवन्ति भावा भूतानां मत्त एव पृथग्विधाः ॥ ५ ॥

      अन्वय – बुद्धिः ज्ञानं संमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः सुखं दुःखं भवः अभावः भयं अभयं च अहिंसा समता तुष्टिः तपः दानं यशः अयशः (एवं) भूतानां पृथग्विधाः भावाः मत्तः एव भवन्ति ।

      English translation of the above anwaya or prose would become –>

      Intelligence, knowledge, delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, self-control, calmness, happiness, sorrow, birth, death, (or existence and non-existence), fear, fearlessness, non-violence, equanimity, satisfaction, penance, philanthropy, success, defeat — all such emotions and temperaments, that occur in human mind, all emanate from Me only.


      1. A mistake in my anwaya came to notice soon after posting the above reply –
        The anwaya should have the third word as असंमोहः Translaton of this should be steadfastness, (i.e. not being swayed), opposite of delusion.
        The anway should read –>
        अन्वय – बुद्धिः ज्ञानं असंमोहः


  230. Hi,

    I’m looking for a Sanskrit sloka which means, “Impossible is nothing” OR “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.



  231. Another way of saying “Impossible is nothing” is to say “what all cannot be achieved?”
    Woven just around this phrase, “what all cannot be achieved?” there is a Subhaashitam, which in fact is an eulogy of knowledge, using the phrase —
    किं किं न साधयति |
    The complete Subhashitam is
    मातेव रक्षति पितेव हिते नियुंक्ते ।
    कान्तेव चापि रमयत्यपनीय खेदम् ।
    लक्ष्मीं तनोति वितनोति च दिक्षु कीर्तिम् ।
    किं किं न साधयति कल्पलतैव विद्या ॥
    On the aspect of working against all odds, which is similar to “impossible is nothing” there is another Subhaashitam, which is also an ode to Sun God. it reads –>
    रथस्यैकं चक्रं भुजगयमिताः सप्ततुरगाः ।
    निरालम्बो मार्गश्चरणरहितः सारथिरपि ।
    रविर्गच्छत्येव प्रतिदिनमपारस्य नभसः ।
    क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे ॥
    It means –>
    His chariot has only one wheel, the serpents serve as leashes for the seven horses, his path is devoid of any support structure, his charioteer is lame. Yet the Sun crosses the infinite sky every day. The fact of the matter is that achievements of great people are by virtue of their own mettle and not dependent on the means available to them.

    I know this is not exactly what you are looking for. But, I think these are close enough.


  232. hello can u please show me how to write in dvengari:
    faith (knowing)
    thank you ..i continue to love this site and learn more and more from it!


    1. discipline = अनुशासनम् व्यवस्थितिः

      faith = श्रद्धा

      knowing = ज्ञानम्

      In an earlier post I detailed human virtues. The list of virtues in first three shlokas of 16th chapter in Geetaa refers to discipline by the word व्यवस्थितिः

      Virtues listed in shlokas 7th to 11th in Chapter 13 have the context of detailing what is to be considered as the most appropriate knowledge or knowing.

      Faith i.e. श्रद्धा is also a virtue. But it can also a misguided faith, as we see of the terrorists spreading terror in the name of religion. The 17th chapter of Geetaa having the title श्रद्धात्रयविभागयोगः । i.e. three-fold categorisation of Faith really details the virtuous, medium and misguided faiths सात्त्विकी राजसी तामसी श्रद्धा See the second Shloka –>
      श्रीभगवानुवाच |
      त्रिविधा भवति श्रद्धा देहिनां सा स्वभावजा |
      सात्त्विकी राजसी चैव तामसी चेति तां शृणु ||१७-२||

      अन्वयः – श्रीभगवान् उवाच, “देहिनां (या) स्वभावजा श्रद्धा, सा त्रिविधा, सात्त्विकी, राजसी च तामसी इति च भवति । तां शृणु ।

      You seem to have put faith (knowing), thinking that faith (knowing) is always virtuous. Unfortunately, the fact is otherwise.

      Just as faith श्रद्धा is detailed by its three-fold classification in the seventeenth chapter, even knowing ज्ञानम् is detailed by its three-fold classification in the eighteenth chapter.

      सर्वभूतेषु येनैकं भावमव्ययमीक्षते |
      अविभक्तं विभक्तेषु तज्ज्ञानं विद्धि सात्त्विकम् ||१८-२०||

      अन्वयः (Prose) – येन विभक्तेषु सर्वभूतेषु एकं अव्ययं अविभक्तं भावं ईक्षते तत् ज्ञानं सात्त्विकम् विद्धि ।

      पृथक्त्वेन तु यज्ज्ञानं नानाभावान्पृथग्विधान् |
      वेत्ति सर्वेषु भूतेषु तज्ज्ञानं विद्धि राजसम् ||१८-२१||

      अन्वयः (Prose) – यत् तु ज्ञानं सर्वेषु भूतेषु, पृथक्त्वेन, नानाभावान् पृथग्विधान् वेत्ति, तत् ज्ञानं राजसं विद्धि ।

      यत्तु कृत्स्नवदेकस्मिन्कार्ये सक्तमहैतुकम् |
      अतत्त्वार्थवदल्पं च तत्तामसमुदाहृतम् ||१८-२२||

      अन्वयः (Prose) – यत् तु अतत्त्वार्थवत् अहैतुकं अल्पं च एकस्मिन् कार्ये कृत्स्नवत् सक्तं तत् तामसं उदाहृतम् ।

      In Geetaa one finds almost every other aspect of human life so scientifically, so analytically detailed. It is not a scripture ust for Hindus. It is eternally valid guidance for anybody, anywhere, anytime, guidance on how to conduct one’s life, how to face problems, how to understand interpersonal relationships and almost everything man will need for guidance.


    1. There was a similar query earlier and was replied as follows –
      Michael J. Says:
      July 9, 2009 at 4:34 am
      Thanks SOOOOO much S.L.!!!

      I’ve seen a few different writings on how to write Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world” so I very much appreciate you helping me with this.

      Can you tell me if the one I listed above or this is more accurate: यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव

      Thanks again!!!!


      S. L. Abhyankar Says:
      July 10, 2009 at 10:07 am
      Meaning of विश्व is usually considered to be “The Universe”, so, more comprehensive. Relatively जगत् is more commonplace, the “World”. But for this fine difference, the sentence यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव is also good.


      1. Thank you for your help! I am actually looking for only the phrase “Be the change.” I have a tattoo that I want to put the sanskrit phrase around in a circle and the whole quote is a bit long.


  233. Hello,
    Thank you so much for translating the fourth and fifth verses for me. I am trying to get a shortened version of this exerpt and still preserve the meaning. So i have taken out some words. If you could please translate this altered version, it would be much appreciated!

    Knowledge, forgiveness, truthfulness, self-control, happiness, sorrow, fear, fearlessness — all such emotions and temperaments, that occur in human mind, all emanate from Me only.


    1. Shortest statement would be to say that all emotions and temperaments that occur to human mind are from Me only. When one says “all” temperaments and emotions, they need not be detailed.

      So, in Sanskrit, the shortest statement would be
      भूतानां सर्वे भावाः मत्तः एव । to be read as “bhootaanaam sarve bhaavaaH mattaH eva”

      Just to put forth some loud thinking on the grammar of the word “मत्तः”

      This seems to be a poetically composed word, rather than a grammatically composed one.

      Its derivation is मत्तः = मत् + तः

      Here मत् stands for Me

      तः is the suffix to denote the ablative case

      Actually, मत् is itself ablative case declension of the pronoun अस्मद् |

      By additionally using the suffix तः the ablative case is made more emphatic.

      And the ending indeclinable “eva” makes it all the most emphatic!!

      Who else but HE can be so emphatic ?


  234. Hello Again,

    Thank you so much for all your help. I was actually wondering if you could translate this specific sentence:

    Knowledge, forgiveness, truthfulness, self-control, happiness, sorrow, fear, fearlessness — all such emotions and temperaments, that occur in human mind, all emanate from Me only.



    1. Simple translation of the sentence as given by you would be ज्ञानं, क्षमा, सत्यं, संयमः, सुखं, दुःखं, भयं, अभयं एवंविधाः सर्वे मनुजानां भावाः मत्तः एव ।

      I have translated self-control as संयमः

      In Geetaa the word used is असंमोहः, which is steadfastness and is hence different from self-control.


  235. Hi, I was wondering if you could translate the quote from English to Gujarati. Thanks!

    “You can chain me, You can torture me, You can even destroy this body, But you will never imprison my mind.”


    1. Gujarathi is not my language. But I would like to make an attempt. I think in Gujarathi, it would become –>
      તમે મારે બાંધી નાખો, તમે મારે ત્રાસ આપો, તમે મારા શરીર ખત્મ પણ કરો, છતાં પણ તમે મારા મન ક્યારે જ કૈદ ના કરી શકશો |
      The last part could as well be put as –>
      મારા મન ઉપર તમારી સત્તા ક્યારે જ ન થાય |
      Himanshu’s mother tongue is Gujarathi. He may put it in Gujarathi most fluently.


  236. सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः ।

    विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम् ॥

    English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

    Contentment is the highest gain,
    Good Company the highest course,
    Enquiry the highest wisdom,
    and Peace the highest enjoyment.


  237. Hello,

    I found a very nice poem which I would like to have translated in sanskrit for a tattoo (for my first). I have already found a transaltion but I am not sure whether it is correct or not as I saw a different translation as well:

    Contentment is the highest gain,
    Good Company the highest course,
    Enquiry the highest wisdom,
    and Peace the highest enjoyment.

    सन्तोष परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गति

    विचार परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्

    I am very grateful for your help.

    Many Thanks,


    1. The translation, you got sounds to be perfect.

      I am only debating whether there can be something better for the third part
      Enquiry the highest wisdom = विचार परमं ज्ञानं
      Of course the first word विचार should rather be with a visarga at the end, i.e. विचार: |
      Likewise first word of the first sentence सन्तोष could as well be with a visarga at the end i.e. सन्तोष: |

      With the visarga, the words even rhyme better.


  238. Hello S.L. Abhyankar,

    I am inspired by this website and the help that you are giving to so many people. I would be very greatful if you could please help me with a transliteration. When inquiring about the word “perseverance” I have gotten very many different variations of the word.

    Please if you could transliterate into devanagari the word perseverance, as it means steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties and obstacles.

    This means so much to me, thank you so very much!



    1. To my mind the most appropriate word for perseverance would be धृतिः to be read as dhrutiH.

      The meaning of the word धृतिः encompasses, resoluteness, unflinching steadfastness, unwavering dedicated application of mind and might together. That is what perseverance also is.

      धृतिः or perseverance can be virtuous, mediocre or vicious. Robbers cannot loot a bank, unless they persevere in their plan. That is vicious धृतिः All three categories of धृतिः are acknowledged and detailed in following three Shloka’s in Geetaa.

      धृत्या यया धारयते मनःप्राणेन्द्रियक्रियाः |
      योगेनाव्यभिचारिण्या धृतिः सा पार्थ सात्त्विकी ||१८-३३||

      अन्वयः – यया अव्यभिचारिण्या धृत्या मनःप्राणेन्द्रियक्रियाः योगेन धारयते, सा, पार्थ, सात्त्विकी ।

      यया तु धर्मकामार्थान्धृत्या धारयतेऽर्जुन |
      प्रसङ्गेन फलाकाङ्क्षी धृतिः सा पार्थ राजसी ||१८-३४||

      अन्वयः – यया धृत्या तु, अर्जुन, धर्मकामार्थान् धारयते, (या) प्रसङ्गेन फलाकाङ्क्षी, सा धृतिः, पार्थ, राजसी ।

      यया स्वप्नं भयं शोकं विषादं मदमेव च |
      न विमुञ्चति दुर्मेधा धृतिः सा पार्थ तामसी ||१८-३५||

      अन्वयः – यया (धृत्या) स्वप्नं भयं शोकं विषादं मदं च न विमुञ्चति एव, सा दुर्मेधा धृतिः, पार्थ, तामसी ।

      Usually, one would think of the quality of perseverance as a virtue. But Geetaa is so analytical and conceptually clear, that there would be qualitative difference between perseverance of a thief and perseverance of a student and perseverance of a devotee in his devotion.

      Qualitative differences in the results of Actions or of Karma’s are acknowledged to be of three types, very clearly in the following Shloka.
      अनिष्टमिष्टं मिश्रं च त्रिविधं कर्मणः फलम् |
      भवत्यत्यागिनां प्रेत्य न तु संन्यासिनां क्वचित् ||१८-१२||

      अन्वयः – कर्मणः फलं, अनिष्टं इष्टं मिश्रं (इति एवं) त्रिविधं अत्यागिनां प्रेत्य भवति । संन्यासिनां (प्रेत्य) तु क्वचित् फलं न (भवति) ।
      Whether particular characteristics is virtuous or not will depend on the end-result. But this itself is valid only for the commoners. For a true Sanyasi, who does any Karma totally unconcerned, not at all gainfully interested, it does not matter what the result of any Karma would be. But he would not shy away from whatever Karma presents itself to him. He does not go around scouting, “I want to do this, I want to do that”. Karma presents itself to him. Actually Karma presents itself to all of us, every moment of life. Karma had presented itself to Arjun, the Karma of fighting the battle. But Arjun got confused whether he should really be executing it. That became the reason for the whole of Geetaa.

      When one starts going into depths of the philosophical thoughts in Geetaa, they start becoming challenging to understand with full comprehension. Even if understood, they start becoming challenging to digest. Even if digested, they start becoming challenging to practice, every moment of one’s life. Why should philosophy, the Truth, for one moment be different from that for another moment?

      There can be no denying that the philosophy is eternally valid. That philosophy is the ultimate Truth, the ultimate saviour for anybody, anytime, anywhere.


    1. Mr. Himanshu Pota has been suggesting that because this forum is for “learning Sanskrit” people should attempt writing as much as possible in Sanskrit. So, I am attempting to post my response in Sanskrit. Yet I am giving thereunder in English also what I am wanting to say in Sanskrit

      भवता पृष्टस्य वाक्यस्य सामान्यं भाषान्तरं “मनः माया” एवं भवेत् ।
      परन्तु पातञ्जलीमहाभागैः रचितेषु योगसूत्रेषु प्रथमं सूत्रमस्ति “योगः चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः”। अत्र यः “चित्तवृत्ति” इति शब्दः प्रयोजितः अस्ति, सः “मनः” इति सामान्यतः प्रचलितात् शब्दात् अर्थस्पष्टतया योग्यतरः भावयति । ततः “चित्तवृत्ति”-शब्दस्य प्रयोगेण भाषान्तरं भवति “चित्तवृत्तिः माया ।”

      यदा चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः न क्रियते, तदैव चित्तवृत्तिः माया भवति । यदा चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः क्रियते, तदेव योगः । चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य प्रशिक्षणमेव योगाभ्यासः ।

      Commonplace translation of the sentence as asked by you i.e. “The mind is maya” would be “मनः माया”.

      However, in the first Sootra among YogasUtraaNi by Sage Paatanjalee is “योगः चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः |” Here instead of the commonplace word “mind” the word used is “चित्तवृत्ति”, i.e. mental tendencies, temptations, aberrations, etc. Thus this word “चित्तवृत्ति” has clearer meaning than what is conveyed by मनः the commonplace word for “mind”. So it appeals to be the better word. By using this word, the translation would be “चित्तवृत्तिः माया ।”

      Actually as per the Sootra, when one would not be eercising control over mental tendencies, temptations, aberrations, etc., then that is Maayaa. When one exercises control over these, that is Yoga. Learning Yoga is learning how to acquire the capability to exercise control over the mental tendencies, temptations, aberrations, etc.


      1. अधुनैव मया उद्धृते सन्देशे काञ्चित् सुधारणां कर्तुमिच्छामि । यन्मया “चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य प्रशिक्षणमेव योगाभ्यासः ।” इति लिखितमस्ति, तत् “चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य अभ्यसनमेव योगाभ्यासः ।” एवं पठितव्यम् । प्रशिक्षणे अभ्यसने च कोऽपि भेदः अस्त्येव । प्रशिक्षणम् अध्यापकेन दीयते । अभ्यसनं प्रशिक्षणात् नंतरं स्वयमेव कर्तव्यम् । यदि अभ्यसनं न क्रियते, कः उपयोगः प्रशिक्षणस्य ? अतः “चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य अभ्यसनमेव योगाभ्यासः ।” इत्येव ।

        I wish to offer some editing of the response just now posted by myself only. Where I wrote “चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य प्रशिक्षणमेव योगाभ्यासः ।” I should have written “चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य अभ्यसनमेव योगाभ्यासः ।” There is of course a great difference between प्रशिक्षणम् .e. “training or learning” and अभ्यसनम् or अभ्यासः i.e. “studying and practising”. Training is imparted by a teacher. Studying and practising is to be pursued after training and learning. What use will be training and learning if studying and practising are not done thereafter? So, it becomes more proper to say, “चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधस्य अभ्यसनमेव योगाभ्यासः ।”


  239. hi, Can anyone help me to write ” Love myself ” in Tibetan. I tried everywhere online, I cannot find the tibetan symbol on it, as it is the first time I want to tattoo ” Love myself” Please can anyone help me? Very much Appreciate. THANKS


  240. Namaste

    I would like to know the sanskrit translation of “i see you”. Meaning I see your soul/spirit and God in you.

    Also, how do I write “Haven” in sanskrit.

    Thank you so much, may you be blessed.


  241. Namaste

    I would really appreciate it, if someone could tell me how is it in Sanskrit the name “Vladimir”.

    Thank You 🙂


  242. Hello!
    I would love to have a tattoo of Gandhi’s famous quote “Be the change you wish to see in the wolrd”, but I have seen so many different writtings of this phrase in sanskrit, which would be the correct one or the one that would resemble the more.
    Thank you so much!


  243. hi! could someone please translate this Gandhi’s quotes “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ?


    1. What a coincidence Mr. Epic !
      One Mr. Matteo from Italy asked the same question by email to me. The emails exchanged were as follows –

      On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:37 AM, Matteo Zoboli wrote:
      I’m sorry if i bother you … I’m writing from italy .. I ask you please if you can translate in Sanskrit this phrase of Gandhi: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” and if you can translate my name “Matteo” and that of my wife, “Elena” always in Sanskrit language … Thank you … really


      On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:40 AM, S. L. Abhyankar wrote:
      Dear Matteo and Elena,

      It is always a pleasure to interact with people so keenly interested in understanding Sanskrit. I am impressed that people around the world study Sanskrit and Indian culture and philosophy, writings of Gandhiji, etc. so keenly.

      Phrase of Gandhiji: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” can be translated as
      जीव यथा श्वः एव मरणं निहितम् ।
      विद्यार्जनं कुरु यथा अमरत्वेन जीवसि ।
      Live as if you were to die tomorrow. = जीव यथा श्वः एव मरणं निहितम् । to be read as “jeeva yathaa shvaH eva maraNam nihitam”

      Learn as if you were to live forever. = विद्यार्जनं कुरु यथा अमरत्वेन जीवसि । to be read as “vidyaarjanam kuru yathaa amaratvena jeevasi”

      There is some poetic rhyming in the way phrases of Gandhiji are read in English. I wish I could put Sanskrit translation also as poetically.

      However what Gandhiji said is possibly an extension from two famous quotations in Sanskrit.
      गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् । = (to be read as “gruheeta iva kesheShu mrutyunaa dharmamaacharet”) Abide by good conduct, as if the DEATH is holding you by the tufts of your hair. The advice is to conduct ourselves with good conduct every moment of our life, so that we should never have the anxiety that death should not catch up with us when we are not in good conduct. No one, whichever the religion, would like to die in a sinful moment, right? What Gandhiji is telling about today and tomorrow, this quotation advises the same thing, this moment and the next, i.e. for every moment of life.

      Another quotation, rather a “subhaashitam” सुभाषितम् “Good Saying” is
      क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
      क्षणत्यागे कुतो विद्या कणत्यागे कुतो धनम् ॥
      (to be read as
      “kShaNashaH kaNashashchaiva vidyaamartham cha saadhayet |
      kShanatyaage kuto vidyaa kaNatyaage kuto dhanam ||”)

      It means wealth and knowledge should be acquired by every moment and by every grain, i.e. by being alert not to waste any moment and not to waste any grain. How can one get knowledge if moment is lost? Every moment is an opportunity for knowledge. Moment lost is lost. No one can get the lost moment anytime later. Likewise if a grain is wasted, it is wealth wasted.

      It is possibly this aspect of Indian culture that “use and throw” culture will be very difficult for Indians. “Use and throw” is an extreme of consumerism, which is not going to do good for the world. In Hinduism we have 330 million Gods. It simply means, we recognise existence of Godhood in everything. We respect that Godhood in everything. It should be painful and sinful to disresepct and throw away callously, what has Godhood in it. If God is omnipresent, is there anything in the world, which does not have Godhood in it?

      In India we have people, for whom rag-picking is a means of livelihood. Maybe, it is not a respectful way of earning a living. However they earn their living, from what has been thrown away by others. And there are people, who do a business in scrap. The rag-pickers and the scrap-dealers are an important link in the recycling chain. They are also possibly the best examples of people who practise कणत्यागे कुतो धनम् ? How can one acquire wealth, if one is not respectful for every grain?

      By the way, your names Matteo and Elena would be written in Devanagari as मत्तेओ and एलेना. Sanskrit is the language. Devanagari is the name of the script, in which Sanskrit is written. Devanagari script is used by other languages also, mainly for languages Hindi and Marathi, apart from Sanskrit.

      I am surprised that you did locate my email ID and sent this personal message. That expresses your interest in interacting personally with me. My pleasure too.

      Wish you a very Happy and Prosperous 2010 !!!

      Mr. Epic, my wishes to you too!

      With warm regards,
      S. L. Abhyankar


      1. अजरामरवत प्राग्न्य विद्यामार्थंच
        गृहीता इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत


  244. Hello. Your website is so very helpful and insightful. I was wondering if you could help me translate from English to Sanskrit:

    “If you want to live life free Take your time go slowly Do few things but do them well Heartfelt work goes purely”

    Thank you!


    1. “If you want to live life free Take your time go slowly Do few things but do them well” =
      यः कोऽपि मुक्तत्वेन जीवितुमिच्छति, तेन किञ्चिदपि शीघ्रत्वेन न कार्यम् । यत्किञ्चिदपि कार्यम्, सुष्ठु कार्यम् ।

      “Heartfelt work goes purely” brings to mind what is detailed as Tapa or Penance, in the 17th Chapter in Geetaa. भगवद्गीतायाः १७-१४, १७-१५ तथा १७-१६ एतेषु श्लोकेषु तपाचरणम् त्रिविधम् विवृतमस्ति – शारीरम्, वाङ्मयम् मानसम् च । In the three Shlokas Tapa is detailed in three categories – by bodily actions, verbal actions and mental actions. तत्र षोडशे श्लोके अस्ति पङ्क्तिः “भावसंशुद्धिरित्येत् तपो मानसमुच्यते” । Particularly in the 16th Shloka, speaking of mental actions it speaks of भावसंशुद्धिः = purity of thought and purpose. Work so done can then be called as Tapa.

      Muni’s did penance, i.e. all their actions – bodily, verbally and mentally were conducted with such devotion of the highest order.


  245. I hope you can help me. I am trying to translate the phrase “strength in peace” or “the greatest strength is peace” or “there is strength in peace”

    or any phrase along those lines. Thank you


    1. There are many Shanti Mantras. The power of the mantras comes from the strength in the concept of Shanti, peace. Muni’s who invoked the Mantras saw that strength of Shanti everywhere, in trees, in everything on earth and in everything in space and the universe. One Mantra which invoked them all is –>
      द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षम् शान्तिः |
      पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरौषधयः शान्तिः |
      वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्ब्रम्हा शान्तिः |
      सर्वम् शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः ।
      सा मा शान्तिरेधि ।
      ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ।

      Om Dhyauh Shantirantariksham Shantih
      Prithvi Shantirapah Shantiroshadhayah Shantih
      Vanaspatayah Shantirvishvedevah
      Shantir Brahma Shantih Sarvam Shantih
      Shantireva Shanti sa ma Shantiredhi.
      Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

      There is peace in the heavenly region, there is peace in the atmosphere, peace reigns on the earth, there is coolness in the water, the medical herbs are healing, the plants are peace giving; there is harmony in the celestial objects and the perfection is eternal, everything in the Universe is peaceful, peace pervades everywhere. May that peace come to me!

      May there be peace, peace, peace.


    1. It is difficult to understand the exact pronunciation you have in mind. Depending upon the pronunciation the word could be written as श्रोन or श्रोण or श्रौन or श्रौण


    1. Garuda Pannchshila = गरुड पंचशील

      The word Panchshila coming from a person from Indonesia brings to mind the Bandung conference held sometime in 1960 or so at Bandung in Indonesia. It was a conference of political leaders of many countries. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was then Prime Minister of India and Mr. Chou En Lai then Premier of China were participants at the conference. The joint declaration was an agreement on five principles “Panchshila” of International co-operation and co-existence.

      In 1961 Chou En Lai visited India on invitation from India. And behind the curtain of such outwardly warmth, in 1962, China not only grabbed Tibet but also invaded India. Even today, quite some Indian territory is occupied by China and is a matter of “negotiation”?! Can Indians ever take Chinese as trustworthy neighbours? Panchshil in 1960 and aggression in 1962?! One totally sympathises also with peace-loving Tibetans and also of course respects the Dalai Lama.

      By the way, Mr. Surya, what is the relationship between Garuda and Panchshil? Is there any Panchshil accredited to Garuda?

      In Hindu mythology, Garuda, the eagle, also known as Vainateya is regarded as the king of all birds. See वैनतेयश्च पक्षिणाम् ||१०-३०|| Shloka 10-30 in the tenth chapter in Geetaa.

      Garuda is also regarded as one of the door-keepers at the gate of the heavenly abode, the palace of Lord Indra.

      But I am more curious to know of the relationship between Garuda and Panchshil.


      1. Hello Abhyankar,
        Garuda, the vehicle (vahana) of Vishnu appears in many temples of ancient Indonesia. The important and noble position of Garuda in Indonesian tradition since ancient times has venerated Garuda as the national symbol of Indonesia, the embodiment of Indonesian ideology, Pancasila (the five principles of Indonesia’s national philosophy). You can read this link for more info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Emblem_of_Indonesia

        One thing i want to ask, is this the correct writing of ‘This, too, will pass’->
        एतदपि गमिष्यति
        Do i have to put ‘||’ at the end?

        I would be greatful if you could enlighten me! Thank you.


  246. Hello everyone. I had a couple of questions that I would great appreciate the answers to if anyone would be willing to. I intend to learn how to write Sanskrit for many reasons, but to say the least it has the be the most beautifully written language I have seen thus far. Calligraphy finally pays off. Ha! Anyways, if someone could translate these two English words into written Sanskrit with no errors I would love them forever.

    First – Fearless

    Second – Ruthless

    Those are the two words that I am looking for right off the bat as the expression goes. Thank you in advance to all who reply. I will check back regularly. Sloan.


      1. Fearlessness = अभयम् or निर्भयता to be read as “abhayam” and nirbhayataa
        Ruthlessness = निर्दयता to be read as nirbhayataa

        The prefix निः or निर् (and also the prefix अ) is for negativity or makes an antonym, same as the meaning of “less-” in the words Fear-less-ness and Ruth-less-ness.

        The suffix “taa” ता at the end of a word makes a qualitative noun, similar to the suffix “ness” in English

        The word निर्भयता is derived from भयम् = fear

        The word निर्दयता is derived from दया = quality of being kind or considerate.


  247. hello, can you please translate in sanskrit::

    be the change

    (i saw above that there is the entire quote translated, but i just would like the first part)

    thanks so much!!


    1. Be the change = (तत्) परिवर्तनं भव ।

      Here, the article ‘the’ has its own importance. I would rather use the article ‘that’ instead of ‘the’. Hence the word तत् should also be included in a more complete translation. Otherwise, परिवर्तनं भव । is also an adequate translation of “be the change”.

      Actually for “be the change” to be a stand alone part it can as well be translated as परिवृत्तो भव । Here, परिवृत्तः is masculine first case singular of the past passive participle of the verb परि + वृ. As past passive participle, the meaning of परिवृत्तः becomes “changed”. And “परिवृत्तो भव ।” would mean “Be changed”. Note, “परिवृत्तो भव” is from “परिवृत्तः + भव |” by rules of conjugation सन्धिनियमेन |


      1. Dear S. L. Abhyankar

        Could you help me translate words into written Sanskrit. It would help me so much! Thanks you.
        The word is:

        Guardian Angel


  248. Thank you sir it is much appreciated. I have a technical question. I was reading articles about historical discoveries and such articles and came across an article where they found a sanskrit symbol in the US in Arizona. However, and here is the confusing part I guess to say, what would it mean if “om” was turn 90 degrees counter clockwise? Wouldn’t that reverse or perverse its meaning? I am not certain though. Thanks in advance.


    1. Saint Dnyaaneshwar, 700 years ago, saw ॐ when turned 90 degrees anticlockwise to be representing Lord Ganesh!! He coined a Shloka in Marathi, in Abhang meter, and this Shloka is in the introductory portion of his Bhaavaartha-deepikaa, or commentary on the Geetaa. The complete Shloka is
      अकार चरणयुगुळ । उकार उदर विशाळ । मकार महामंडळ । मस्तकाकारें ॥
      On turning 90 degrees anticlockwise, saint Dnyaaneshwar saw the अकार portion of the ॐ as representing the legs and the feet of Lord Ganesh in His squatted position, the उकार portion of ॐ as representing the belly of Lord Ganesh and the मकार portion of ॐ as representing the head of Lord Ganesh. That makes ॐ as representing Lord Ganesh completely from head to toe!!

      I can’t understand why someone should then think that turning ॐ through 90 degrees anticlockwise would reverse or perverse its meaning. On the contrary, Saint Dnyaaneshwar saw, that, on turning that way, ॐ represents Lord Ganesh himself!!

      Did somebody say, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”?


      1. Lol! Indeed it is. However, most people never take off the blindfold. No it is custom is in Christian religion, quiet often, that if any of the symbols are adjusted, especially to a negative degree if you will, then it is evil. Common misconception there and it was my mistake. Well at least I know I have some new stuff to read that will keep me busy for a year or two. 🙂


    1. Suppression = निरोधः or रोधनम् or अधिभारः |

      Often appropriateness of choice of word can be better verified, if you can mention the complete sentence, where you want to use the word suppression.

      In Yoga, rather in Pranayam, one has to hold the breath both on inhaling and exhaling. Each holding of breath is called as कुम्भकः The typical sequence is रेचकः कुम्भकः पूरकः कुम्भकः Exhale-Hold-Inhale-Hold. The “holds” are suppressions of sort.

      Also contraception is also suppression and for contraception the word commonly used is गर्भनिरोधः|

      Any word is appropriate only in its context.


      1. Thank you.

        I dont really want to put it in a sentance, using some words from verse 4 of the tenth chapter of Gita! so from that, what context would i put it in?


      2. The 4th verse in Chapter 10 in Gita is
        बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः ।
        सुखं दुःखं भवोSभावो भयं चाभयमेव च ॥ ४ ॥
        अहिंसा समता तुष्टिस्तपो दानं यशोSयशः ।
        भवन्ति भावा भूतानां मत्त एव पृथग्विधाः ॥ ५ ॥

        अन्वय – बुद्धिः ज्ञानं असंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः सुखं दुःखं भवः अभावः भयं अभयं च अहिंसा समता तुष्टिः तपः दानं यशः अयशः (एवं) भूतानां पृथग्विधाः भावाः मत्तः एव भवन्ति ।
        Of these the words closest to the meaning of “suppression” are either दमः or शमः |
        The word शमः is often used in the context of extinguishing for example अग्निशमनम् means extinguishing fire.

        Likewise, the word दमः is often seen quoted in the context of quelling a challenge as in अरिदमन (meaning subduing an enemy)

        While both शमः and दमः have a meaning close to the meaning of suppression, you will appreciate that there is that fine difference in their meanings. By this discretion one would not say अग्निदमन nor one would say अरिशमन.

        You will hence appreciate that context always becomes important to decide which word is appropriate.

        Even when saying all this, may I also add something further and interesting about these words.

        These words are also found again in the 42nd verse in the 18th chapter
        शमो दमस्तपः शौचं क्षान्तिरार्जवमेव च |
        ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यं ब्रह्मकर्म स्वभावजम् ||१८-४२||
        अन्वयः – शमः दमः तपः शौचं क्षान्तिः आर्जवं ज्ञानं विज्ञानं आस्तिक्यं च स्वभावजं ब्रह्मकर्म ।
        Once I was anxious to find a summary list of Supervisory or Managerial functions. And I landed at this verse. I was thrilled to find this verse does that exactly, summarising all the Supervisory o Managerial functions, in one shot. Then also I wanted to understand the finesse of difference in the meanings of these two words. It has been very clear in my mind that in Gita in particular, no meaningful word is used superfluously. So, I needed to know why शमः and दमः are used independently and in succession. I looked into the dictionary for the meaning of शमः I then realised that it is derived from the word शम् which means peace. Then I could decipher that Lord Shiv is also called as Shankar, because in the universal scheme of things Shiva or Shankar is assigned the job of ensuring peace. शं करोति इति शंकरः !! For a supervisor or a manager also, it is important that the work-environment is peaceful. Peaceful environment means environment of positive potentials. Supervisor or manager has to get positive results. One cannot expect positive results in a negative environment. To ensure positive environment thus becomes an important supervisory or managerial function. Every supervisor or manager has to be a Shankar शंकरः !!

        But, in the enthusiasm of wanting a positive environment, the enthusiasm must not be allowed to go out of control. To retain command or control to regulate is then दमः Regulating does not mean suppression, you will agree. Indian ladies wear sari. Every sari has a pallu or daaman दामन. The purpose of दामन is to give adequate cover to the breasts, to save her from otherwise glances of people around. So दामन serves the purpose of regulating social behaviour for the lady and the people around. The word दामन is very obviously derived from दमः

        Thanks for giving me this opportunity to present what I have studied of these words शमः and दमः Seemingly their meaning appears to be quite close to the meaning of suppression. But to interpret them as suppression is to me a very poor interpretation.


  249. thank you for this piece of information, very inspiring. However i was wondering if you could translate these for me please (in english):

    क्षमा प्रामाणिकता शमः नियंत्रण

    and also, i read on someones comment that this phrase

    क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः

    is wrong; could you tell me why?
    Thank you so much


    1. क्षमा = pardon
      प्रामाणिकता =sincerity honesty
      शमः = pacifying as explained earlier
      नियंत्रण = regulation or control

      and also, i read on someones comment that this phrase
      क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः
      is wrong; could you tell me why?

      I would not consider the phrase as being wrong. The phrase is a part of the sentence which spreads over 2 verses, the fourth and fifth in Chapter 10. Only point is that the qualities detailed in the second line of verse 4 are sets of positive and negative qualities. For example सुखं दुःखं = pleasure and sorrow भवोSभावो existence and non-existence भयं चाभयमेव fearing and fearlessness. So there are 3 pairs of opposites. The qualities in the first line are stand-alones. Also, the qualities in the first line are more action-related. Those in the second line are feelings.

      Well, for comprehension of just these 2 verses, there can be a long commentary from the metaphysical perspective. That should be out of scope of this forum. The focus of this forum is “learn Sanskrit”. Let us respect that.


  250. Hi there,
    I’ve been looking in to getting a sanskrit prayer tattoo on my side:
    “Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other,”
    I have paid for three different translations but they are not all the same and I was just wondering if you could help me to make sure that its correct, I would really appreciate it if you could help me 🙂 thankyou xx


    1. देहि मां धृतिं स्वीकर्तुं यन्न परिवर्तनीयं कदापि ।
      देहि मां धैर्यं परिवर्तितुं यत्तु परिवर्तनीयमेव ।
      देहि मां विवेकं ज्ञातुं परिवर्तनीयं वा न वा ॥

      Since you have already “paid” for three translations and you are not happy, I hope, you will be happy with this one.

      In the phrase
      “courage to change that which can be changed”
      I think the phrase should be,
      “courage to change that which should be changed”.
      The word परिवर्तनीयं takes care of that.


  251. Hi!
    I’ve been wanting a sanskrit tattoo on my wrist for my mum.
    So I just wondered if you could translate “Mother, forever in my heart” to sanskrit?
    Thank you so much!


  252. can you please translate in Sanskrit please!!

    “long suffering, truth, self-restraint, inward calm, fear and fearlessness—all these various attributes of creatures proceed verily from Me.”

    if you can, can you please shorten it, thank you!


    1. Your query is very much answered by the 4th and 5th verses in Chapter 10 in Geetaa.
      See my post of January 20, 2010 at 5:29 am
      The 4th and 5th verses in Chapter 10 in Gita are –>
      बुद्धिर्ज्ञानमसंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः ।
      सुखं दुःखं भवोSभावो भयं चाभयमेव च ॥ ४ ॥
      अहिंसा समता तुष्टिस्तपो दानं यशोSयशः ।
      भवन्ति भावा भूतानां मत्त एव पृथग्विधाः ॥ ५ ॥

      अन्वय – बुद्धिः ज्ञानं असंमोहः क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः सुखं दुःखं भवः अभावः भयं अभयं च अहिंसा समता तुष्टिः तपः दानं यशः अयशः (एवं) भूतानां पृथग्विधाः भावाः मत्तः एव भवन्ति ।
      बुद्धिः = intellect, discretion
      ज्ञानं = knowledge
      असंमोहः = not to be influenced by distractions
      क्षमा = ability to pardon, tolerance
      सत्यं = truth
      दमः = (self)-control
      शमः = peace
      सुखं = happiness
      दुःखं = sorrow
      भवः = existence or availability or affluence
      अभावः = non-existence, shortage
      भयं = fear
      अभयं = fearlessness
      अहिंसा = non-violence
      समता = equanimity
      तुष्टिः = contentedness,
      तपः = penance, ascetic life
      दानं = philanthroy
      यशः = success
      अयशः = failure
      भूतानां = of creatures, of living beings
      पृथग्विधाः भावाः = various mental faculties
      मत्तः एव भवन्ति । = emanate from me only.


    1. Verbatim translation of “Protect me from the evil eye and keep my heart pure” would be —
      “Protect me from the evil eye” = दुर्दृष्ट्याः मां रक्ष ।
      “keep my heart pure” = मम हृदयं पुनीतं भवेत् ।

      I am presenting the translations in two parts, for a reason. In this phrase, “Protect me from the evil eye and keep my heart pure”, the first part “Protect me from the evil eye” seeks protection from an external influence and “keep my heart pure” speaks of quality of internal environment.

      Protection from an external evil influence will need divine intervention. But quality of internal environment has to be cultivated by one’s own effort. This also would need His grace. But that would be only His grace, not an intervention.

      The best and well-known prayer which combines these very well is तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । असतो मा सद्गमय । मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय ।

      Here, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । असतो मा सद्गमय । are for quality of internal environment. मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय । is for protection from external evil influences.
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । = Lead me from darkness to light
      असतो मा सद्गमय । = Lead me from myths to truths
      मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय । = Lead from death to eternity.
      All these three translations can be expounded further. For example, darkness can be ignorance, unintelligence, untoward thoughts and feelings, etc., etc.

      मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय । = Lead from death to eternity. This can also be interpreted as Let my focus be from perishables to ever-lasting truths.

      I think it is better to understand already well-composed prayers than try to compose a fresh phrase and work out a translation.

      Prayers which are already well-composed are called as मन्त्राः | the mantra’s. They are mantra’s, because they provoke thinking and deliberation and an urge to imbibe the spirit of the inbuilt thoughts into our conduct. Mantra’s cause this because of the richness of the meaning implicit in the phrases, howsoever crisp, the statement may sound to be.


    1. one life, one chance = एकं जीवनम् सन्धिः ।

      Even when accepting the statement, “one life, one chance”, I am left thinking “Chance for what?” I also presume that the statement “one life” presumes “one human life”.

      I would think that human life is the only chance for exercising discretion. Other creatures are not possibly blessed with as much comprehensive mental ability of discretion at what one should do and what one should not do. Other creatures are driven by instincts. Yet some instincts become characters in some animals, e.g. loyalty is a natural character of dogs, although their responses from moment to moment of their life would be only instinctive.

      All in all, I would love to put the phrase “one life, one chance” into another perspective to say, “Human life is the only chance for exercising discretions” and would translate this as मानवजन्म एका एव सन्धिः विवेकाय ।


    1. “I am human” = अहं मनुजः अस्मि । = अहं मनुजोऽस्मि । (masculine) or अहं मनुजा अस्मि । अहं मनुजास्मि । (feminine) But the word मनुजः is most commony used in its masculine form.

      Actually “human” is an adjective. मनुजः is a common noun. It has synonyms मानवः or मनुष्यः They all would mean human being. I am struggling to work out how the translation can be in the adjectival form.

      Again, although the three words मनुजः मानवः मनुष्यः are synonyms, in usage, they are used with subtle distinctions of contexts. मनुजः is used in a more affectionate context, as is implicit in the phrase, “I am human”. मानवः is used in a generic context. For example, human race = मानवजातिः मनुष्यः is also used in a generic context. But there is a difference. For example, Indian horoscopes detail the traits of character of a person as Godly, human or devilish, देवगणः मनुष्यगणः राक्षसगणः

      All the three words मनुजः मानवः मनुष्यः are derived from the root word मनुः | All human beings मानवाः are descendants of the first human मनुः (maybe, the concept is similar to the concept of Adam) But the mythology recognises 14 Manu’s. The contemporary human race is said to be the descendants of the seventh Manu, the Vaivaswat Manu. Possiibly what reads as mythology is a theory of evolution, far more comprehensive than what was propounded by Darwin. In an earlier post I had detailed the mythology of दशावताराः the ten incarnations, which is virtually a theory of evolution of life, not just of evolution of human race.

      “…look to this one day” = अद्यदिवसमेव विचारय ।
      for it and it alone is life” = यतः जीवनम् अनुदिनम् एव जीवितव्यम् ।

      Here simple translation of “life” is जीवनम् But I presume that what is implicit in “it and it alone is life” is that what is to be lived. This implication is better put by the word जीवितव्यम्

      अनुदिनम् = day by day
      So, the translation is composed as यतः जीवनम् अनुदिनम् एव जीवितव्यम् । to convey the emaning “Because, life is to be lived day by day.


      1. Hallo Avyankar ji, Why do you struggle to find adjective Human for translating “I am human”. Please see that in this sentence ‘human’ is adjective of ‘I’. Similarly अहं मानवः is correct and here मानवः is the adjective of अहं | As per rule of Grammar मानवः has followed gender, declension and number of अहं (here it is 1st person, masculine gender and single number) | In case the adjective e.g मनुष्यः is नियत लिङ्ग विषेशण it will not change its gender irrespective of the gender of the speaker.


      2. @ sudipta,s comment of 28 November 2011.
        Joanna’s query sought translation of “I am human.” To me अहं मानवः does not become adequate translation. In saying “I am human”, possibly it also implies “I am humane, not barbaric”. अहं मानवः does not bring out that meaning of humane character.

        There is another shade of meaning of “I am human”. Possibly it also implies, “I am human, I am not God. … To err is human.” अहं मानवः will not bring out this shade of meaning either.

        I hope, now you understand the difficulty. Actually translations from one language to another should not be word by word or sentence by sentence. All translations should fit the total context of the sentence. “I am human” cannot be translated adequately, unless the context is known – whether the context is of humane character or of fallibility of being human, not God.


    1. art of war = युद्धकला or युद्धकौशल्यम् or युद्धनिपुणता

      However these cannot be successful without the skills and knowledge of strategies, such as युद्धनीतिः व्यूहरचना युद्धशास्त्रम् The best example is of अभिमन्यू who knew how to break into चक्रव्यूह but did not know how to come out of it. Does not the proverb say, “Half knowledge is dangerous?” 🙂

      That brings out also the significance of the last line in the last Shloka of 16th Chapter in Geetaa –> ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुमिहार्हसि । There would be a science and methodology for doing different tasks. They should be executed only accordingly.


    1. Please see my post of December 11, 2009 at 12:24 am
      Just by stroke of luck I landed at this weblink –
      Here you will find some 80-odd lessons to learn Sanskrit!! All are pdf files in good font and font-size.

      If anyone wants to seriously learn Sanskrit with English as medium of instruction, here it is!! Enjoy and develop your knowledge of Sanskrit!!

      A website for learning SPEAKING IN SANSKRIT will need quite some audio support. I think technically it will need lot of memory, far too more than the usual silent websites. This will make hosting the site and maintaining also quite a costly affair.


  253. Hi,
    I would like to get a tattoo meaning joy in sanskrit. Could you please tell me how this is written.

    Thank you!


  254. I would like to have a translation of this sentence. With all my thanks.
    “Le passé est gravé dans ma chair,le futur dans mes yeux”


  255. Good evening,
    Please, I would like to have a translation of this sentence in Sankrit. With all my thanks.

    “The past is engraved in my flesh, the future in my eyes”


  256. Heyyy,
    I’m writing a book on a special woman, my grandmother. I got the english version of some of her chants but i don’t know how to write in sanscrit so could you translate this into the symbols? Thank you so much

    O friend of the downtrodden,
    O remover of grief
    You are my protector
    I am standing at your door
    Please raise Your hand to assure me.

    the second one is :

    Great victory over death mantra,
    we worship the all seeing one
    fragrant, he nourishes bounteously,
    may i be free from the fear of death,
    liek the fruit of the vine freed from its stem,
    but not from the nectar of immortality.

    the third one :
    happiness be unto all,
    perfect health unto all.
    may all see what is good,
    may all be free from suffering’

    the fourth one :
    lead us from the unreal to the real,
    lead us from the darkness to the light
    lead us from the fear of death
    to knowledge of immortality

    Thanks so much. You have no idea how this would help 🙂


    1. 1. ?

      2. The Mahamrtyunjaya Mantra

      Aum tryambakam yajAmahe
      sugandhim puShtivardhanam
      urvArukam iva bandhanan mrtyor mukSIya mAmrtAt II

      Rgveda 7.59.12, also in Yajurveda etc.

      Please note that the term “uru” in Vedic denotes “broad, wide, large, great”, and “arukam” here conveys “illness”, and NOT a cucurbit, as commonly believed. So, the prayer is to Rudra, seeking relief and protection against difficult diseases, and for untroubled long life.

      3. This is a shantipath:

      Aum sarve bhavantu sukhinAh
      sarve santu nirAmayAh
      sarve bhadrANi pashyantu
      mA kashcid-duhkha-bhAg-bhavet
      Aum shAntih shAntih shAntih


      asato ma sadgamaya

      tamaso ma jyotirgamaya

      mrtyorma amrtamgamaya


      The last line actually completes the famous triad in the original, and means

      AviH = revealed, i.e. revealed to Yourself. Compare the modern, AviskAra, discovery, revelation.

      edhi = imperative, anujnA, from the root vid, to know.

      i.e. You Who are revealed only to Yourself make Yourself known to us


  257. Namaste,

    Would you be kind enough to let me know how to write “Honor Yourself” in Sanskrit. I greatly appreciate your help.

    Thank you.


  258. Hi, im from Mexico, and i would love to know how this poem by poet, prince and warrior Nezahualcoyotl is written in sanskrit, thank you very much in anticipation …

    Therefore I decided to leave the country,

    Therefore I have come as one charged with a special duty,

    Because I have been given arrows and shields,

    For waging war is my duty,

    And on my expeditions I shall see all the lands,

    I shall wait for the people and meet them

    In all four quarters and I shall give them

    Food to eat and drinks to quench their thirst,

    For here I shall unite all the different peoples!

    … just instead of “waging war is my duty”, would like to write “to love is my duty ” thanks!… and true peace from Mexico


  259. please can you translate the following word to sandscrit and tamil for me –
    thankyou for your help


  260. Hi!
    Can you please translate “live your life”, “go on with your life”, “fight for your dreams”, “truth, freedom, dream, fight”.

    Thank you very much!


    1. दीप्ति छेत्री = Deepti Chhetri
      दीप्ती क्षेत्री = Deeptee KShetree

      I would contend that the surname “Chhetri” is derived from “KShtree”

      I would also contend that the name “Deepti” would rather be pronounced as “Deeptee” in colloquial usage.


  261. can anybody help me out? i do not write or speak any form of sanskrit fluently and wanted to create a phrase for my Likhita Japa. can anyone help me translate in words and writing, something which expresses something like, “love and gratitude to the guru.” or even “eternal love to guru”. much appreciated if anyone can help, thank you and bless.
    om namah purnayai!
    jai ram!


    1. Direct translation of “Love and gratitude to the Guru” would be स्नेहः कृतज्ञता च गुरुं प्रति ।
      स्नेहः = Love
      कृतज्ञता = gratitude
      च = and
      गुरुं प्रति । = to the Guru
      Paying an obeisance to Guru includes both Love and Gratitude. Hence it is more than adequate to simply say गुरवे नमः । “guravey namaH”
      ॐ नमः पूर्णायै । = Om namaH poorNaayai
      जय राम । = Jai Raama


    1. bhaga = भग Apte’s dictionary gives 18 different meanings of the word भग One meaning is splendour
      The word bhagawan भगवान् is derived by a suffix (प्रत्ययः ) “vat” वत् attached to the word भग So it becomes भग+वत् = भगवत्
      The declension भगवान् is masculine first case singular. Hence भगवान्
      means splendorous.

      If you intended the pronunciation to be bhaaga = भाग, this word has the meaning “destiny” or providence or luck or one’s share.

      One is often left wondering how one should spell a word in English. A different spelling would connote different pronunciation and it would become a different word in Sanskrit.
      Often times it comes to mind that a script should be only phonetic. That in a way is the speciality of Devangari script used for Sanskrit, Hindi and Marathi languages.


      1. i realize that many script words hold various meanings, i was told that bhaga can also mean birth,womb,or void, as in the space between breaths…could you elaborate please and thank you.
        jai maa!


      2. श्री श्रीमहाराजजी,
        इन दिनों मैं गीताके हरेक शब्दका अभ्यास करनेके प्रयासमें हूँ । इसी दौरान शुरुआतमेंही श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता इस शब्दका अभ्यास करते हुए “भग” और “भगवत्” इन शब्दोंका जो अभ्यास हुआ वह नीचे दे रहा हूँ । अभ्यास तो मैं मेरी मातृभाषा मराठीमें संकलित कर रहा हूँ । उम्मीद है कि मराठीमें होते हुए भी आपको समझनेमें कठिनाई नही रहेगी ।
        आपका विनम्र,
        श्रीपाद अभ्यंकर

        (४) भगवान् = “भगवत्” ह्या “वत्”-प्रत्ययान्त विशेषणाचे पुल्लिंगी प्रथमा विभक्ती एकवचन. “भग” ह्या पुल्लिंगी नामाला “वत्” हा प्रत्यय लागून “भगवत्” हें विशेषण तयार झाले. पण भगवान् हा शब्द विशेषण असला तरी तो नाम म्हणूनच रूढ झालेला आहे. म्हणून श्रीमद्भगवत् हा सामासिक शब्द “श्रीमान् भगवान्” असा विशेषण हे पूर्वपद असणारा कर्मधारय समास असा विग्रह ग्राह्य होतो.
        (५) भग ह्या शब्दाचे आपट्यांच्या संस्कृत-इंग्रजी शब्दकोशात १८ अर्थ दिले आहेत !!
        (६) भग = व्रण. गौतम ऋषी स्नानाला गेले असताना, गौतमपत्नी अहिल्या पर्णकुटीत एकटी असताना, इन्द्रदेव पर्णकुटीत गौतमांच्या रूपात दाखल झाले. तें गौतमांना त्यांच्या तपःसामर्थ्यामुळें लगेचच समजले. त्यांच्या शापाने इन्द्राच्या तोंडावर व्रण उठले व तो कायमचा “भगवान्” झाला. अहिल्या शिळा झाली. पुढें श्रीरामावतारामध्यें श्रीरामांच्या पदस्पर्शाने अहिल्येचा उद्धार झाला. पण इन्द्र मात्र “भगवान्”च राहिला.
        (६) भग = भक्त. “भञ्ज्” किंवा “भज्” ह्या धातूंपासून तयार झालेले नाम. भक्त हें खरं तर, ह्या दोन्ही धातूंचें कर्मणि भूतकालवाचक धातुसाधित विशेषण. शब्दाची जात म्हणून “भक्त” हें विशेषण असलें, तरी त्याचा नाम म्हणून वापर रूढ झाला आहे. ज्याचे भक्त असतात, जो भक्ति घडवितो, तो भगवान्.
        (७) भग = तेज, आभा. म्हणून भगवान् म्हणजे तेजःपुंज. जो तेजोमय आहे, ज्याच्याभोवती तेजोवलय आहे तो भगवान्.
        भग = व्रण हा अर्थ चांगला नाही म्हणून रजनीश प्रथम आचार्य होते, नंतर भगवान् झाले, मग ओशो झाले !!


  262. Hi. I’ve got a transalation for “mother, forever in my heart”, but i would really like to know if it is correct before tattooing it on my body. I would be so grateful if somebody could take te time to check if it was correct and also translate it back into english.

    मातर् सर्वदा मम हृदि सदा मम सार्धम् ।

    Thank you so much!


  263. Everything seems fine except for the first word मातर्.

    The word as written is in address case or in vocative case, called as “sambodhana vibhakti” in Sanskrit. Its meaning becomes as if you are addressing your mother, “Hey mother!”

    If you want to say, “Mother is always in my heart, always near me” the word should be in nominative case called as “prathamaa Vibhakti in Sanskrit. In nominative case the word become माता

    So the quotation would be माता सर्वदा मम हृदि सदा मम सार्धम् ।


  264. This is an excellent blog site for new Sanskrit learners. A couple of questions:
    1. How do you translate “Great Composers & Immortal Melodies” into Samskrit?
    2. Can you provide me the declensions (vibhakti’s) of two words: vimoorchana (=melody?) and neetha (=melody?)

    Thank you very much!


    1. Great composers = महन्तः संगीतकाराः
      Immortal melodies = अमराः स्वररचनाः or (ध्वनिरचना) ।
      For declensions of “vimUrcCanaa” and “neetaa” since they have “aa”-vowel ending, declensions to be followed as per those of word “maalaa”. माला “आ”-कारान्तः स्त्रीलिंगी शब्दः । तस्य यथा विभक्तिरूपाणि तथैव विमूर्च्छना-नीता-शब्दयोः रूपाणि ।

      I wonder from where you located such complicated, and not-so-much correct, (rather, incorrect) translations as “vimoorchana” = melody or “neetha” = melody!!

      I have translated melody = स्वररचना or ध्वनिरचना. I hope, you will like that.


      1. Thank you Abhyankar-ji … that’s perfect!

        I found both विमूर्छन (vimoorchana) and नीथ (neetha) as the samskrit equivalents of melody at:

        This lexicon does not show the two as “आ”-कारान्तः स्त्रीलिंगी शब्दः That’s why I was not sure about their declensions.


      2. प्रिय हेगडे-महाशय,
        ननु हर्षितोऽस्मि भवतः स्पष्टीकरणेन । भवता उल्लेखिते द्वे शब्दे – विमूर्छन तथा नीथ -अकारान्ते एव दृश्यती । तेन कारणेन ते “वनम्”-शब्दस्य इव चालयितव्यानि, इति मन्ये ।
        आपटे-महाशयस्य यः शब्दकोशः मत्सार्धमस्ति, तस्मिन् “नीथ”-शब्दः न उल्लेखितः ।
        “मूर्छनम्”-शब्दः न केवलम् उल्लेखितः, तस्य प्रयोगस्य उदाहरणार्थं मेघदूत-काव्यस्य संदर्भः अपि दत्तः अस्ति । अस्ति मत्सार्धं मेघदूतकाव्यमपि । तत्र इयं पङ्क्तिरपि दृष्टा “भूयो भूयः स्वयमपि कृतां मूर्च्छनां विस्मरन्ती ।”
        यक्षः जानाति, यत् अस्य पत्नी संगीतप्रेमी, स्वयमेव मूर्च्छनान् कर्तुं अस्याः कुशलता च ।
        किन्तु द्रष्टव्यं अत्र, यत् “मूर्च्छना”शब्दः “आ”कारान्तः एव प्रयोजितः अस्ति महाकवि-कालिदासैः ।
        “मूर्च्छनम्”-शब्दः आपटे-महाशयानां शब्दकोशे विशेषण-वाचकः इति उल्लेखितः । अतः अस्य अर्थः “यत् मूर्छां करोति, तत्” एवं ज्ञातव्यः इति दृश्यते । “संगीतरचना”-इति अर्थेण यदि प्रयोगः कर्तव्यः, तदा “मूर्च्छना” एवं आकारान्तः शब्दः योजितव्यः एवं दृश्यते ।
        धन्यवादाः ।
        श्रीपादनामा अभ्यंकरेत्युपाव्हः ।


      3. “ते “वनम्”-शब्दस्य इव चालयितव्यानि” एवंविधा वाक्यरचना सदोषा अस्ति ।
        क्षमस्व ।
        “ते वनम्-शब्दस्य इव चालयितव्ये” एवं पठितव्यम् ।


      4. मम सन्देशे अन्यः व्याकरणदोषः अपि दृष्टः ।
        “स्वयमेव मूर्च्छनान् कर्तुं अस्याः कुशलता च ।” एवं लिखितम् ।
        किन्तु मूर्च्छना-शब्दस्य द्वितीया-विभक्त्यां बहुवचनं “मूर्च्छनाः” एवम् ।
        अतः “स्वयमेव मूर्च्छनाः कर्तुं अस्याः कुशलता च ।” एवं पठितव्यम् ।


  265. Hi!
    I wanted to know how you would say “two” (the number) in sanskrit. Also what is sanskrit for “both” and “together” and “balance”. I know that is a lot of translating sorry. These are all options that I am considering for a tatoo. Thanks in advance for your help!



    1. For each of the words, “two”, “both”, “together”, balance” there would be a number of synonyms. Which translating synonym would make the best fit would depend upon the context. So, one needs to know the context before attempting a translation.

      You can see for yourself what I mean by translating synonyms, if you input in the box provided at the following webpage –

      You can input the words one by one and see what result you will get.


  266. Thanks for the response! As far as context… I want to use those words so that they mean balance with regard to life and harmony. I had the idea of using those words to signify harmony in life kind of like the ying yang. Hope that helps.


    1. Yours is still a challenging question. I checked for translations of “balance” and “harmony” independently at the translator link, I mentioned earlier and got the following synonyms.

      harmony = सन्धि संवादिता संपद् संमति अविरोध सहचार ऐक्य
      balanced = सन्तुलित

      I think the best answer for what you are looking for is available in the second chapter in Shreemad-Bhagavad-geetaa, where Arjun asks “What are the characteristics of a person with a balanced, steadfast and yet alert mind?” The word used there is स्थितप्रज्ञ: = a person with a balanced, steadfast and yet alert mind or स्थितप्रज्ञता = characteristics of the mind when it is balanced, steadfast and alert. ShreekriShNa details a very long answer spread over 18 verses from verse #55 to #72.

      If you will study these verses, I guess you have all the answer there. By that you will appreciate that स्थितप्रज्ञता sthitapraj~jataa should be the word for you. If you type this spelling sthitapraj~jataa in BARAHA Pad, you will get the result in devanaagaree.


      1. That is very helpful! How do you say something describing heart and mind in balance? I was also wondering if there was a way to incorporate strength into that phrase. Like maybe “there is strength in the balance of mind and heart”


  267. Hi,
    Brilliant site.

    Can someone please tell me what:
    love, faith, trust and honesty

    Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love

    It is for a tatoo i would like, as i love this style of writting.

    Thank you 🙂


    1. love, faith, trust and honesty
      स्नेहः श्रद्धा च विश्वासः प्रामाणिकता अपि ।
      Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love
      द्वे जीवने द्वे हृदये समाहिते तु मित्रत्वे स्नेहे चामरणं खलु ।
      In the rituals of Hindu marriage one most important ritual is of “saptapadee”. The couple takes seven rounds around the sacred fire, subscribing their allegiance to seven vows.
      What translation you are looking for is substantially in tune with the seven vows. You will appreciate the following details.

      With the first step , the couple invokes the Gods for plentitude of food.

      With the second step , the couple prays to the Gods to give them both mental and physical strength and a healthy life free from ailments.

      The third step is for the fulfilment of spiritual obligation for the couple and for the successful performance of their spiritual duties.

      The fourth step is for the attainment of happiness in all walks of life.

      The fifth step is to pray for the welfare of all living entities in the entire Universe.

      The sixth step is for bountiful seasons all over the world.

      The seventh step is taken invoking the prayer and sacrifice for universal peace.

      On taking these seven steps together, the couple agrees to be companions forever and pray that they never have any conflicts so as to break this companionship. Having sought each other out to be life partners, they agree to lead a harmonious life taking into consideration not only each other’s likes and dislikes, but also keeping in mind the good of the entire family. They pray for their unity, prosperity and happiness.

      The ideals behind the Saptapadi acquire more significance from the fact that the married couple pray not only for their own welfare but also for the health and prosperity of all living beings and the entire Universe.



  268. Hi I want to translate Tarcio Bispo Santana, a website I found says it should be like dis ठर्cइओ भिस्पो Sअन्टन, but the website owner says it isnt is native tongue so I wanna make sure. 🙂

    Thank you!!!!


  269. Hi everybody,

    I’m looking for the correct translation of ‘life’. I found something about ‘pranah’, but I wasn’t sure. My name ‘Zoë’ is greek for ‘life’, now I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of a lotus and maybe the sanskrit word of ‘life’ to put in the Lotus flower.

    Have a nice day.


    1. Your thinking of a lotus and connecting it with your name meaning life brought to my mind the seven chakras in our body. On searching on the internet I found the chakras detailed at http://www.sacredcenters.com/chakras.

      You will notice that the seven chakras in the body of each of us govern our life.

      Each chakra is denoted with its symbol, all of which are lotuses of different colours and lotuses with different number of petals.

      Accordingly I am impresses with your idea of designing a tattoo combining lotus and life.

      Yes, the word PraaNa प्राण seems to be a good word to translate life. There is another synonym जीवन. But in the present context प्राण seems to be more appropriate.


  270. Good evening,
    Please, I would like to have a translation of this sentence in Sankrit. With all my thanks.
    “The past is engraved in my flesh, the future in my eyes”


    1. I am not a poet, definitely not capable of composing a verse in Sanskrit. But your question provides me a prompt to compose a verse of two lines !!
      भूतकालो तु शरीरे मे भवति क्षणशः समाहितः
      भविष्यं पश्यतः मे नयने जीवामि वर्तमानं सदा ।
      What I have attempted is to say –
      भूतकालो तु शरीरे मे भवति क्षणशः समाहितः = Past gets stored in my body every moment (means by every moment passing)
      भविष्यं पश्यतः मे नयने my (two) eyes see the future
      जीवामि वर्तमानं सदा । But what I live always is the Present.

      Such in fact is the definition of Karma, as stated in the 8th chapter of Gita. The statement in the second line of the third verse is – भूतभावोद्भवकरो विसर्गः कर्मसंज्ञितः ||

      Here, कर्मसंज्ञितः = is defined as Karma
      विसर्गः = happening
      भूतभावोद्भवकर: = (emanating from) the past, (having manifestation in) the Present, (being also the genesis of) the future.

      Overall meaning becomes, “Every happening, as it emanates from the Past, manifests itself in the Present and becomes automatically the genesis of the Future, is defined as Karma.” Extended meaning becomes that our Present Karma has resulted from our own Past actions. Our Future is, in like manner is going to emerge only from our Present actions. Karma is thus an infinite chain reaction!

      Once when I was searching for exact definition of Karma, I landed upon this verse as precisely defining Karma. You may not find this verse so interpreted by all commentators. But since Gita does not hold any bar on one indulging in one’s own interpretation, I have dared to derive my own interpretation. I hope that this will appeal to you also.


      1. Many all thanks sir. I’m very happy for this translate. You’re a very sympatic man. I’m french and I’m sorry for my poor english.


    1. Wisdom has many facets.
      Knowledge = ज्ञानम्
      Intelligence = बुद्धिः
      Discretion = विवेकः
      Forbearance = धृतिः
      Knowledge itself is to be understood as the act or result of knowing and also the subject what is to be known. The act of knowing and what is to be known are pursued by one who wants to know. This trinity is beautifully summarised in the following verse in Bhagavadgita

      ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं परिज्ञाता त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना |
      करणं कर्म कर्तेति त्रिविधः कर्मसंग्रहः ||१८-१८||
      In the second line of this verse, another trinity of what is to be acted upon, the action itself and the doer are detailed.

      What all is knowledge is detailed in far more details in following five verses 7 to 11 in the 13th chapter.
      अमानित्वमदम्भित्वमहिंसा क्षान्तिरार्जवम् |
      आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रहः ||१३-७||
      इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यमनहंकार एव च |
      जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिदुःखदोषानुदर्शनम् ||१३-८||
      असक्तिरनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु |
      नित्यं च समचित्तत्वमिष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु ||१३-९||
      मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी |
      विविक्तदेशसेवित्वमरतिर्जनसंसदि ||१३-१०||
      अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम् |
      एतज्ज्ञानमिति प्रोक्तमज्ञानं यदतोऽन्यथा ||१३-११||

      It may interest you study these verses from any book on Bhagavadgita or on the internet.


  271. Can you please translate this:
    “May you work like you don’t need the money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, and Dance like no one is watching.”

    I wanna have a tattoo in sanskrit:)
    Please help!

    Kind regs


    1. May you work like you don’t need the money = कर्मं कुरु यथा न काचिदर्थतृष्णा ।
      Love like you’ve never been hurt = स्नेहं कुरु यथा न कदापि ऋक्णः ।
      Dance like no one is watching = नर्तनं कुरु यथा न केनापि दृष्टः ।

      कर्मं कुरु यथा न काचिदर्थतृष्णा । स्नेहं कुरु यथा न कदापि ऋक्णः । नर्तनं कुरु यथा न केनापि दृष्टः ।

      Since you are a female, you would write
      कर्मं कुरु यथा न काचिदर्थतृष्णा । स्नेहं कुरु यथा न कदापि ऋक्णा । नर्तनं कुरु यथा न केनापि दृष्टा ।

      Note ऋक्णा instead of ऋक्णः and दृष्टा instead of दृष्ट:

      To be read as
      “karmam kuru yathaa na kaachidartha-tRuShNaa |
      sneham kuru yathaa na kadaapi RukNaa |
      nartanam kuru yathaa na kenaapi dRuShTaa |”


  272. I would like to know the Sanskrit symbols for the word Sarva. I know that it means “whole” or “complete”. but I would like to have the actual Sanskrit text of the word for a design I am doing. Any help is greatly appreciated.


    1. sarva = सर्व
      You have said, “I know that it means “whole” or “complete”…” Its more appropriate meaning is “all”.

      सर्व is a numeral adjective of indefinite number. Being an adjective it has declensions by genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), by numbers (singular, dual and plural) and by cases (nominative, accusative, agent, dative, … etc.)

      One finds सर्व as सर्वम् in the first mantra of Ishaavaasya upanishad. ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वम् ….

      The word meaning “whole” or “complete” is पूर्णम् This is found in the opening shaanti-mantra of Ishaavaasya, which reads
      ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

      My idea is to make clear, the distinction between सर्वम् and पूर्णम् so that you can choose the one which fits best for what thought you have in mind.
      सुखमस्तु |
      May happiness be there!


  273. Hello,

    I was just wondering if this is the correct translation for this:

    From ignorance, lead me to truth;
    From darkness, lead me to light;
    From death, lead me into immortality

    असतो मा सद्गमय।
    तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
    मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय॥


    1. On the whole it is fine. But in the first line, since सत् and असत् are antonyms of each other, as antonym of “truth”, instead of “ignorance” one may use “untruth” or “falsehood”.


  274. hello,

    I’m looking for a translation and i was wondering if somebody may help me to translate this in sanskrit and also if sb knows where i can find a way to translate in tibetan??
    “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall”

    “If a problem has a solution there is no need to worry about it.
    If there is no answer for the problem, worry will do no good.”

    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”: I know you already translate this one but may i know how can i put those fews proverbs in Sanskrit lyrics.

    Im so sorry to ask so many questions, but its been so long that i’m looking for those translations
    Really hope somebody can help me,

    Many thanks


    1. I have attempted following
      साक्षीं ददातीतिहासो सत्यस्नेहौ विजयेते ।
      यद्यपि कस्मै कालाय अभिभवन्ति दुर्जनाः ॥
      for “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall”

      This actually reminds me of Shloka 14-10 in Shreemad-Bhagawad-geetaa. It reads
      रजस्तमश्चाभिभूय सत्त्वं भवति भारत ।
      रजः सत्त्वं तमश्चैव तमः सत्त्वं रजस्तथा ॥
      The meaning is – Sattva (nicety) prevails when it can supersede Rajas (mediocrity) and Tamas (lowliness). Mediocrity prevails by superseding lowliness and nicety. (Likewise) lowliness prevails by superseding mediocrity and nicety.

      I also attempt
      चिन्तां कृत्वा समाधानं समास्यायै न लभ्यते ।
      नास्त्यैव हि समाधानं चिन्तया तु किं पुनः ।
      for “If a problem has a solution there is no need to worry about it. If there is no answer for the problem, worry will do no good.”

      Finally, as you have mentioned, there is already the famous SubhaaShitam
      अजरामरवत्प्राज्ञः विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
      गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् ॥
      for “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” In the subhaaShitam, the sequence is other way round.

      I will have to search if there are already subhaaShtaani to explain the first two. For the present I made my own attempts.


      1. A small correction of a mistyping –
        चिन्तां कृत्वा समाधानं समास्यायै न लभ्यते ।
        should be
        चिन्तां कृत्वा समाधानं समस्यायै न लभ्यते ।
        Note that it should have been समस्यायै not समास्यायै

        Secondly, there is a verse in Meghdootam by Kaalidaasa, which, I think has some relevance with the messages (1) and (2)
        कस्यान्यन्तं सुखमुपनतं दुःखमेकान्ततो वा ।
        नीचैर्गच्छत्युपरि च दशा चक्रनेमिक्रमेण ॥
        It means – “Can anyone be eternally happy or eternally in melancholy? Situations of happiness and grief keep moving in cycles, just as the spokes of a wheel keep moving up and down.”


  275. thanks a lot for the translation!!
    it’s amaizing to have it so quickly!thanks
    Just a question about the last one:
    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”
    You translate as:
    अजरामरवत्प्राज्ञः विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।
    गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् ॥

    But few letters look a bit different from the translation you done for Epic as:
    जीव यथा श्वः एव मरणं निहितम् ।
    विद्यार्जनं कुरु यथा अमरत्वेन जीवसि ।

    Is it the same proverbs you translate? or do you have differenty way to troslate such sentences?
    Thanks to help me to understand the sanskrit!!


    1. What I had given earlier was more or less a word-to-word translation. What I have given now is a famous subhaaShitam, which has some poetry in it.

      Sanskrit syntax of the subhaaShitam is –
      प्राज्ञः विद्यां च अर्थं च अजरामरवत् साधयेत् ।
      It becomes wise to pursue acquiring knowledge and wealth, as if one is going to have a healthy, unending life (i.e. “as if one is going to be without any afflictions and is going to live immortal.)
      मृत्युना केशेषु गृहीतः इव धर्मं आचरेत्
      One should conduct oneself righteously, as if the dealth is holding you by the tuft of your hair.

      I think I had quoted the second line गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् last time also. Maybe, I could not recollect the first line अजरामरवत्प्राज्ञः विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् । on the previous occasion.

      Since this time I got the complete subhaaShitam, it gives same meaning, also more poetically.


  276. i was wondering if somebody could help me translate a quote into Sanskrit!

    the quote is

    The unexamined life is not worth living

    thank you soo much!


    1. अपरीक्षितं जीवनं तु न भवति जीवनीयम् कदा ।

      Panch-tantra “Five strategies” is a collection of fables composed to bring wisdom to three “good-for-nothing” princes. These are similar to Aesop’s fables.

      One of the five strategies is need for examination or testing. There are fifteen stories explaining how testing or examining becomes an essential strategy. While composing the fifteen fables the writer has also woven therein 108 “good sayings” or good verses “subhaaShitaani” One popular story of the fifteen is of a barber and is preceded by a subhaaShitam, which reads
      कुदृष्टं कुपरिज्ञातं कुश्रुतं कुपरीक्षितम् ।
      तन्नरेण न कर्तव्यं नापितेन यत्कृतम् ॥
      Another of a wife of a Brahmin who misunderstands her pet mongoose, is preceded by a subhaaShitam, which reads
      अपरीक्ष्य न कर्तव्यं कर्तव्यं सुपरीक्षितम् ।
      पश्चाद्भवति संतापो ब्राम्हण्या नकुलार्थतः ॥


  277. Can u help me with a qoute that is about the importance of life and being one with yourself . i found something in hebrew ” if i am not for myself who will be for me ” is there something like that with more depth ?


    1. What you seem to be conveying is “God helps him who helps himself”. This has been advised with deep meaning in the following verses (Nos. 5 and 6) in the sixth chapter in Bhagavad-geetaa.
      उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानम् नात्मानमवसादयेत् |
      आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुर् आत्मैव रिपुरात्मनः ||६-५||
      बन्धुरात्मात्मनस्तस्य येनात्मैवात्मना जितः |
      अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् ||६-६||
      उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानम् = one should uplift oneself by oneself
      नात्मानमवसादयेत् = one should not degrade oneself by one’s own doing
      आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धु: = One is one’s own brother
      आत्मैव रिपुरात्मनः = one can be one’s own enemy
      बन्धुरात्मात्मनस्तस्य = for him is one’s self one’s brother
      येनात्मैवात्मना जितः = who has conquered one’s self by oneself
      अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे = if one’s soul is seen to be oneself’s enemy
      वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् = one should treat the soul as one treats one’s enemy.

      You would find quite some jugglery in the use of phrases as “one’s self” and “oneself”. But what is summarised here is philosophy of the soul. This philosophy of course demands searching for the in-depth meaning. This searching has to be done of course by oneself. Maybe, the exploration would become simpler if one is fortunate to have a Guru, who can guide. But a spiritual Guru would put his disciple through quite some challenging tests. But the path of spiritual awakening is never simple.

      ॐ Om ! ameen ! Amen !!


  278. Can someone translate in Sanskrit:
    The Lord is my light and my salvation

    want my tattoo to be correct! Thank u! 🙂


    1. I have tried to put it into some rhyme.

      स एव मे ज्ञानप्रकाशदाता ।
      मम मोक्षदाता स एव अस्ति ॥

      You can also think of some prayer, which invokes the Lord to be the guide. One such famous prayer is

      असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय ॥
      This precisely means what you have in mind.

      असतो मा सद्गमय । = Lead me from untruth to truth
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । = Lead me from darkness to light
      मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय = Lead me from perishable to eternal.

      You may find the last portion translated as “Lead me from death to immortality.” Just when writing this note, extempore it occurs to me that “death” happens for those who or which are perishable. Immortality is the characteristics of the eternal concepts.

      What is perishable, is untrue. What is true, is true anytime, eternally true. How wisely the last one leads back to the first one. And in turn connects back to the second one. Lead me to light, to the light of such knowledge. Lack of this or such knowledge is darkness.

      How beautifully the three parts can reverberate into a cyclic meaning, from one to another, from the last one to the first one, again from first to second and on and on..!

      To come out of this cycle, you have to conclude the prayer by saying
      ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः । = Om, Peace, Peace, Peace !!

      So, the complete prayer becomes
      असतो मा सद्गमय |
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय |
      मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय |
      ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||

      ॐ ameen Amen !!


    1. Translation of “He is my light and my salvation” is –>
      स एव मे ज्ञानप्रकाशदाता ।
      मम मोक्षदाता स एव अस्ति ॥

      The prayer
      असतो मा सद्गमय |
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय |
      मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय |
      ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||
      has better and deeper meaning.


      1. thank you so so very much! Would it be possible for you translate these words in this paticular order/way:

        “Truth Righteousness Peace Faith Salvation”
        Thank you so much!!!


      2. There would be synonyms for each meaning. I am giving below words, which most commonly used.
        Truth = सत्यम्
        Righteousness = सत्त्वम्, ऋजुता
        Peace = शान्तिः
        Faith = श्रद्धा, निष्ठा
        Salvation = मोक्षः


      3. There would be synonyms for each meaning. I am giving below words, which are most commonly used.
        Truth = सत्यम्
        Righteousness = सत्त्वम्, ऋजुता
        Peace = शान्तिः
        Faith = श्रद्धा, निष्ठा
        Salvation = मोक्षः


  279. If I wanted to put them one word right after the other horizontally, is there a certain way to write it? For example:

    Truth Righteousness Peace Faith Salvation


  280. I kindly request you to specify me if there is well a writing Sanskrit upright. I would wish to make translate into vertical writing this currency :
    “The past is engraved in my flesh, the future in my eyes”
    I have already received an answer of your part and I deeply thank you for it. So, I would like to know if the writing Sanskrit upright exists well because I heard about it.
    With all my thanks.


    1. If not for decorative purposes, as a rule, Sanskrit has to be written horizontally from left to right.

      In Devanagari script used for Sanskrit, Consonants hang down from a horizontal line.

      This is contrary to English, where letters stand above a reference line, except for g, j, p, q and y, which have some stroke extending below the reference line.

      Some vowel-marks which suffix a consonant, have strokes below the letter, some strokes above the reference line. So it becomes a three-track writing –
      (1) one track hanging down from the reference line,
      (2) another track above the reference line, mainly for vowel-marks
      (2a) for vowel sound of i as in hit,
      (2b) for vowel sound of ee as in bee,
      (2c) for vowel sound of e as in bet,
      (2d) for vowel sound of aa + e (I guess there is no English word with this vowel sound, though word ‘bite’ may come close to it)
      (2e) for vowel sound of oa as boat
      (2f) for vowel sound of ou as in bout
      (2g) for a dot above the line for the nasal sound of m as in gum or of n as in gun
      (3) third track below track (1) for vowel-marks
      (3a) for vowel sound of oo as in good
      (3b) for vowel sound of oo as in fool

      You can see, that vowel-marks for vowel-sounds of oo as in good and oo as in fool are very distinct in Devanagari. That is how the script has a well-defined phonetic structure. You write it properly, then for sure, you will pronounce it properly. You do not have to learn and remember the spellings separately.

      I keep wondering why the Chinese and Japanese ever thought of writing vertically down!! Fortunately they also have changed to better logic.

      You can write Devanagari also vertically down, because every letter is inherently stand alone. But writing vertically down should be only for decorative intentions, not for common writing.

      Two scripts, which have never appealed to me are Arabic and Urdu. My gosh.. These scripts defeat all logic. They write the letters and words from left to right but numbers, even when they come in the flow, are written from right to left!! Even if you do not follow any discipline of a reference line, it seems acceptable. Two words are often not well separated. Only first two letters alif, bay are in same sequence as alpha beta or A, B.

      Given a choice, I would recommend Devanagari to be the universal script, sincerely, not for any sentimental reasons, but simply for the logical, most disciplined structure grilled into it. As I said, if you would write it right, you would pronounce it also only correct, guaranteed !!

      I also studied the Kannada script of the language in Karnataka state in south India. They have two ‘ay’s which helps to write ‘get’ and ‘gait’ distinctly. Devanagari has an ‘avagraha’ which can help get this effect.

      Am I a scriptologist? Not really. But surely, I have done quite some study of many scripts. So my recommendation for Devanagari is based on such study, not just a sentimental recommendation.


    1. The line already given in Devanagari (Language – Hindi / Urdu) is –
      क्या लड़े तूफ़ान से जो कश्ती-ए-साहिल में है
      which is translated as
      “How can one conquer a storm while in a shored boat.”
      The link gives the complete poem
      (1) in Urdu script,
      (2) transliteration in Roman alphabet
      Toofaanon se kya lade jo kashti-e-saahil mein hai
      For proper transliteration, the words “kya lade” should have been at the beginning. So proper transliteration should have been –
      kyaa lade Toofaan se jo kashti-e-saahil mein hai
      (3) in Devanagari script (Language – Hindi / Urdu) and
      (4) English translation.


      1. Thank you! I was having trouble matching up the lines and wanted to make sure I had the right one. This really helps – thank you!


    1. Thank you = धन्यवादाः
      To higher powers as God, one says, अनुगृहीतोऽस्मि read as anugRuheeto-smi. This is a conjugated phrase (= अनुगृहीतः + अस्मि) meaning I am obliged by your approval and acceptance of me in your fold. अनुगृहीतः is past passive participle of the verb अनु + गृह् where root verb गृह् means “to take” and with the prefix अनु it means “to accept”, “to accept in one’s fold”

      Optionally one can also say अनुग्रहीतोऽस्मि read as anugraheeto-smi This also is a conjugated phrase (= अनुग्रहीतः अस्मि) meaning I am obliged by your grace. अनुग्रहीतः is past passive participle of the verb अनु + ग्रह् where root verb ग्रह् means “to engulf” and with the prefix अनु it means “to bestow”, “to bestow one’s grace”.

      In spiritual traditions of Preceptor and Disciple, गुरु and शिष्य the Preceptor ordains his disciple. This is called as गुरु gracing, bestowing अनुग्रहः on to his शिष्य.

      The fine difference in the pronunciations of anugRuheeto-smi and anugraheeto-smi is due to their derivations from two different verbs. Both mean almost same, but not exactly same. It is these finesses, which justifies the name of the language, “sanskritam”, which means “refined”.

      One may attempt translation of every other Sanskrit text. But the force and power that is inherent to a original Mantra in Sanskrit may never get translated with equal force and power. The benevolence obtainable from chanting original Mantra in Sanskrit would not get replicated in any translation thereof.


  281. Hey Ive looked everywhere for the translation the the serenity prayer and all look different. I was wondering if you can translate it:

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.



    1. Same question was earlier asked and I had replied.
      See the following posts –

      Sophie Says:
      January 21, 2010 at 7:32 am
      Hi there,
      I’ve been looking in to getting a sanskrit prayer tattoo on my side:
      “Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that
      which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other,”
      I have paid for three different translations but they are not all the same and I was just wondering if you could help me to make sure that its correct, I would really appreciate it if you could help me
      thankyou xx

      S. L. Abhyankar Says:
      January 21, 2010 at 11:18 pm
      देहि मां धृतिं स्वीकर्तुं यन्न परिवर्तनीयं कदापि ।
      देहि मां धैर्यं परिवर्तितुं यत्तु परिवर्तनीयमेव ।
      देहि मां विवेकं ज्ञातुं परिवर्तनीयं वा न वा ॥
      Since you have already “paid” for three translations and you are not happy, I hope, you will be happy with this one.

      In the phrase
      “courage to change that, which can be changed”
      I think the phrase should be,
      “courage to change that, which should be changed”.
      The word “परिवर्तनीयं” takes care of that.


      1. Is this devanagari script? Bc I payed for a translation and Im comparing and it looks different. I just dont wan to have something random written on me 😡

        I appreciate your help!


      2. I am sorry Ive just reread many of the comments and now understand that Devanagari is a script and not the language.

        Although I am asking for the same prayer the translation you made was to a slightly different and longer version than the original. For example “god grant me the serenity” instead of “… the serenity of mind”. I am guessing it also makes your translation longer and I wanted the translation to be shorter, as short as possible actually, without losing significance.

        I realize this is a forum to learn Sanskrit and not for translations for tattoos thus I appreciate your time and effort in helping me.


      3. To put it one line, it can be
        देहि मां धृतिं स्वीकर्तुमपरिवर्तनीयम्, धैर्यं परिवर्तितुं यत्परिवर्तनीयम्, विवेकं च ज्ञातुं यत्परिवर्तनीयम् ।
        (1) स्वीकर्तुमपरिवर्तनीयम् = स्वीकर्तुम् + अपरिवर्तनीयम्
        means “to accept, what cannot be changed”
        (2) यत्परिवर्तनीयम् = यत् + परिवर्तनीयम्
        means “that, what should be chanaged”
        (3) धैर्यं परिवर्तितुं यत्परिवर्तनीयम्
        means “courage to change that, which should be changed”
        (4) विवेकं च ज्ञातुं यत्परिवर्तनीयम्
        means “wisdom to know whether can be changed (or not)
        (5) Meaning of यत् is different in (3) and (4). In (3) it means “..that, which..” In (4) it means “whether”


  282. Hi there, I want to get my baby girl’s name tattoo and have found 2 different translations…so want to get the correct one. Her name is MAYA. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! 🙂


    1. oh and one more thing…………..one translation is Hindi, because i have been told that is the origin of the name Maya. Is that why the translations were different? Sanskrit and Hindi? Hope that isn’t a stupid question, I am not an expert 🙂 Thanks again!


      1. There would be four spellings, depending upon how the vowel A is pronounced माया मया मय माय

        As the name of a baby girl only the first one is correct. Hence, माया It means worldly life. The correct pronunciation with this spelling is “maa-yaa”. So, in this spelling the pronunciation of both vowels A is as of ‘a’ in ‘far’, ‘bar’, ‘tar’, ‘car’

        Meanings and pronunciations of other three are –
        मया pronounced as “ma-yaa” in Sanskrit means “by me”.

        मय pronounced as “ma-ya” in Sanskrit is the name of a demon who had powers of magic. He created in khaaNDavana, the Indraprastha palace for PaaNDavaa’s. He provided a swimming pool, which to a stranger looked like tiled flooring only. Duryodhana walked along and fell in the pool. Draupadi chided at this. That became the reason for the Mahaabhaarat war.

        Since the demon was expert at creating deceptive unreal things, everything that is deceptive and unreal is considered and called as माया (= creations of the demon मय)

        Thus, the meaning of the first spelling माया also is all deceptive, unreal creation(s) or
        माया = creations, which lead you into deceptions and temptations.

        For an extended meaning, what is unreal, would perish. What is true, what is fundamental, what is eternal would not perish. Since everything in this world is perishable, philosophers advise that do not remain entangled in the temptations of the perishable things of worldly life, all of which is माया. Pursue the search of eternal truth. This way माया = all worldly life, tempting, perishable, deceptions of worldly life

        माय pronounced as “maa-ya” (or similar to word ‘my’ in English) is a word in MaraaThi language, spoken in Maharashtra state in India. It means “mother”, more as an affectionate address to one’s mother.


      2. wow thank you so much for all of your amazing information! 🙂 so I am wondering, you said the first Maya pronounced “maa-yaa” xould be the only correct one for a baby girl. But how my daughters name is pronounced is “ma-ya” like in the 3rd meaning you gave. So would that be the correct one? Im a bit confused, would you mind clarifying? THANKS SO MUCH!


    2. There are two aspects to a name –
      one, the correct one and
      the other, what is addressed by fondness.
      All “Roberts” are “Bob”s, all “Williams” are “Bill”s

      That would be so for your baby girl too.
      Her correct name would be माया
      Out of your fondness for her, it is okay for you to call her मय

      I would also grant मय has a softer, more fond a pronunciation than माया

      And parents of course have the privilege to call the child by whatever fond address they love. Nicknames given by parents do not have to have any meaning at all. It is all just love, pure love and affection.

      I gave all the long explanations prompted by your question. Don’t take it to heart, what all are the true meanings of different pronunciations are.

      Just enjoy your privilege of being a parent.


      1. wow, you are truly amazing…thank you so much for your kind words and knowledge! I so appreciate it 🙂 🙂 🙂


    1. न मातुः परं दैवतम् । “There is no God greater than mother”

      It is with this concept only, that, in the famous verse
      त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव ….. त्वमेव सर्वं मम देव देव ।
      God is addressed first and foremost as त्वमेव माता “you are my mother”

      There is a good, sweet ode स्तोत्रम् composed by none other than आदिशंकराचार्य Three stanzas, second, third, and fourth have ending fourth line in each stanza, says, कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति । which means a son can be a bad (or vile) son, but no mother can ever be a bad (or vile) mother.

      There have been mothers, who abandoned their children. Kunti did that to KarNa. But the abandonment also, often is to save the child from being called a “bastard”. Mother has no villainy towards her child. She bestows only all affection and love. Whatever mother does is, what, according to her thinking, whatever is good for the child.


      1. The complete verse by आदिशंकराचार्य was scripted and posted by me in a post of 12 or 22 September 2009 under देवनागरीलेखनम्


  283. Hi i want to get a tattoo in sanskrit that says, My God is my strength and my shield who shall i fear. please help me


    1. What you have composed expresses your trust in God. National motto of USA also says the same thing “In God we trust”.

      But when put in first person, the statement gets a colour of ego. Also trust in God can have much more comprehensive benevolence, all-round upliftment. This is well summarised by a word योगक्षेमम्

      The following verse #22 in 9th chapter in Bhagavadgita is God’s assurance to a devotee.
      अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जनाः पर्युपासते |
      तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् ||
      The word here is योगक्षेमम् It means “God assures his devotee of
      योग: and क्षेमम्”
      योग: = being one with. God and his devotee become one entity. God is on devotee’s side
      क्षेमम् = wellness, all-round wellness, of mind, body, intellect and everything. Wellness includes “my strength” and also protection from all ill-effects, again on mind, body, intellect and everything.

      To be eligible for such assurance from God, what God expects of the devotee is also stated in the other phrases of the verse. I am sure, you will find a good translation and commentary on this verse in any book on Bhagavadgita.

      For a tattoo I would recommend
      ईश्वरे निहितः मम योगक्षेमः ।
      meaning “My all-round wellness is in God’s trust”


  284. Hi S. L. Abhyankar, I was wondering if you could help me the translation of ‘resilent’ into Sanskrit for a tattoo. The context of resilient that I’m looking for is; recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant. Or just along those lines conveying the meaning of someone being bent out of shape and then going back to their regular position.

    Much appreciated!


    1. You query prompted me to check the correct word at http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?script=HK&tinput=आतति&country_ID=&trans=Translate&direction=SE

      First I checked up for “resilience” and got the answer आततिशक्तिः

      Then I checked up for the meaning of आतति and got the answer as आतति = tension

      Technically hence, especially to mechanical engineers आततिशक्तिःwould mean tensile strength. That of course is not “resilience”.

      For “Resilience” the word should mean “withstanding tension” I would hence coin a word आततिनिरोधः where निरोधः means regulation, control.

      This word निरोधः is very meaningfully used by sage Paatanjali in the very first सूत्रम् sootram of his famous work “योगसूत्राणि”

      Sootram means thread. A thread is a summary hint, which has to be comprehensively interpreted. Even as a summary hint a sootram has great potential of meaning summarised in it. That is what sage Paatanjali has done in his “Yoga-sootraaNi”

      His first sootra says योगः चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः means “Yoga is control or regulation of faculties of mind”. One most important faculty of mind is wavering. So, by this sootra doing Yoga should be to get control over the wavering of the mind. Such control comes aftre conscientious systematic intensive practice. So in further sootraas sage Paatanjali suggests an eight-fold path comprising of Yama-Niyama-Aasana-PraaNaayaama-Pratyaahaara-dhyaana-dhaaraNaa-samaadhi यम-नियम-आसन-प्राणायाम-प्रत्याहार-ध्यान-धारणा-समाधि These will lead to control, regulation or command over afflictions on mind, body, spirit.

      Comprehensive resilience is thus the objective of comprehensive Yoga.

      So you can also think of the sootra योगः चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः itself for a tattoo.

      Another option for resilience would be आततिनिवर्तित्वम्
      Here निवर्तित्वम् means capability to remove or repel. This word is beautifully used in a verse in a prayer to Lord DakShiNaamurti. The verse in a way defines who a Guru a preceptor is
      गुकारस्त्वन्धकारो वै रुकारस्तन्निवर्तकः ।
      अन्धकारनिवर्तित्वात् गुरुरित्यभिधीयते ॥
      It means, “Gu stands for darkness (of ignorance) and “ru” stands for its remover. Because of his removing the darkness, the preceptor is called as Guru.”

      What you desire of resilience is capability to remove afflictions whether on mind, body or spirit. Such resilience, such capability can then be summarised by the word आततिनिवर्तित्वम्

      I have suggested three options
      (1) आततिनिरोधः
      (2) योगः चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः
      (3) आततिनिवर्तित्वम्


  285. hello Abhyankar ji, can you please tell me what the sanskrit script is for the phrase “wake your dreams”. i have been looking all over the internet but its so difficult to find an english to sanskrit translator with the proper script. i would really appreciate it if you could help me out. much thanks!


    1. Wake your dreams = स्वप्नान् जाग्रत ।

      This reminds me of an appeal Swami Vivekanand gave, especially to youth around the world
      उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत
      Arise ! Awaken!!
      Actually this phrase is from कठोपनिषत् where it reads
      उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्यवरान् निबोधत ।
      It means “Arise, Awaken, Know what your right goals have to be”

      I guess, that what you intend by “Wake your dreams” is also “Know what your right goals have to be”

      You will appreciate how ancient wisdom enshrined in scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, etc has eternal value for humanity at large. It has been branded as “Hindu” just because it is in Sanskrit. Humanity at large should see it beyond that unwarranted branding. It is humanitarian philosophy, philosophy for the mankind, eternally valid. That is what it is.


      1. thanks so much. ur right, i completely agree with your thoughts. however, i feel silly to mention this, but i meant to type “awake your dreams”. is it still written the same way as स्वप्नान् जाग्रत । ? thanks so much for your feedback, i really appreciate it!


      2. In fact स्वप्नान् जाग्रत । is still more appropriate for “Awaken your dreams”

        Actually in your first posting you had mentioned about your efforts to find translations. I have seen some memo diary type devices which provide translations from one language to another. My son just now mentioned that on the internet Google also has a facility “translate.google.com” But all these devices or such internet facilities will be specific for the languages on which work has been done by the device designers or by the browsers.

        Sanskrit is of course not a language on which designers or browsers will have worked upon.

        The other option explored by you was dictionaries. For Sanskrit in particular this will not very useful. This is because every word except the indeclinables “avyaya’s” has declensions of a root word. So at http://spokensanskrit.de/ for “dream” you may get Sanskrit word “swapnam”. But for proper translation, you have to know that the root word has to be declined to become “swapnaan”. Same thing applies for “jaagrata”

        So, it is for this reason, I guess, that this forum comes useful for whatever translations people want.


  286. Firstly I’d like to thank all of you that have taken the time and patience to answer the questions/translations people have asked for. It’s amazing that such a selfless act can have a profound effect on so many people. Now I’m going to do the same and add my few questions/requests. 🙂
    I saw on this site that “lead me to truth, not to untruth/lead me to light, not to darkness/lead me to life, not to death” is written in sanskrit as follows:
    असतो मा सद्गमय
    तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
    मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
    On another site I saw “from ignorance, lead me to truth/from darkness, lead me to light/from death lead me to immortality” and it is written in sanskrit as:
    असतोमा सद्गमय।
    तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमया।
    मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय॥
    They’re very similar and I was wondering which saying and which sanskrit writing is the “more correct” one? Would anyone know how it is written/worded in the Upanishad that it comes from?


    1. First one is correct.
      असतो मा सद्गमय
      तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
      मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
      is correct.

      The letter मा has to be separate. It is not just a letter. It is a complete word. It is second case singular of the root word, अस्मत् This root word is first person pronoun for I (singular) we (plural) and would decline to become मा for second case singular meaning “to me”. That is how असतो मा सद्गमय
      would mean Lead ME from vice to virtue.

      People have been translating this line as “Lead me from untruth to truth” I think I also did likewise. But I realise that there is one more line in the verse अनृतान्मा नृतं गमय । That would more appropriately mean “Lead me from untruth to truth. And this line असतो मा सद्गमय should then be better translated as “Lead me from vice to virtue”.

      It seems the word असत् is considered to mean असत्य. But असत् is not good, not virtuous, hence vice. असत्य is untruth exactly अनृत् They are synonyms.

      With the fourth line, the verse becomes so much more complete, charmingly adding the fine distinction between असत् and अनृत्


      1. Many thanks for your help and quick response!! Just so I’m totally sure, you’re saying it should be written this way:
        असतो मा सद्गमय
        तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
        मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
        अनृतान्मा नृतं गमय ।
        And it would translate as “lead me from vice to virtue/lead me to light not to darkness/lead me to life not to death/lead me from truth to untruth”?


      2. Very good!!
        May I suggest that for the translation of the second line, to keep the same sequence of “from .. to..” you may put it as “from darkness to light”. No deity will direct anybody to darkness. So, it does not sound good to pray “not to darkness”. And “from darkness” is always valid, because we are so much ignorant of so many things, that we are engulfed in darkness of so many ignorances. So we pray for leading us “from darkness to light”.

        Ignorance being washed away and knowledge dawning upon us, is always considered as being led to light. “Knowledge is light. Ignorance is darkness”. That is the fundamental concept.


      3. Sir,

        With deepest humility & respects, Sat and Asat here pertain to “that which is real, that which is, that which exists” : lead me from that which is not real to that which IS.

        That theme is followed through is the tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, where the jyoti is the radiance of self-awareness that also is the awareness of the puruSham mahAntam Aditya varNam tamasah parastAt. Tameva viditvAti mrtyumeti, nanyah panthAh vidyate ayaNAyah…..

        Rta, is cognate with RIGHT, Rtpatha, the RIGHT PATH, that which is Right and virtuous. Rta is the natural order manifest on this earth, where MatarishvA is the collective life breath of all living beings on this Earth and subtends Aditi, the life breath of all living being in Creation [Aditir dyau, Aditir antarikSham.. etc.]

        Anrta is droha, mithyA and anartha.

        All Somayajis generating the AtirAtra and the NAciketa Agnicayana must find within themselves the Holy Mother MatarishvA. Only then do they get the direct experience of why the the root “ci” refers to kAya, body, corpus, and cayana, in the esoteric and exoteric ways.

        With humble prostrations.


  287. Hi
    Can you please translate this to Sanskrit:
    “This is our destiny”.
    I want to say with this sentence that my boyfriend and I are destined to live this life together 🙂

    Also, another question:
    Does anybody know if in Indian culture means something good (or bad) tattoo Sanskrit words?

    Please, help me
    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regs


    1. सहजीवनमावयोः भाग्येनैव सुनिश्चितम् ।
      सहजीवनमावयोः = our living together
      भाग्येनैव = by destiny only
      सुनिश्चितम् । = well determined.

      In India also, they say, “Marriages are made in heaven.”

      Indian culture is very old. Maybe, it was that time, when the only language was Sanskrit. Maybe, tattooing prevailed even in those old days. If so, they would have practised tattooing in Sanskrit only.

      But I also appreciate your respect and sentiments towards Sanskrit. Sanskrit actually means “refined”. So, question comes, “Refined from what?” Answer would be “refined from the unstructured colloquial language”. Maybe, unstructured colloquial languages emanated naturally. They are called as praakrut (in English, vernacular).

      When it came to writing, they thought that what is written should be permanent, eternally valid. So “letter” of Devanaagaree script is called as akShara = eternally valid. “akShara” also means “non-erasable”. So the colloquial language was comprehensively refined for purposes of writing, rather, inscribing thoughts.

      With all that refining, Sanskrit certainly has a sanctity of its own. I have known of dramas written in Sanskrit where dialogues of only Kings and of learned lot are in Sanskrit and dialogues of others are in Ardhamaagadhee. So there has been some convention of what to write in Sanskrit. But those conventions also had social influences. We need not go into that.

      All Mantra’s which were composed by Rishi’s or which occurred to their enlightened minds are in Sanskrit. That shows the concept of sanctity, that goes with Sanskrit language. But, some passages in great poet Kaalidaasa’s “meghadootam” are very erotic. One cannot call them sanctified, just because they are in Sanskrit. So, there was that period in history also, when Sanskrit was the only language for writing, even for tattooing!!

      Since you want to tattoo the sentence in the context of your love with your boyfriend, I wonder whether he also shares the same feeling as much devotedly. In Indian custom, marriage is “solemnised”. The most important part of the solemnising procedure is when the couple circum-ambulate the sacred fire taking seven vows.

      You may get this tattoo on you. He does not feel as much or as such about it. Then the whole significance of the tattoo is lost. “solemnising” a marriage by seven vows has that significance of the couple taking the vows together. One vow is to stay together in times good or bad.

      Better to take the vow together, than only one of you getting a tattoo, right?

      I pray for all the best for you.


      1. Thanks a lot!
        By the way, I think this is a very long sentence for a tattoo. Maybe it would be better to put only “our destiny”. What is the translation in Sanskrit of that?
        By the other hand, thanks for the information about “the seven vows”. It was something unknown to us!


      2. Maybe a shorter phrase would be

        This brings to mind, that in Sanskrit name of a married woman starts with a title सौभाग्यवती (Mrs.)

        Name of an unmarried girl, a virgin starts as कुमारी (Miss)

        Name of an elderly gentleman has the title श्रीमान् or श्रीयुत् (Mr.)

        Title or prefix for a boy is कुमारः (Master)

        सौभाग्यम् means “good luck”, “benevolent destiny”. Marriage is considered as blessing a lady with benevolent destiny of having a husband who loves and cares and the further destiny of having a progeny, who will love and care for the mother. Marriage is thus the starting point of all good things, “benevolent destiny” hence सौभाग्यम्

        As extension of this logic, सौभाग्यवती means a lady who has been already bestowed with benevolent destiny, by virtue of having been married. Logically hence, such benevolent destiny is expected to be bestowed not again and again. Once you are married, you have tied the knot for life.

        It is this thought, which is entrenched in the seven vows. That is why you find no divorces in Indian society, especially of olden times.

        This raised another question, however, “How should a lady lead her life, if her husband died?” It would be too much to go into that here.

        Interestingly, sages would always bless a lady saying, “अखंड सौभाग्यवती भव” implying “May you never land into widow-hood”. This also meant “May not your husband die, before you die”

        So with marriage, husband becomes the lady’s “benevolent destiny” सौभाग्यम्

        The sages who structured the procedures for priests to solemnise a marriage had accorded deep thinking to sociological aspects of life after marriage.

        They also ensured that a married girl would also look different from an unmarried one. Prominently a married girl would wear a necklace, the मंगलसूत्रम् “sanctified thread” usually a thread of gold or a thread with golden and black beads. The मंगलसूत्रम् was sort of a declaration that this is a married girl, sort of a protection that the thread is a sanctified one. So none should look at her otherwise. This is how the sages conceptualised the regulation of social behaviour also.

        Very thoughtful, right?


  288. do the following characters translate into “ab hamaare dil mein hai”? अब हमारे दिल में है


    1. Hearty compliments!! You have done it perfect!!
      हार्दिकम् अभिनन्दनम् । भवता सम्पूर्णतया सुष्ठु लिखितमस्ति ।


    1. Looks like the names are Tamil, especially because of “an” ending in Mohanan and use of “Th” spelling for the pronunciation of “T” as in “Tirupati”

      Since these are names, I would think, that they are not to be translated into Sanskrit. They can just be transcripted in Devanaagaree as follows.

      मोहनन् ताय्-शेरी I am presuming that the second word is pronounced as taay-sheree.

      Since letter “t” or “th” in Tamil stands for four pronunciations
      “t” as in “Tirupati”
      “th” as in “thumb”
      “th” as in “that”
      “th” as in “this”
      the word in Devanaagaree can be written as
      ताय्-शेरी or थाय्-शेरी or दाय्-शेरी or धाय्-शेरी
      Also, since शेरी is written in Tamil by using the letter च्, the second part of the word could be written either as शेरी or चेरी

      I am giving all the options from what little understanding I have of Tamil. You can choose the one, which appeals to you the best.


  289. HI all, please can somebody translate ”forgiveness honesty suppression and control” in sanskrit for me please, i love the phrase


    1. Forgiveness = क्षमा or क्षान्तिः
      Honesty = प्रामाणिकता or ऋजुता or आर्जवम्
      suppression = शमः or शमनम्
      control = दमः दमनम्
      Suppression and control are together implicit in चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः mentioned in first sootra in Yoga-sootraaNi of Muni Paatanjalee

      These virtues are also covered in Bhagavadgeetaa in the wholesome lists of virtues, in at least 3 places –
      (1) in first 3 verses of Chapter 16
      (2) in shloka’s 7 to 11 of chapter 13 and
      (3) in shloka’s 42 to 44 of chapter 18.


  290. Hi,
    If one can please translate “love,faith, hope” written in tibetan sanskrit. I wanna get this in sanskrit writing.



    1. I do not know, whether Tibetan Sanskrit is different from Sanskirt as such. I guess, that religion widely followed is Buddhism. Most Buddhist scriptures are, I think, in Paalee, which is of course not Sanskrit.

      Anyway, to put “love, faith, hope” in Sanskrit, simple translation would be “स्नेह: श्रद्धा आशा” to be read as “snehaH, shraddhaa, aashaa”


  291. Hi, I’m trying to help a friend get a quote from Gandhi translated in to Devanagari script. I’ve tried using some of the online dictionaries, but couldn’t be certain of the proper phrasing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the quote:
    “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”


    1. I would put it as
      शक्तिः न केवलं शरीरसामर्थ्यं, दुर्दम्या इच्छाशक्तिरपि शक्तिरेव ।
      शक्तिः न केवलं शरीरसामर्थ्यं = Strength is not only physical capacity दुर्दम्या इच्छाशक्तिरपि शक्तिरेव । = indomitable will-power is also strength.

      There has been a story of an old lion who had ordered that everyday one animal should come to him as his daily meal. Then it was the turn of a rabbit. He went very late. Lion was obviously very angry and asked the reason for the delay. The rabbit told him that he was stopped on the way by another lion. Lion asked the rabbit, where the other lion was. The rabbit brought the lion to a well and asked him to peep in. The lion really saw another lion there. Without realising that it was his own image, he jumped into the well, only to be drowned. Even a rabbit could win his day, only because of his indomitable will.

      This is a story, I think from Panch-Tantra. Every story in Panch-Tantra is accompanied by a two-liner shloka, which summarises the moral of the story. The shloka would have a phrase, exactly putting the same phrase, which you are wanting to translate. I shall search for that. Maybe, you can find it too.


  292. I have found the story you are talking about. It is The Foolish Lion and The Clever Rabbit from Panch-Tantra. However, I haven’t yet been able to find the shloka in Devanagari.


    1. I got it!!
      It is at this link – http://samskrutam.com/samskrit/stories/panchatantra-1.aspx#the-lion-and-the-rabbit-tell?section=literature

      सिंह-शशक-कथा – The Lion And The Rabbit

      यस्य बुद्धिर्बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेस्तु कुतो बलम्? ।
      वने सिंहो मदोन्मत्तः शशकेन निपातितः ॥

      यस्य बुद्धिर्बलं तस्य = One, who has intelligence is really the strong one.

      निर्बुद्धेस्तु कुतो बलम्? । = What can be the strength of an unintelligent one ?

      वने सिंहो मदोन्मत्तः शशकेन निपातितः = In the forest, an arrogant lion was (felled) undone by a rabbit.


      1. Thank you very much for your help! I’ve learned a lot through researching this about Sanskrit and the history of the scripts which it has been conveyed through over the centuries. Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge on this blog and aiding me in finding the translation my friend was seeking.

        Best wishes,
        Ross Hendrix


    1. मम हृदि नितनीतं भवद्-हृदयं ननु ।

      (1) मम हृदि = in my heart
      (2) नितनीतम् = नित्यशः नीतम् = always carried
      (3) भवद्-हृदयम् = भवतः हृदयम् = your heart
      (4) ननु = really (or truly)

      This reminds me of a very popular song in a Hindi movie of yesteryears, which had the wordings
      ऐ मेरे सनम, ऐ मेरे सनम = oh, my dear, oh, my dear
      दो जिस्म मगर एक जान हैं हम = we are two bodies with one mind and life and soul
      एक दिलके दो अरमान हैं हम = we are two facets of one heart


  293. I was wanting to get a tattoo of the sanskrit phrase “joy of life” or “zest of life”. I would like the translation for both please.


    1. जीवनानन्दः = Joy of Life
      जीवनोल्हासः = zest of life

      I like your idea of coining two different phrases for almost the same meaning.

      Second phrase brought to mind what one would feel when looking at the splendour thrown by Nature, especially during Spring, with blossom, blossom all around. I think the word उल्हासः rightly represents that.

      उल्हासः = उत् (उल्) + हासः = uninhibited, opened out EXpression of joy, laughter.

      शुभमस्तु । = Wish you the very best!!!


    1. यन्न = यत् + न
      यत् = which यत् is a conjunctive pronoun and is used to connect a subordinate noun clause or subordinate adjective clause.
      न = not

      More appropriate explanation about यन्न can be given, if you can quote the complete sentence or shloka, where you came across this.

      शुभमस्तु । Wish you the best !!


  294. Hi, i would like to have “Tamanna & Rajah for ever” engraved on a piece of jewelry for my wife Tamanna.
    Can anyone help in translating & writing it sanskrit.


    PS> even if i don’t, my wife can read & write pretty well


      1. Can you help me pronounce it ” तमन्ना च राजा च साथिनौ सदैव । ”
        i know तमन्ना = Tamanna
        राजा = rajah

        thank you


  295. Hi,
    I’m trying to find a good and meningfull buddhist quoatation / words of wisdom. I’ve thought of several, and I really like these two below.

    No one can destroy the imperishable soul

    The mind creates (the?) distance – the heart builds (the?) bridge

    Will someone please help me to translate these into tibetan sanskrit?

    Thanks a lot. 🙂


    1. In second chapter of Shrimad-Bhagavadgeetaa श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, one finds many verses detailing elaborately the imperishable, indestructible soul. For a specimen, I would like to quote the following
      य एनं वेत्ति हन्तारम् = one who thinks it to be the killer
      यश्चैनं मन्यते हतम् = (or) one who thinks, it can be killed
      उभौ तौ न विजानीतो = both of them do not understand
      नायं हन्ति न हन्यते ||२-१९|| = that this one neither kills nor does it get killed
      न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन् = It is never born nor does it ever die
      नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः = It “was not”, “is not”, “will not be”
      अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो = (It is) ever unborn, eternal also ancient
      न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ||२-२०|| It would not be killed even when it resides in a body, which can be killed.

      For a straight-forward translation,
      No one can destroy the imperishable soul =
      न कोऽपि अविनाशिनम् आत्मानम् हन्तुम् समर्थोऽस्ति ।
      The mind creates (the?) distance – the heart builds (the?) bridge
      मनोव्यापारेण भवत्यन्तरं हृदयेन सेतुः ।


  296. thank you.
    i’ve been trying to learn writing from my wife, i want to surprise her with initiatives of my own thatnk you for the prompt replies


  297. First of all, I must say that both your knowledge of Sanskrit and your dedication to helping others are inspiring. I too am hoping to become very familiar with Sanskrit someday. In order to remind myself of my goals and to honor this sacred language and religion, I would like to get a tattoo in Devanagari script and was hoping you could translate a few words for me.
    I’m still not exactly sure what word I want. So I would also appreciate any of your ideas because, from all the comments, you seem very knowledgeable and wise. Thank you very much. This will have a great impact on my life forever, as I will always see it written.


  298. You are so generous with your knowledge. I have learned a great deal from reading your answers to others’ questions–thank you. Could you show me how the Mahavakya “Ayam atma Brahma” is written in Devanagari? Many thanks.


    1. अयं आत्मा ब्रम्ह = अयमात्मा ब्रम्ह

      अयं = this
      आत्मा = soul
      ब्रम्ह = the Bramha

      अयं and आत्मा are possibly more commonly understood. However, at least to me, ब्रम्ह is not well described, clarified, defined. Possibly the lack of definition of it makes it more curious to learn, to study. One finds mention of it at many places in Shrimad-Bhagavad-Geetaa, especially in chapter 4,
      ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविर् ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम् |
      ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना ||4-24||
      दैवमेवापरे यज्ञं योगिनः पर्युपासते |
      ब्रह्माग्नावपरे यज्ञं यज्ञेनैवोपजुह्वति ||4-25||
      and in chapter 14
      मां च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्तियोगेन सेवते |
      स गुणान्समतीत्यैतान्ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ||14-26||
      ब्रह्मणो हि प्रतिष्ठाहममृतस्याव्ययस्य च |
      शाश्वतस्य च धर्मस्य सुखस्यैकान्तिकस्य च ||14-27||
      and in chapter 18
      ब्रह्मभूतः प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न काङ्क्षति |
      समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम् ||18-54||
      This last one again speaks of both आत्मा and ब्रम्ह. For its simpler meaning, आत्मा which has become ब्रम्ह and is प्रसन्न, i.e. accomplished, contented, at peace,
      न शोचति न काङ्क्षति = has neither sorrows, regrets nor any desires
      समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु = is equanimous towards all creations, whether near and dear ones or whether distant and strange
      मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम् = such an accomplished soul merits and gets the ultimate of devotion to me.

      What a blissful state that must be !

      Sanskrit should be learnt to at least get to know, what exalted state should be the goal of all human endeavour. Sanskrit, because, I do not know whether literature of any other language presents such blissful goals. How good one can strive to achieve such states is better left to His grace. But at least you are given some good, pacifying picture of it all !!

      I am quoting the chapters and shloka-numbers, thinking that you would like to read these in more detail.

      शुभमस्तु । May everything be blissful !!!


  299. Hi does anyone know how to write ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ in sanskrit?
    And also, how do I pronounce both of them?
    Thinking of getting a tattoo of both words separately on each of my wrist 🙂


    1. Heart = हृदयम् ( hRudayam)
      (1) To show all the consonants and vowels distinctly, it would be written as ह् + ऋ + द् + अ + य् + अ + म्
      (2) Note, the sounds of “h” and “R” are to be mixed into each other.
      (3) Both the “a”s are vowel sounds, to be pronounced as per “a” or “o” or “e” in “another”. For the vowel sound of “a” in devenagaree, there is only one vowel अ. That is how there is a good discipline in the script, unlike “a” or “o” or “e”.

      Mind = मनः (manaH)
      (1) To show all the consonants and vowels distinctly, it would be written as म् + अ + न् + अः
      (2) The first “a” in the English spelling of the pronunciation, is the vowel sound “a” as of “a” in “another”, as explained above.
      (3) “H” is the sound of aspiration mixed into the vowel sound “a”. Hence “aH” together become a vowel sound, written distinctly by a distinct vowel “अः” If a distinct letter would make the pronunciation clear, Muni’s who devised the script provided a distinct letter for that sound. That is how the script is a phonetic script. It should be possible to write any sound and write it with a defined constancy. All that has been taken care of in devising the script itself. Great ?!
      शुभमस्तु ।

      (1) As above, both the “a”s are vowel sounds, to be pronounced as per “a” or “o” or “e” in “another”


    2. Heart = हृदयम् ( hRudayam)
      (1) To show all the consonants and vowels distinctly, it would be written as ह् + ऋ + द् + अ + य् + अ + म्
      (2) Note, the sounds of “h” and “R” are to be mixed into each other.
      (3) Both the “a”s are vowel sounds, to be pronounced as per “a” or “o” or “e” in “another”. For the vowel sound of “a” in devenagaree, there is only one vowel अ. That is how there is a good discipline in the script, unlike “a” or “o” or “e”.

      Mind = मनः (manaH)
      (1) To show all the consonants and vowels distinctly, it would be written as म् + अ + न् + अः
      (2) The first “a” in the English spelling of the pronunciation, is the vowel sound “a” as of “a” in “another”, as explained above.
      (3) “H” is the sound of aspiration mixed into the vowel sound “a”. Hence “aH” together become a vowel sound, written distinctly by a distinct vowel “अः” If a distinct letter would make the pronunciation clear, Muni’s who devised the script provided a distinct letter for that sound. That is how the script is a phonetic script. It should be possible to write any sound and write it with a defined constancy. All that has been taken care of in devising the script itself. Great ?!

      शुभमस्तु ।


  300. hi, i really love this quote from Gandhi, could you translate it to sanskrit for me please .

    In a gentle way, you can shake the world.

    thanks so much!



  301. Hello, Please if you could, I would like these 4 quotes in Sanskrit. In light, love and kindness, Jack Gochal

    Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.

    Be still and know that I am God.

    Where women are treated with dignity and Womanhood is worshiped, there Roam the GODS.

    Be the change you want to see in the world.


    1. Even after all this time the Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky. सूर्यः पृथिव्यै वदति वा कदापि उपकृतासि त्वं मया । पश्यताम् एताविधेन स्नेहेन कथं प्रकाशः सर्वत्र ।

      Be still and know that I am God. तूष्णीं भूत्वा जानीहि यदहं ब्रम्हास्मि । Actually अहं ब्रम्हास्मि । सोऽहमस्मि (ईशावास्योपनिषत्) are महावाक्यानि “Great Sentences”, great because implied meaning is much deeper than simple dictionary meaning of the words.

      I understand that “Be still and know that I am God is a Psalm. A Christian friend had given me the exact reference also. I would like to know again.

      “Be still and know” suggests that one has get into a trance of deep meditation. Then there will be the vision of God and God may tell you, “Know, I am God”.

      Or deep meditation will lead to self-realisation of such degree, where one may end up muttering “I am God”

      One Zambian lady narrated a very telling experience. Her mother would fetch a big jar of water from the river. One day, she tripped and thought to herself, “Oh, why this should have happened, that too on way back home with jar full of water!” But in another second a frightful serpent hissed across. Then she realised as if God told her, “Be still and know that I am God”. God really knows, (right ?) who should have the right of passage ! and yet will protect His devotees !!

      Where women are treated with dignity and Womanhood is worshipped, there Roam the GODS.
      There is a famous shloka I think in ManuSmruti –
      yatra nAryastu pUjyante ramante tatra devatAH |
      yatra tAstu na pUjyante sarvAstatrAphalAH kriyAH ||
      यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः ।
      यत्र तास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः ॥
      meaning – where women are worshipped (includes, rather goes beyond “are treated with dignity”), there Gods find playful happiness. Where they are not worshipped, there all actions will prove fruitless.

      Be the change you want to see in the world.
      तदेव परिवर्तनं भव यज्जगति द्रष्टुमिच्छसि ।
      This quotation has been discussed earlier also in this forum itself, though, quite some time back


  302. Hello,
    I am very grateful and really appreciate your website from the bottom of my heart–thank you–I’ve learned a lot !

    This phrase/meaning is very important to me is:

    I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, light, peace and joy. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, We Are One.

    Could you please help me with translating the entire Namaste meaning/phrase above into Sanskrit for me?
    This means a lot to me, and I want it tatooed on my body very soon, and I believe it is important to have the correct translation.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart,


    1. What meaning you seem to be seeking is carried to much higher, far mature and exalted state in the following verses in EeshAvAsyopaniShat ईशावास्योपनिषत् ।
      यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि । आत्मन्येवानुपश्यति । सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानम् । ततो न विजुगुप्सते ॥6॥
      यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतानि । आत्मैवाभूत्विजानतः । तत्र को मोहः कः शोकः । एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥7॥
      I can attempt only a literal translation. Deeper meaning has to be only experienced through meditation.
      यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि । आत्मन्येवानुपश्यति । सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानम् । ततो न विजुगुप्सते ॥6॥ He, who sees all creations within himself and himself in all creations, can seek no victory (whose victory over whom ?)
      यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतानि । आत्मैवाभूत्विजानतः । तत्र को मोहः कः शोकः । एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥7॥
      What attraction or what pangs of separation would he have, in whom all creations have become himself and it has all become one unity ?

      This thought is reflected also in 6-29 in gItA,
      सर्वभूतस्थमात्मानम् सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि |
      ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा सर्वत्र समदर्शनः ||6-29||
      सर्वभूतस्थमात्मानम् = oneself in all creations
      सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि = all creations in oneself
      ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा = sees the soul, which has become eligible or mature (yukta) FOR communion (yoga) or
      sees the soul, which has become eligible or mature BY (practice of) yoga
      सर्वत्र समदर्शनः = who sees all around with equanimity.
      For overall meaning –
      The soul, which has become eligible or mature BY practising communion (yoga) or has become eligible or mature FOR communion (yoga) sees equanimity all around, as he sees all creations in oneself and oneself in all creations.


      1. Dear S. L. Abhyankar:
        Received with many heart-felt thanks. I really appreciate and feel very blessed with your prompt reply, your generousity, time, efforts and sharing your wisdom.
        Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~Namaste~
        Best and kind regards,


      2. Dear S. L. Abhyankar:

        Many Thanks to you with Gratitude for your Beautiful response to my original question.

        Now I have learned that this Hindu word “Namaste” originated from the Sanskrit “namaskara”, which is used to greet a person in a way that signifies honoring the divinity within them.
        Would it be possible that you may have this direct sanskrit translation for “namaskara” ? I would appreciate this so much! Your wisdom and generousity means so much to me.
        Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~Namaste~
        Best and kind regards,


      3. Dear Barbara,
        Namaste !

        Namaskara and Namaste are both perfect Sanskrit words. Sanskrit is a language. But language is not religion. So, everything in Sanskrit language is not Hindu. People around the world are taking interest in Sanskrit. They all would not become Hindu’s. They need not become. Because Hinduism does not rely or believe in conversions. In fact Hinduism is name thrust on it. Principles of Hinduism are universal in their spirit. They are fundamental. They are valid for anybody and everybody, regardless what all faiths one may have cultivated by having been inducted into practices of whichever religion.

        I guess, Bible was originally written in Hebrew. But everything in Hebrew is not Christian. Maybe, Hebrew as a language existed much before Jesus.

        However between Hindu religion and Sanskrit, one can say that both evolved simultaneously. Or probably not. The grammar of the language of Veda’s has many deviations from grammar of Sanskrit language. Sanskrit literally means “refined”. If a language became refined, it automatically means that after refinement it is different from the original language.

        But Sanskrit words like Namaste and Namaskar have become a part of Indian culture, so much so that they have been absorbed in almost all Indian languages.

        Literally Namaste (= namaH te) means “I bow to thee.” The phrase “to thee” can have an extended meaning as “to the divinity in you”.

        Basically Namaste is a way of greeting a person with humility, modesty, extending a respect. If two persons greet each other saying Namaste, it becomes a manner of mutual respect.

        Instead of saying that Namaste is a Hindu way of greeting, you may call it as Indian way of greeting. We Indians will certainly be happy if people around the world start greeting each other with mutual respect. It would be a far better world, right ?

        Your original intention was to have it as a tattoo. Instead of it just being a mark on your body, may I suggest that it should become a way of life – people to greet each other with mutual respect ! Start practising it for yourself. May be it would spread. They do say, “A good idea is contiguous in its spirit”

        Namaste !


      4. Dear S. L. Abhayankar: ~Namaste~ !
        Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prompt, generous, kind words of wisdom. I feel very blessed to have this connection with you across our earth and I have great appreciation and understanding for everything that you have shared with me. Yes, I still want to get the sanskrit namaste meaning tattooed on my left arm. My intention is to enscribe this on my body in sanskrit because it is so sacred to me and I want to always remember this incredible journey i have been on. Through practicing yoga my life is transforming and i am changed, and i am tuning in to be the best that i can be with compassion, love, peace, truth, well-being, happiness, good-health, wealth and prosperity in everyway everyday. Over the past decade or more, i have been attracted to the universal fundamental eastern spirituality. I feel so enlightened and grateful with my life and everything i have learned where practicing yoga has been the open doorway, and i am a student of life. Tattooing namaste onto my body would be as an acknowledgment and celebration of my journey thus far, therefore, my intention in connection with you is to have the exact word and meaning, which you have provided me and so much more! and I am very grateful. And yes, I believe and agree that through practicing and living with ~Namaste~ everyday everyway we are making the world a better place. Thank you S.L. Abhyankar, from the bottom of my heart for being my invaluable teacher, with your generousity, wisdom, time and efforts and sharing your wisdom with me and others. ~Namaste~
        Best and kind regards,


  303. Hello! I’m doing a project on my personal life beliefs translated into various languages and I have a few questions.

    From my own research and live I’ve come up with three qualities or, i guess, beliefs that are more important to me than anything else and they are Karma, Dharma, and love (or more like, how you treat others, how you treat everyone with love, that life without love is pointless.) So I’m trying to figure out a sanskrit translations of love that’s close to what I’m saying, that the purpose of life is to love.

    i’m also interested in “balance” and “acceptance”

    and is there a way i could combine those concepts into my own prayer or mantra? while having it still be traditional?

    I also was wondering about sanskrit in vertical vs horizontal, and if they mean something different, and if there are different ways of interpreting them. or if different, i guess, dialects make different meanings?

    or perhaps there already is a mantra that specifically covers karma, dharma, and “love”

    I was raised sikh but gravitate towards hinduism so I’m not doing this out of nowhere or just for fun, it’s something that means alot to me, and i’m actually looking to find someone in my area to help me learn more about it, but in the meantime i’m really looking for this translation.

    i’m also interested in reading more about ganesha as he is the diety i’ve found myself most drawn too. do you have any recommendations of someplace i could do some research?

    Thanks for your help.


  304. namo namaH

    Followings are 2 lines from bhagawan sri satya sai suprabhaatam prayer:

    – uttiShTha satya saaiisha kartavyam daivam aanhikam
    I couldn’t find the meaning of aanhikam in online sanskrit dictionary, instead I found aniikaH meaning troop or group. I am in doubt of the whole meaning of the sentence.

    – shriipaada puujana vidhim bhavadanghri muule
    I couldn’t find the meaning of danghri.

    Dear brothers and sisters can help me on this? धन्यवादः


    1. I scripted into Devanagari as follows, the prayer as spelt by you
      उत्तिष्ठ सत्यसाईश कर्तव्यं दैवमान्हिकम् ।
      श्रीपादपूजनविधिं भवदाङ्घ्रिमूले ।
      At a link –>
      I found a prayer along with its translation. For this also I have added transcription for every line.
      Easwaramba Suthah Shreeman ईश्वराम्बसुतः श्रीमान्
      Poorvaa Sandhyaa Pravarthathe पूर्वसन्ध्या प्रवर्तते
      Utthishta Sathya Sayeesha उत्तिष्ठ सत्यसाईश
      Karthavyam Daivam Aanhikam कर्तव्यं दैवमान्हिकम् ॥ -1-

      O Son of Easwaramba ! O Resplendent Majestic One ! Dawn is heralding in the East. The daily tasks of Divinity which Thou hast undertaken has to be accomplished, therefore, awake, O Lord Sathya Sai!

      Utthishtotthishta Partheesha उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ पार्थीश
      Utthishta Jagadheepathey उत्तिष्ठ जगदाधिपते
      Utthishta Karunapoorna उत्तिष्ठ करुणापूर्ण
      Loka Mangala Siddhaye लोकमङ्गलसिद्धये ॥ -2-

      Awake, Awake, O Lord of Parthi! O Lord of the entire Universe and Mankind ! Awake, O Compassionate Lord! So that the world attain auspiciousness, happiness, prosperity, welfare and blessings.

      From the translation, Aanhikam means daily routine. Aanhikam is from ahaH or ahan meaning “day”

      The line containing the word bhavadanghri moole is not found at the link.

      bhavadAnghri seems to be a conjugated word bhavad + anghri or bhavad + aanghri I do not know meaning of word “anghri” or “aanghri”.


      1. Dear S. L. Abhyankar, thank you for your answer.

        ‘bhavadanghri moole’ can be found in the same link provided by you. In fifth sloka as follow:

        Aadhaaya Divya Kusumaani Manoharaani
        Sreepaada Poojana Vidhim Bhavadanghri Mooley
        Karthum Mahothsukathayaa Pravishanti Bhakthaah
        Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham

        translated at the site as:
        Bringing holy flowers with captivating colors and fragrance, for worshipping Thy Lotus Feet, in the form as prescribed by the scriptures, Thy devotees are coming in, with great yearning and enthusiasm. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

        With kind regards,


  305. Hello, i was wanting a tattoo and finding it really hard to try and translate the sentence i’m wanting. would you be able to help me. the sentence i am wanting translating is,
    “for beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror”
    thanks, x


  306. Hi, I hate to be a bother but I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for anywhere else. I’m trying to find the Robert Oppenheimer quotes from the Bhagavad Gita. Specifically Chapter 11.12 and 11.32 where Vishnu/Krishna is speaking to Arjuna. I’ve found the passages in Sanskrit and the transliterations but I can’t read it to find the specific spots where the quote starts and end and I’m looking for the Sanskrit script. The exact quotes I’m looking for are:

    “If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One.”


    “I am become Death the shatterer of worlds.”

    transliterated it’s

    divi surya-sahasrasya / bhaved yugapad utthita / yadi bhah sadrsi sa syad / bhasas tasya mahatmanah


    “kalo ’smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddho”

    I might be completely wrong about the transliterations though. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!


    1. दिवि सूर्यसहस्रस्य भवेद्युगपदुत्थिता |
      यदि भाः सदृशी सा स्याद्भासस्तस्य महात्मनः ||११-१२||

      अन्वयः (i.e. in prose) – यदि सूर्यसहस्रस्य सदृशी युगपदुत्थिता भाः दिवि भवेत्, सा तस्य महात्मनः आभासः (एव) स्यात् ।
      Meaning – (Even) if brilliance equal to that of thousand suns rising together will happen in the sky, that brilliance will also be only a semblance of that great spectacle ! (11-12)

      कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो
      लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्तः |
      ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वे
      येऽवस्थिताः प्रत्यनीकेषु योधाः ||११-३२||

      अन्वय (in prose) – श्रीभगवान् उवाच – लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धः लोकान् समाहर्तुं इह प्रवृत्तः कालः अस्मि । ये सर्वे योधाः प्रत्यनीकेषु अवस्थिताः (ते) त्वां ऋते अपि न भविष्यन्ति ।

      Shree Bhagawan said, “I am myself Death, the terminator, incited to end the populace. Whatever you may yourself wish, of all these warriors, who have assembled here, none will remain. (11-32)


  307. Hi i’v been trying really hard to get a translation for a tatto.
    many place’s tell you you have to find your own, or they will just do a ‘patten’ but i want it to mean something.
    i’v paided for one and my friend who can read Sanskrit told me it didnt say that! so was just wondering if you could possibuly translate…
    ‘You are everything to me’
    i would be very greatful if you could email it to Luuu_xx@hotmail.co.uk.
    many thanks, Louise 🙂


    1. There is a famous prayer –
      त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव ।
      त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव ।
      त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेव ।
      त्वमेव सर्वं मम देव देव ॥
      In the last line, the phrase त्वमेव सर्वं मम exactly means “You are everything to me”
      Verbatim meaning of the complete prayer is –
      त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव । = You only mother; father you only
      त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव । = You only brother; friend you only
      त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेव । = You only knowledge; wealth you only
      त्वमेव सर्वं मम देव देव ॥ = You only everything for me, O God ! O God !!


    1. कः अहम् = कोSहम्? masculine

      The sign “S” is called as अवग्रह which stands for अ in अहम्
      In conjunction of कः + अहम्
      कः becomes को and
      अ in अहम् becomes silent. Its presence is denoted by अवग्रह
      So कोSहम् is to be read as “koham”

      का अहम् = काहम् ? feminine, to be read as “kaaham”

      When one progresses on the path of self-realisation, through repetitive self-enquiry, I guess, the gender-differentiation also should vanish !

      In गणपत्यथर्वशीर्षं the prayer to Lord गणेश He is described as देहत्रयातीतः i.e. beyond the bodily existence at three levels, viz. स्थूलदेह सूक्ष्मदेह and कारणदेह.

      शुभमस्तु ।


  308. Hello! I’m doing a project on my personal life beliefs translated into various languages and I have a few questions.

    From my own research and live I’ve come up with three qualities or, i guess, beliefs that are more important to me than anything else and they are Karma, Dharma, and love (or more like, how you treat others, how you treat everyone with love, that life without love is pointless.) So I’m trying to figure out a sanskrit translations of love that’s close to what I’m saying, that the purpose of life is to love.

    i’m also interested in “balance” and “acceptance”

    and is there a way i could combine those concepts into my own prayer or mantra? while having it still be traditional?

    I also was wondering about sanskrit in vertical vs horizontal, and if they mean something different, and if there are different ways of interpreting them. or if different, i guess, dialects make different meanings?

    or perhaps there already is a mantra that specifically covers karma, dharma, and “love”

    I was raised sikh but gravitate towards hinduism so I’m not doing this out of nowhere or just for fun, it’s something that means alot to me, and i’m actually looking to find someone in my area to help me learn more about it, but in the meantime i’m really looking for this translation.

    i’m also interested in reading more about ganesha as he is the diety i’ve found myself most drawn too. do you have any recommendations of someplace i could do some research?

    Thanks for your help.


    1. You had made this same post on 27 May. I brooded on it for some time. But when I did not come up with a satisfactory reply, I left it at that. And thereafter it remained left out.

      Now with your re-posting, I am thinking that verse 18-42 in gItA answers more than what you are looking for. The verse is –
      शमो दमस्तपः शौचं क्षान्तिरार्जवमेव च |
      ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यं ब्रह्मकर्म स्वभावजम् ||18-42||
      I need to explain how this answers what you are looking for and even more than that.

      As such this verse lists what all characteristics qualify to be called as ब्रह्मकर्म. Most of the qualities together summarise what you possibly imply by karma and dharma
      शम: = peace, ensuring peace
      दम: = control
      तपः = penance, ascetic life
      शौचं = purity
      क्षान्तिः = tolerance and ability to pardon
      आर्जवं = straightforwardness, transparency
      ज्ञानं = knowledge
      विज्ञानं = scientific, inquisitive aptitude, attitude, approach आस्तिक्यं = acknowledging His existence. I believe this is same what you call as “acceptance”
      स्वभावजं = manifesting naturally. These qualities will manifest naturally, only when they become part of your inherent character
      ब्रह्मकर्म = This is traditionally interpreted as duties to be performed by a Brahmin. To me, these qualities are qualities which should manifest in the conduct of a person, who wishes to be called as a Brahmin. In other words, only that person is a real Brahmin, in whose conduct one can see manifestation of these qualities. By further corollary, anyone can be eligible to be called as a Brahmin, if his conduct gives manifestation of these qualities. Such Brahminism is, by virtue of it being purely qualitative can have a universal outlook. A Sikh, a Christian, a Muslim, anyone, irrespective of religious or genetic orientation can be a Brahmin by manifestation of these qualities.

      With your “life-beliefs” and values, which you seem to be wanting to cherish, I guess, you also are aspiring to imbibe these Brahminic characteristics.

      I already dwelt upon the first two words of this verse on 20th January 2010, when responding to a query by Ms. Cheryl. It may interest you to read that part also.

      शुभमस्तु ।

      ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यं ब्रह्मकर्म स्वभावजम् ||१८-४२||


  309. Hello- I came across this quote a while ago and read that it was from an ancient sanskrit text:

    “The love of one can destroy the hatred of millions.”

    However, I have never been able to find out more about this quote (i.e., where it comes from), nor have I been able to find it written in sanskrit.

    If someone knows anything about it– even simply that the quote is, in fact, from sanskrit text or sources I might try– I’d really appreciate the help.

    Thank you again,


  310. I recently found out my name in sanskrit is “Thirst” or “desire”. Could someone show me how Trishna is written in sanskrit? Also, maybe a better definition of Trishna?


  311. Hi, I was wondering if you could translate “live in the moment” or “live in the now” into sanskrit for a wrist tattoo, because i wanna see if it’ll fit.
    thanks a million.


    1. अधिजीवति मुहूर्ते

      It translates as “Living in the moment”

      3rd person Present tense singular

      Probable should wait for someone to confirm this or provide a better answer though.


    2. अस्ति एकं विख्यातं सुभाषितम् “चाणक्यनीतिः”-संग्रहे
      न कश्चिदपि जानाति किं कस्य श्वो भविष्यति ।
      अतः श्वः करणीयानि कुर्यादद्यैव बुद्धिमान् ॥
      एतस्मात् “श्वः करणीयानि कुर्यादद्यैव” एषः अंशः सुयोग्यः मन्ये ।

      There is a famous सुभाषितम् in “चाणक्यनीतिः” as quoted above.
      From this the phrase “श्वः करणीयानि कुर्यादद्यैव” seems to be quite appropriate.
      Its simple meaning is – “should do today only what are to be done tomorrow.”
      Meaning of the complete सुभाषितम् is –
      न कश्चिदपि जानाति = Nobody knows,
      किं कस्य श्वो भविष्यति = what will happen to whom tomorrow
      अतः = Hence
      बुद्धिमान् a wise person
      श्वः करणीयानि कुर्यादद्यैव = should do today only what are to be done tomorrow

      Alternatively, I can also suggest –
      वर्तमानः सुष्ठु कर्तव्यः ।
      which means “It is the Present, which is to be lived good.”


    1. strength = बलम्
      honour = सम्मानः
      Regarding strength = बलम् following mantra is often pronounced during Poojaa and also during Vivaaha-sanskaaraH
      तदेव लग्नम् सुदिनम् तदेव |
      ताराबलम् चन्द्रबलम् तदेव |
      विद्याबलम् दैवबलम् तदेव |
      लक्ष्मीपते तेऽङ्घ्रियुगम् स्मरामि |


      1. so if i want to write strength and honour on the back of my neck how would it be all in one phrase so i can show the tattoo artist? thank you for your help


  312. so if i want to write strength and honour on the back of my neck how would it be all in one phrase so i can show the tattoo artist? thank you for your help.


    1. सम्मान बल च

      My translation is very technical and basic. More advanced Sanskrit-speakers might be able to provide a more complex phrase or saying that can convey “Strength and Honour”. But you can always make use of my translation as it is technically correct.


  313. Hello, firstly thanks for sharing your vast knowledge, I’ve read through the page and learnt quite a lot!
    I’m wondering if there’s any nice Subhashita that praises and commemorates grandfathers?

    and how would “forever live in my heart” be translated?

    thank you so much


      1. ah thank you very much, and yes that was indeed very specific topic.
        Regarding the “forever live in my heart” line – I was wondering if you know of any beautiful and classic phrases/verses that conveys a similar message?

        Once again, your help is very much appreciated.


  314. Hi, Can you please give me the following verse in Sanskrit?

    Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Guru Devo Bhava

    Many thanks



  315. hi! can u translate these words for me? ‘forgive me father for i have sinned’… ive been looking everywhere to have that translated but they all have prices and i dont have international credit card.. thank you so much.. if u could translate that in indian character sanskrit.


  316. Hi! How would I be able to translate: “The way is in the heart.” and also together with: “The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”


      1. नमो नमः “अरुण”-महोदय !
        श्रद्धा तु न किञ्चित् ध्यानम् (concentration) । सा स्वभावजा भवति स्वभावं दर्शयति च । पश्यताम् श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायां सप्तदशे अध्याये “त्रिविधा भवति श्रद्धा देहिनां सा स्वभावजा । सात्त्विकी राजसी चैव तामसी चेति तां शृणु ।।१७-२।।
        Possibly faith = निष्ठा (निजि स्थाति इति what one holds dear to one’s heart)
        अस्तु ।


  317. Above on April 7 Nikki asked for some of the same words translated that i asked for, but they are different than mine such as love, righteousness, faith, salvation, truth
    Which is correct?


    1. The Q and A with Nikki is copied below.
      Her question did not contain the word “love”, which you asked for. I hope, I have answered “love” properly for you.
      Notable difference is translation of word “righteousness”
      For Nikki I had given translation as सत्त्वम्, ऋजुता For you I gave धर्मः
      Putting both together,
      righteousness = धर्मः, सत्त्वम्, ऋजुता 🙂

      nikki Says:
      April 8, 2010 at 2:20 pm

      thank you so so very much! Would it be possible for you translate these words in this particular order/way:

      “Truth Righteousness Peace Faith Salvation”
      Thank you so much!!!
      S. L. Abhyankar Says:
      April 8, 2010 at 3:10 pm

      There would be synonyms for each meaning. I am giving below words, which most commonly used.
      Truth = सत्यम्
      Righteousness = सत्त्वम्, ऋजुता
      Peace = शान्तिः
      Faith = श्रद्धा, निष्ठा
      Salvation = मोक्षः


  318. Dear All
    Having started to read the translation of the Rig Veda and being very much interested in the earlier Vedic traditions and hymns I wonder if it would be possible for you to provide me with the translation of यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव (Be the change you wish to see in the world) in Vedic Sanskrit.
    Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.


  319. Hi, I was wondering if you are able to translate a quote for me.

    All that we are is the result of what we have thought

    Thank you so much for your help!


    1. We are the result of what we have thought is exactly so stated in Shreemad-bhagavad-geetaa as –
      यं यं वापि स्मरन् भावं त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम् ।
      तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भावभावितः ।।
      यं यं वापि स्मरन् भावं = with whatever thought
      त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम् = one leaves this body
      तं तमेवैति = one embodies the same thought
      कौन्तेय = Oh, Arjuna
      सदा तद्भावभावितः = ever engrossed in the same thought


      1. Thank you so much for responding so quickly. At the end of each line it says l and then : ll is that just the numbering of each line or is that apart of it

        ?यं यं वापि स्मरन् भावं त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम् ।
        तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भावभावितः ।।

        and do i include that when it is written?

        Thanks again!


  320. hi!! I wanted to know if you could translate for me the world REINA (a spanish name meaning queen) and it sounds RA(as A in english)- NAA. i would really appreciate your help! thanks!!


    1. You have explained RA (as A in English) and you have added NAA
      With that I would write it either as रेना or रैना

      But I guess the name can as well be written as
      रीना when pronounced as ree-naa
      रेना when pronounced as re-naa
      रैना when pronounced as rai-naa (note rain as in rain in English)
      राना when pronounced as raa-naa
      In all the above ‘n’ the nasal sound is pronounced with tongue behind the teeth.
      If ‘N’ the nasal sound is to be pronounced with tongue hitting the roof of the palate, then it would be written as
      राणा when pronounced as raa-Naa
      In India also we have the word raa-nee meaning a queen in many languages ! In some languages it is raa-Nee !

      Recently, at another forum on the internet, there has been quite some discussion whether Indo-European languages have had a common root, maybe with genesis from the Arctics !


  321. hey i see most of all want to get a tatoo on their body and want to use some different script on their butt
    oh! and what i hear they choose sanskrit script?
    what kinda sick people are you?
    you’re really insane
    Abhyankar Sir please don’t help these dumb ass to get a perfect tatto on their butt
    all they have same reason don’t care they accept this or not


  322. i’ve wanted to get a tattoo in Sanskrit as i think its such a pretty looking written language. i need a translation though of the quote “to fear love is to fear life” and i do not trust the tattoo artist to properly translate it, perhaps someone could help? Please


  323. Hi,

    Can I put moksha and shakti together as a short phrase or do I need a fullstop between them. Also which should go first.
    I like the deffinition of these words and want them together as my daily reminder or chant or somesuch. (perhaps even a tattoo on my wrist so I remember each day.

    Please can you help.
    Thank you


  324. Hi,
    could your please translate “my mothers love” into sanskrit, im thinkinh about getting it as a tattoo, and i want to see what it looks like?

    thankyou so much 🙂


  325. Hello,

    Could somebody translate “embrace life” into Sanskrit? I would like it as a tattoo on the wrist and would like to see if it would fit. Also, it’s been very difficult finding a website with the correct translation.

    Thank you in advance!


  326. dear
    i want to keep my daughter name. the first words are to start with CHI, as she is revathi nakstra.
    i want to keep as CHIVITAA, since vitaa means life in spanish & latin. but this i have used already for my first daugther VAISHNOVITAA and my wife it end with different words. so please tell me how to write life in sanskrit so that i can finish my daughter name CHI………


  327. Hi,

    Great site! It´s so very generous of you to help all these people out. Hope you can help me as well.

    I want a tattoo consisting of sanscript.
    The phrase/words I would like to have translated are:
    “Make yourself”
    (Meaning you create your own life). I hope you get the meaning of it.

    Thanks in advance!


  328. I really need help figuring out which is written correctly. I keep running into two different sanskrit versions of this mantra.
    is it this:
    असतोमा सद्गमय। तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमया।
    मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय॥
    or is it
    असतो मा सद्गमय
    तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
    मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय

    If you notice the last lines are very different. Besides the spacing, the first shows just मृतं while the second version has it as अमृतं. So which is correct? Also, what is the proper english translation?


  329. hi can somebody help me translate my name to sanskrit?

    cheena —

    how about this sentence:

    live to love. live to fight —-

    and how about numbers?


    many thanks everyone!


  330. Mr Abhyankar

    I would really appreciate your help …. please can you translate my fathers name for me (Lehmber) and the words below

    Lehmber my heart breaks every day

    Thank you


  331. Thank you for your time,
    I was wondering if it would be possible to get a Devanagari translation of, “forever devoted to my love” and also just “my love” on its own. This website is amazing and I can’t wait to learn more Sanskrit.
    I’ve always been attracted to the look for the devotional symbol of Bhakti but am concerned that it is in wrong context.

    Thank you again.


  332. Hello,

    Could anyone please translate “no regrets, just love” for me in Sanskrit.

    I would really appreciated your help!

    Thank you in advance!



  333. Hey! this page fell down from heaven for me right now! I almost went crazy yesterday trying to translate just a word to sanskrit.
    The word is “light”. I need it for a tattoo that I’m going to get soon. I found that it’s प्रकाश in sanskrit, but I want to be completely sure; the meaning of it in the tattoo is that it’s going to be a reminder for me that the light that I need to live life is inside myself and it’s the one that I need to trust and rely on when all the others lights outside go out 🙂
    If you could help me it would be awesome, thanks! The page it’s really nice! I would be visiting and reading some more soon.

    PS: Sorry if my message is misspelled, my english it’s not very good. I’m from south america 😉


  334. i was wondering how you would write the name: ‘sudip’ in sanskrit. if you could help me out, that’d be great. i’m getting it in memory of my brother so i want to make sure that everything is spelt correctly.

    thank you so much


  335. Hey
    Would i be able to get the translation of the phrase “treasure yourself” in sanskrit as I was considering to get that as a tattoo 🙂


  336. I have been wondering could you please tell me if this is correct

    Be the change you wish to see in the world
    यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव |

    Thank you for your time


  337. Sorry I also need vital energy as well. I got one translation and it was one line he said it was prana and it meant both I would like to know for sure before getting tattooed. Please help. Thank you.


  338. I would like to get a tattoo for my dad following his passing. How do I write the following in sankskrit please:
    ‘My hero’
    ‘Our bond in life exists beyond all worlds’
    ‘Always in my heart’

    Many thanks xx


  339. Hi

    Please can you tanslate the two words for me in sankrit. I want a tatoo with the word pure on top and strength underneath.
    The word “strength” (meaning i have had to endure alot in life but i will always have the strength to carry on)
    And the word “pure” (meaning my love for my husband is pure).

    Thank you


  340. This is a wonderful site! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    I would like to know how to write “bapu” in Sanskrit. Thank you in advance,

    All is One, One is All


  341. Hello! This is a great site!

    I am trying to find the written Sanskrit for the word tapas (heat, austerity).

    One online translator shows the spoken translation as तपस्

    I was wondering if this is the correct way to write tapas?

    Thank you for any help 🙂


  342. नमस्कारं हिमान्षु महोदय,

    भवान कथं सन्ति ?
    अहं संस्कृत्भाशे वर्तलाप् कुरु प्रयासं करोति | किं भवान मम सह वार्तालापं करिष्यन्ति ?



  343. Hi,

    I’m looking to get a Sanskrit tattoo. But I’m so worried that it will be misspelt / translation will be incorrect.

    Can anyone tell me what the Sanskrit translation for these phrases would be.

    Born this way

    Let it be

    Thankyou so so much.


  344. Hi! Please help me with 2 words how to write them in Sanskrit
    1 – seeker, (sadhaka)
    2 how will look my name – ANNA – in sanskrit

    thank u!!!


  345. Hi All,
    I am not sure why I landed on this page… but I am impressed that there is still a community who is interested in keeping Sanskrit live… Congratulations to all…

    I use to learn Sanskrit when I was in school… The choice was because it was easy to score in Sanskrit versus other languages… But now, I think should have been a passion versus just learning for the heck of it…

    Special Recognition and Thank you to the founder of this blog… Keep this alive…


  346. Can anybody help me ??
    What is the Sanskrit word for ‘ A lady is a woman who makes it easy for a man to be a gentleman.’ ?


  347. could some one please translate this, thank you

    Born in a Brahman family, Asvaghosa was a noted poet and is considered to be instrumental in the spread of Buddhism. He was born in Central India and was a noted philosopher and poet. He was considered as great as Kalidasa. Though a written biography of Asvaghosa does not exist, legends say that he was a strict opponent of Buddhism. Then one day he lost a heated debate to the noted Buddhist scholar. It is said that this incident triggered him to accept Buddhism and he became one of the most noted disciples of Buddhism. The term Ashwaghosa Bodhisattva has an interesting story behind it.

    Asvaghosa was once teaching and singing the principles of Dharma to a crowd in the royal city, when the king deliberately fed seven hungry horses to test their reaction to Asvaghosa’s teaching. The horses were distressed due to hunger, but they did not touch the food to be relieved of their distress. Instead they understood Asvaghosha’s sermon and were relieved.


  348. Hi Himanshu

    Please could you tell me how to write:

    “A Sister is a Forever Friend” and also “Love Life Destiny”.

    It would be very much appreciated and त्वां धन्यं वदामि



  349. Hi,
    i am very much interested in learning Sanskrit,but have been unable to find a good tutor.can any one help me with some good info on this.I live in New Delhi.
    Would be very grateful if anyone could help.



  350. Hi,

    I really want to learn how to write the 26 Bikram yoga poses in Sanskrit. Can anyone do this for me? That would be really awesome.




  351. can anybody please tell me, what will be the Sanskrit translation of : language doesn’t matter dude, feelings does…

    thanks in advance.


  352. Hi,
    I wanna know how to write “Gatha”, my name, in sanskrit. when I tried in a sanskrit keyboard of a site I found: गथ​
    thats right?

    Thank you!


  353. hi 🙂
    Im trying to learn Sanskrit, unfortunately it is not so easy in Norway.
    can you be so kind and help me and translate; see across the silent sea, and let your joy scream across the pain?
    that would been very kind
    Regards 🙂


  354. Hello 🙂 First of all, thanks for helping everyone on here. I think what you are doing is very kind and generous from your heart.

    I was hoping I could have a few words/names translated into Sanskrit script for me. I am Mohegan Indian (Native American) and was considering the fact it would be unique to get a special tattoo in the beautiful language of Devanagari.

    My name is Michael. What is Michael written in Devanagari or Sanskrit script?

    Also, if you could, it would be fantastic to be able to see these words written:

    -Mohegan (prounounced Mo hee gun)

    -Uncas (the name of a very famous Mohegan chief) It is pronounced how it looks “Un kiss”



    and finally…


    Thank you so much for your time and courtesy!
    I hope you can help me like you have helped so many other people. These words really mean a lot to me, my heritage, and my life journey…



  355. I am interested in the sanskrit writing of the four immeasurables
    metta, karuna, mudita, and upekkha
    could someone please help me with the translation?
    Thank you!


  356. hello
    i need help..
    i want to get a tattoo of “Life and Death” in a Tibetan form.
    please help me..
    thank you in advance.


  357. Hello!
    I was a daddy’s girl, and he sadly passed away :(. I was named after him and my name is significant in Sanskrit…so I decided to get a tattoo saying… “I LOVE YOU DAD” running vertically along my side. Is there anyway that someoe can translate that for me pleaseeee??


  358. What is the meaning of this Rigvedas verse:

    Tham yajnam barhishi prouksan
    Purusham jaathamagratha
    Sadhya rushyaschae

    Rigveda X:90:7



  359. Sir,
    I m in Sharjah. I finished my Introductory,Preliminary and certificate courses in Sanskrit long back. Now I want to do my Diploma and so on. Can any one please guide me


  360. Hi there… my name is Maya and i want to do a tattoo… I want my name in sanskrit.. so, i want Maya.. or illusio in sanskrit.. can you help me? :)) thanks a looootttt


  361. I would like to get a tattoo of sat nam or sat naam, but I am unsure of how these are different? Could someone translate these and explain the differentiation?


  362. I’m in need of knowing how the full Adi Shakti mantra looks in it’s original language, I’m thinking it’s probably Sanskrit, but it may be Gurmukhi. Can you help me? This is the full Americanized transliteration of what I’m after:


    Thank you so much & I look forward to hearing from you soon!


  363. Hi there I was wondering if you could possible translate this for me? I do appreciate it 🙂

    The beauty you see in life, is a reflection of the beauty you see in yourself.


    1. Dear Stephanie,
      A very nice quote indeed ! If it is composed by yourself, thanks really for composing and posting such a nice quote.
      यत् सौन्दर्यं जगति दृश्यते तत्तु स्वमनसि वसतः सौन्दर्यस्य प्रतिमा एव ।
      Even if it is not composed by you, liking for a good quote is also beauty of the mind. It seems to be indeed a reflection of your beautiful mind !


  364. Hi,

    A friend of mine is looking to get a tattoo of the famous quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. I’ve seen it written many different ways. Can you show me how it’s written in Sanskrit? If there is more than one way to write it, that would be fantastic if you can show me those plus their literal translations so he can choose which one makes the most sense.

    Thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much!


    1. Right on this page, see post (copy-pasted below for ready reference) –
      Himanshu Pota Says:
      August 7, 2008 at 10:36 pm

      “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – yat parivartanam vishve draShTum icchhasi tat tvameva bhava|

      यत् परिवर्तनं विश्वे द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि तत् त्वमेव भव |


  365. I am praying that someone may be able to assist me with a rather urgent request. I have paid two online sites now for a Sanskrit translation of the following, for a plaque I wish to have made for my wife’s birthday (soon!). However, both these “reputable” agencies have ripped me off. One charged me three times for a service it appears they cannot even provide once.

    The wording required is…

    “My heart and mind, body and soul,
    yours always. Amanda, Iain, Xander, Dexter.”

    I am looking for it in a two line format, as above.

    If any person is able to urgently assist, or to recommend a genuine and reputable site or agency, which will be able to urgently assist, I will be forever grateful.

    Many thanks.


  366. Dear Mr. Scoots !
    Happy Birthday to your wife on my behalf too !
    काया मे आत्मा मे
    हृदयं मे मनो मे
    तवैव सदैव
    तवैव सदैव
    अमन्दा, इऐन, ‘क्झाण्डर् , डेक्स्टर
    kaayaa काया = body
    me मे = mine
    aatmaa आत्मा = soul
    me मे = mine
    hRudayam हृदयं = heart
    me मे = mine
    mano मनो = mind
    me मे = mine
    tavaiva तवैव = yours only
    sadaiva सदैव = always
    tavaiva तवैव = yours only
    sadaiva सदैव = always

    To see magnified, you may use the “view” menu at the top and “zoom in”

    I guess repetition of
    तवैव सदैव
    तवैव सदैव
    tavaiva sadaiva
    tavaiva sadaiva
    makes it quite appealing, ‘from the bottom of heart’ and somewhat musically rhythmic as well.

    It seems you are a wonderful family.
    All the best to all of you !


    1. Sir, my heartfelt thanks & blessings to you for this kindness and service you have provided to me. You do not know how happy you have made me and, I am sure, many others here through your assistance and wisdom.

      May you reap the rewards for such kindness, in this life and those to follow.

      Many, many thanks and warmest regards.


  367. Hey, like many people on this page, i’m looking to get a tattoo and i’m finding many contradictions with the meanings of words and then again translated into written sanskrit.

    i was looking to get “friends” on one wrist and “family on my other wrist. any help with the written sanskrit?


  368. Hi, could you please help me translate into Sanskrit
    ‘Always and forever’ and ‘In my heart’

    Many Thanks


  369. Hi there! you are definitely the best source for english to sanskrit translations i have found, and since i am looking for it for a tattoo i knew you were the best to ask. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me! I was hoping to get “Forgive those who have hurt you” translated into sankrit, can you help me? Thank you!


  370. Dear Sir,
    I have a doubt in sanskrit. I find that in some books while introducing nouns they have : at the end of the word while dictionaries don’t have it. For example, the month chaitra is written as चैत्रः while in some dictionaries it is written as चैत्र.
    So while learning a noun which should I learn with the ha sound or the simple one..


    1. Dear Jyoti,
      In dictionaries the mention चैत्रः suggests that it is a masculine noun. Some dictionaries would mention चैत्र m

      As you must be already knowing all nouns in Sanskrit have a gender – masculine, feminine or neuter. For example चैत्रः is masculine, चित्रा is feminine and चित्रम् is neuter.

      Every noun has declensions by numbers एकवचनम् (singular) द्विवचनम् (dual) बहुवचनम् (plural) and by cases प्रथमा (Nominative) द्वितीया (Accusative) तृतीया (Instrumental) चतुर्थी (Dative) पञ्चमी (Ablative) षष्ठी (Genitive) सप्तमी (Locative) संबोधनम् (Address)

      To know the word completely, one has to learn all the 24 declensions.

      Since gender and case of adjectives needs to correspond to the noun it qualifies, an adjective will have 72 declensions !

      पठतु संस्कृतम्, वदतु संस्कृतम्, जयतु संस्कृतम् !


      1. Thank you very much Abhyankarji.. That was very helpful. Then if I have to say just horse – asva then should I say asvaha (अस्वः) just as a noun which does not occur in a sentence then what should I use.. (अस्वः) or अस्व..
        Thanks again for your time.


    1. As a verb for “To Stop” Sanskrit verb is स्तम्भ् (to be pronounced as stambh’). There will be declensions by tense (or mood) number and person. Declensions will be different depending upon the verbal root being of which class (gaNa 1 to 10) and pada (parasmaipadam, aatmanepadam) also whether causative, desiderative, etc. as also whether the voice is active or passive
      As a noun for “stoppage” Sanskrit noun is स्तम्भः
      As a noun “stop” as in bus-stop i.e. for the meaning “place to stop at”, Sanskrit-word will be स्तम्भ-स्थानम् (to be pronounced as stambha-sthaanam’)


  371. i was looking for PASSION in sanskrit and from reading, RAJAS is the translation for passion? or is there something different.


    I FOUND THESE TWO….which one is correct if any? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! =)


    1. तीव्रासक्ति seems to be better, rather the correct one.

      रजस् is a broad classification of human character. Human character is broadly classified in three categories – सत्व रजस् तमस्

      सत्व = noble
      रजस् = driven by worldly desires
      तमस् = devilish

      You will appreciate that PASSION is in-between devilish and noble characters. That is the reason why you found रजस् as an optional translation for PASSION.


      1. so तीव्रासक्ति is better because it is the direct translation?

        THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FAST REPLY!!!! Im so thankful i found this site! =)


  372. Hello,

    I have recently come across a phrase that I would love to see written in Sanskrit symbols. It’s from a book I read about Sri Ramana Maharshi, and I have really been connecting with this phrase ever since: deham naham, koham, soham.

    What I understand it to mean is, “I am not the body, who am I? I am he” which, of course, is the extremely abbreviated translation of an already abbreviated phrase. I would really like to hear another expression/interpretation of this phrase if you would be so kind… I would also like to know how it would be written in Sanskrit symbols, how Ramana Maharshi may have written it.

    Thank you.


  373. hi,
    Can anyone suggest me a name in sanskrit that is apt for a multi faceted person? I’m looking for a name for my son.



  374. Hi, I’m looking to get a tattoo of my daugther initial which is A and would like to have it in ancient tibetian sanskrit – is this possible, if so, would be grateful for the actual sign of it too.
    Many thanks


    1. Sanskrit is not Tibetian. Sanskrit is Sanskrit.
      In sanskrit A is written as ए
      The pronunciation is identical to the English alphabet ‘A’


  375. Can you tell me how to say
    I found this translation but I want to know if it is correct.

    Thank You.


  376. I was curious how to write out the Noble Eightfold Path in sanskrit for a painting I want to do.Dharmachakra
    The wheel of the law. The eight spokes represent the eightfold path.

    Right View
    Right Intention
    Right Speech
    Right Action
    Right Livelihood
    Right Effort
    Right Mindfulness
    Right Concentration


    1. Shouldn’t this be fairly easy to find? I’m trying to make a wedding present for a friend. Could you please direct me to a source?


    1. How do you pronounce Ellena ? Based on your country of origin the pronunciation changes.
      Americans probably say something like : eh-LAY-nuh
      And the Finns/ Russians say something like : yell-na

      Only when you give the correct pronunciation can we give the sanskrit equivalent. Sanskrit is phonetically very precise.


  377. hi. i wanted to get tattoo for very first time. i decided to get it in sanskrit writing. Anyone help me to translate this in sanskrit. Memories never fade away. Pls help me. Ill be more than happy if u help me. tnk u


  378. Hello, thanks for all the beautiful sanskrit!

    Can anyone tell me what this means?

    एकं जीवनम्, एकः अवसरः

    Thank you s much 🙂


    1. एकं जीवनम्, एकः अवसरः
      It means “one life, one chance”
      Or it could be translated as “one life, one opportunity”.


  379. Hello there!

    I would like to profess by saying how beautiful the sanskrit language is! I was searching the script for interests sake and I came across this picture: I am wondering if this is a prayer and what the translation is?? Its a very beautiful script. I will keep my opinions of tattoos to myself as they are not kind :), but nonetheless I am curious to know what this script means!

    Thank you in advance 🙂

    Monique 🙂


  380. Hi there. Can you please help me I need to know for a tattoo the letters D L M would be written in Sanskrit

    Many thanks



    1. “Wild Child” can be written in many ways.
      Before that you have to tell me if the child is a boy or a girl.
      And how old he/she is.
      And when you mean wild do you mean “unruly” ? Or is it “from the jungle”


  381. Could anyone please tell me how to write ‘Found’, ‘Understood’ and ‘Saved’? All separate words. I’d really appreciate it, thank you!


  382. Hi i want to know how to write my last name “Pinedo” in sanskrit and also, “memories never fade” and “forever live in my heart”


  383. Hi, I would like to tattoo my brothers name “Francis” in sanskrit.. How do i write it in Sanskrit writing??



  384. Hi. help me please. i want to make a picture for my mother..i need a transletion for
    Thank you veru much


  385. Hello,

    I am making a birthday card for my Tibetan boss, and I would love to be able to write “Happy Birthday” for him in sanskrit. Could anybody help me out?




  386. Your blog is very informative. Wonderful contribution for the community of Sanskrit enthusiasts. Cudos for such good work!
    Fellow blogger.


  387. hello,to anybody will you please help me to write the word ” FREEDOM ” in sanskrit….many tnx!


  388. I am trying to find a shloka read in schooldays, it talks about who is wellwisher and gives example of medicine being bitter. it includes words manishinah hitaishinah santi.
    would aprpeciate if anyone can please find it.


  389. i am in 7th class .i got a project to write ‘parichai’ in sanskrit and iam not good in sanskrit . pl help me………………………………… i got to submit my project by 19th


  390. Hi there, my name’s Josh and I’m thinking about getting a tattoo with Kurt Cobain’s last words: love, peace, empathy. But in sanscrit. Could you translate it for me?? That would be sooo helpful thanks…


  391. Hi there. was wondering if you could please translate something for me, im getting a tattoo on tuesday and have found loads of different translations of the phrase I want – which is ”Above all: be true to thine own self”

    would really appreciate if you could get back to me as soon as possible!
    many thanks 🙂


  392. Hi I’m planning on getting a tattoo of the quote ‘this too shall pass’ in Sanskrit. Could you please help me translate this please thanks 🙂


  393. Hi I would really appreciate a sanskrit translation for: ” Lead me from the unreal to the Real; Lead me from darkness to the Light; Lead me from mortality to Immortal


  394. I want to get a tattoo of the word “Fate” in Sanskrit, is there a Sanskrit equivalent? If so can I get someone to write it in Sanskrit letters??


  395. i really want to get a BREATHE tattoo in Sanskrit… can you pleaassse translate it for me…thanx very much really aprreciate it..:)


  396. hello,

    im zeny and i’m planning to have tattoo,can you pls help me to translate this word to tibet/sanskrit GOD and ANGEL for give my SIN.

    hopefully to receive your respond and thank you


  397. Can someone please translate this into English from Sanskrit?
    नित्यानन्द श्रद्धा मनःप्रसाद प्रेम


  398. Hi
    Can some one help me, I´m going to make a tatto with these words;
    “Theres is no higher religion than truth”. Can some one help my, I would be soo grateful!

    Katarina Olli Sweden


  399. i would like to know how to write “impossible is nothing if you believe yourself hardly enough” in sanskrit


  400. Hi could someone please help me translate this quote into Sanskrit please:

    Love is like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense

    Thank you!


  401. Hi again

    Can anyone help me outthere, still haven´t got this translated;
    To sanskrit
    “Theres is no higher religion than truth”. I would be soo grateful!

    Katarina Olli Sweden


  402. Aa…..
    Teri meri, meri teri
    Prem kahani hai mushkil
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Ik ladka ik ladki ki
    Hai yeh kahani nayi
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Teri meri, meri teri
    Prem kahani hai mushkil
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Ik dooje se huye judaa
    Jab ik dooje ke liye bane
    Teri meri, meri teri
    Prem kahani hai mushkil
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Tum se dil jo lagaya
    Toh jahan maine paya
    Kabhi socha na tha yeh
    Milon door hoga saaya
    Kyun khuda tune
    Mujhe aisa khaab dikhaya
    Jab haqiqat mein usse
    Todhna tha..
    Ik dooje se huye judaa
    Jab ik dooje ke liye bane
    Teri meri, meri teri
    Prem kahani hai mushkil
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye

    Teri meri, meri teri
    Baaton ka har lamha
    Sabje anjaana
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Har ehsaas mein tu hai
    Har ik yaad mein tera afsaana
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Saara din bit jaye
    Saari raat jagaye
    Bus khayal tumhara
    Lamha Lamha tadpaye
    Yeh tadap keh rahi hai
    Mit jaye faasle yeh
    Tere mere darmiyaan
    Joh hai saare..
    Ik dooje se huye judaa
    Jab ik dooje ke liye bane
    Teri meri, meri teri
    Baaton ka har lamha
    Sabje anjaana
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Har ehsaas mein tu hai
    Har ik yaad mein tera afsaana
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    Teri meri, meri teri
    Prem kahani hai mushkil
    Do lafzoon mein yeh
    Bayaan na ho paye
    “Teri Meri Lyrics” from Bodyguard, Music composed by Himesh Reshammiya and song Lyrics by Shabbir Ahmed.
    Movie Details
    Movie: Bodyguard (2011)
    Director: Siddique
    Producer: Atul Agnihotri
    Banner: Reel Life Entertainment Pvt Ltd
    Cast: Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Hazel Keech
    Release Date: August 31st 2011
    For more details: Bodyguard Movie Page
    Tags: Teri Meri Song Lyrics, Teri Meri Song Lyrics from Bodyguard
    We have tried to perfect the Teri Meri Lyrics. Still, there could be a few mistakes here and there. Please do drop in a comment below and we will get it rectified as soon as possible. Thanks

    Free Updates from Indicine (powered by Google)


  403. Hi ! I need a few translations and im trying to find reliable sources, but ive been getting very different translations
    if you could please translate:

    -sanatana dharma
    -thou has no cause to grieve
    -accept my dance as my prayer
    -without doubt

    thank you in advance !


    1. sanatana dharma is not to be translated. Its transliteration would be सनातन धर्म
      -thou has no cause to grieve न किमपि कारणम् शोकं कर्तुम् । In Bhagavdgeetaa Shrre-Krishna-bhagavaan says to Arjuna अशोच्यानन्वशोचस्त्वम् You are grieving over those that are not to be grieved upon.
      -accept my dance as my prayer स्वीकुरु मम नर्तनं मम प्रार्थनेति ।
      स्वीकुरु = accept
      मम नर्तनं = my dance
      मम प्रार्थनेति = as my prayer
      -without doubt = निःसंदेहम् In Bhagavdgeetaa Shrre-Krishna-bhagavaan says to Arjuna मा शुचः = Have no doubt (सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज । अहम् त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ।।१८-६६।।
      Style of language will differ from context to context and from person to person. So, you will get different translations.


  404. Hi,

    First of all it is great to know that there are people out there keeping the language alive 🙂 I want to get a Tattoo that says ‘Only God Can Judge Me’ Can anyone please help me with the best answer possible?

    Thank you.


  405. I was relieved to have found this site. I am planning on getting a tattoo and found it difficult to translate this quote. Can somebody help me on translating this to Sanskrit?

    “Courage is the discovery that you may not win
    and trying when you know you can lose”

    Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


  406. how would i spell sadie / armstrong / antoine…in that order if u could so i know what is what…if u can even translate it into the script…i wanted to get a tattoo in the scripter but cant seem to figure out how to find how to translate it….


  407. Hello slabhyankar sir,
    I came through a sentence saying, ” I know what dharma is but i cannot follow it, I also know what adharma is but I cannot escape from it “. I read this in a news paper reply , the person who mentioned this said that this is said by Lord Sri Krishna in Bhagawadgeetha, if so i request you to quote the exact sloka.
    This blog is really help ful.

    Arun Sharma.


  408. Hello slabhyankar sir,
    I was told that Bhavishya purana has mentioned about mahmad , jesus(if i remember exactly chapter 32 verse 3).Is it real. And their religious scholars are making use of this for their own religious benefits. So I hope to get the correct and exact meaning sir.
    Arun sharma


    1. Frankly, I have not seen BhaviShya-purANa. But prompted by your question, I did Google-search and found some interesting info at http://www.stephen-knapp.com/jesus_predicted_in_the_vedic_literature.htm

      Mr. Stephen Knapp also mentions in that article “… However, I should also point out that this prophecy of Jesus in the Bhavishya Purana is found in no other Puranas, which often corroborate each other. This is why a study of the 18 major Puranas will reveal an assortment of prophecies that are often repeated one in another. So to find this story of Isha Mashiha in no other Purana sends a red flag of warning. Furthermore, not everyone gives the Bhavishya Purana pure confidence. It is known that as many as 200 pages from this text had become lost or misplaced, and various interpolations are likely to have occurred in this text while India was under the British administration. So, we should be somewhat cautious about accepting this on face value. …”

      It is also possible to do Google-search for “bhavishya purana islam” and get –
      Puranas / Mohamed / Islam / Veden / Krishna
      http://www.lebensplan.com/puranas/islam.htmlCached – Similar
      You +1’d this publicly. Undo
      The prediction of Islam as given in the Bhavishya Purana. From the third part of the Pratisarga Parva. Shri Suta Gosvami said: In the dynasty of king Shalivahana, …


  409. ॐ गुरवे न‌मः

    Dear saṃskṛta’s stalwarts,

    Below is some 13 verses from the ṛkveda 1.050 and I wish to avail of your guide in interpreting it for me.

    Interestingly, the translations of the same have been given at sacred-texts.com[http://bit.ly/pQJxGH] but sadly, it is way too westernised or may I say the interpretation lack the spiritual lustre touch. Like for example, at sacred-texts.com[http://bit.ly/pQJxGH], the translation is way too dry and somewhat irrelevant as well as erroneous as far as the vedic context is concerned, and is almost lacking any spiritual conveyance or any spiritual teachings of our maharṣis – making the whole śloka useless or sounding like a fairy tale.

    I would be very happy if you could bless me with your guidance in interpreting those 13 śloka from a vedic-centric viewpoint – my jyotiṣa guru, calls those 13 śloka as ‘sūrya ṛk mantra’and hints us that those very same 13 śloka have actually been provided for the 13 māsa (12 + 1 such adhika māsa that occurs after every 5 years). One should bow to one of its sūrya’s form (depending on one’s sun sign based on one’s horoscope) before any task as sūrya as in jyotiṣa, the dvādaśa āditya (sūrya in its 12 forms of āditya), are the real givers of fruits in this material world. Hence the importance to decipher those verses arise –

    उदु त्यं जातवेदसं देवं वहन्ति केतवः ।
    दृशे विश्वाय सूर्यम् ॥१॥
    udu tyaṃ jātavedasaṃ devaṃ vahanti ketavaḥ ।
    dṛśe viśvāya sūryam ॥1॥

    अप त्ये तायवो यथा नक्षत्रा यन्त्यक्तुभिः ।
    सूराय विश्वचक्षसे ॥२॥
    apa tye tāyavo yathā nakṣatrā yantyaktubhiḥ ।
    sūrāya viśvacakṣase ॥2॥

    अदृश्रमस्य केतवो वि रश्मयो जनाँ अनु ।
    भ्राजन्तो अग्नयो यथा ॥३॥
    adṛśramasya ketavo vi raśmayo janām̐ anu ।
    bhrājanto agnayo yathā ॥3॥

    तरणिर्विश्वदर्शतो ज्योतिष्कृदसि सूर्य ।
    विश्वमा भासि रोचनम् ॥४॥
    taraṇirviśvadarśato jyotiṣkṛdasi sūrya ।
    viśvamā bhāsi rocanam ॥4॥

    प्रत्यङ्देवानां विशः प्रत्यङ्ङुदेषि मानुषान् ।
    प्रत्यङ्विश्वं स्वर्दृशे ॥५॥
    pratyaṅdevānāṃ viśaḥ pratyaṅṅudeṣi mānuṣān ।
    pratyaṅviśvaṃ svardṛśe ॥5॥

    येना पावक चक्षसा भुरण्यन्तं जनाँ अनु ।
    त्वं वरुण पश्यसि ॥६॥
    yenā pāvaka cakṣasā bhuraṇyantaṃ janām̐ anu ।
    tvaṃ varuṇa paśyasi ॥6॥

    वि द्यामेषि रजस्पृथ्वहा मिमानो अक्तुभिः ।
    पश्यञ्जन्मानि सूर्य ॥७॥
    vi dyāmeṣi rajaspṛthvahā mimāno aktubhiḥ ।
    paśyañjanmāni sūrya ॥7॥

    सप्त त्वा हरितो रथे वहन्ति देव सूर्य ।
    शोचिष्केशं विचक्षण ॥८॥
    sapta tvā harito rathe vahanti deva sūrya ।
    śociṣkeśaṃ vicakṣaṇa ॥8॥

    अयुक्त सप्त शुन्ध्युवः सूरो रथस्य नप्त्यः ।
    ताभिर्याति स्वयुक्तिभिः ॥९॥
    ayukta sapta śundhyuvaḥ sūro rathasya naptyaḥ ।
    tābhiryāti svayuktibhiḥ ॥9॥

    उद्वयं तमसस्परि ज्योतिष्पश्यन्त उत्तरम् ।
    देवं देवत्रा सूर्यमगन्म ज्योतिरुत्तमम् ॥१०॥
    udvayaṃ tamasaspari jyotiṣpaśyanta uttaram ।
    devaṃ devatrā sūryamaganma jyotiruttamam ॥10॥

    उद्यन्नद्य मित्रमह आरोहन्नुत्तरां दिवम् ।
    हृद्रोगं मम सूर्य हरिमाणं च नाशय ॥११॥
    udyannadya mitramaha ārohannuttarāṃ divam ।
    hṛdrogaṃ mama sūrya harimāṇaṃ ca nāśaya ॥11॥

    शुकेषु मे हरिमाणं रोपणाकासु दध्मसि ।
    अथो हारिद्रवेषु मे हरिमाणं नि दध्मसि ॥१२॥
    śukeṣu me harimāṇaṃ ropaṇākāsu dadhmasi ।
    atho hāridraveṣu me harimāṇaṃ ni dadhmasi ॥12॥

    उदगादयमादित्यो विश्वेन सहसा सह ।
    द्विषन्तं मह्यं रन्धयन्मो अहं द्विषते रधम् ॥१३॥
    udagādayamādityo viśvena sahasā saha ।
    dviṣantaṃ mahyaṃ randhayanmo ahaṃ dviṣate radham ॥13॥

    I would implore as well as encourage all of the learned elderly stalwarts to please kindly guide me in providing me a decent interpretation. Most translations that are available over the Internet today, sadly, like I said before, lack the spiritual insights of what our vedic seers taught to us. Hence explains me knocking today at your door to help me in interpreting those ṛkveda śloka.

    Thank you,


  410. Could you please help me with this phrase?
    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
    Is this the correct translation?
    पहले वो आप पर ध्यान नहीं देंगे, फिर वो आप पर हँसेंगे, फिर वो आप से लड़ेंगे, और तब आप जीत जायेंगे.

    Thank you so much for your help 🙂


  411. I’ve been reading into the practice of cultivating bodhicitta. I understand bodhicitta is a Sanskrit word for awakened heart. What is the sanskrit translation of bodhicitta?


    1. Justina, Bodhicitta IS the EXACT SANSKRIT TERM! You will realize that all the Mahayana [which includes the Yogacara and Madhyamika schools of India] texts and sutras were written in Sanskrit. Their discourses and debates were conducted in Sanskrit among themselves and between them and their Brahmanic and Jain contemporaries. The great universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila had Sanskrit as their medium of teaching, just as Oxford and Cambridge or Harvard and Yale today accomodate many disciplines and many nationalities, but communicate almost exclusively through English!

      The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, who just a few centuries earlier had been communicating their sutras in Pali, Apabhramsha, Magadhi, etc. suddenly found themselves speaking in chaste literary and very complex Sanskrit all of a sudden. Not just that, poor Chinese translators, having issues with the long a, and short a, of Sanskrit vowel combinations, made egregious mistakes, e.g. with a-laya-vijnAna, versus A-laya-vijnAna, thereby setting off a whole new and utterly manufactured branch of theology!! Such is the human penchant for B.S.!!

      So please do not get trapped by form over substance! The awakened heart and the desire to achieve it is precious beyond imagination. Godspeed!


  412. Could someone translate “Love yourself” or “Love oneself” and “Fate” in sanskrit for me please. I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much !!!


  413. helloo,

    I am getting crazy of trying to find the REAL and ONLY way of the word father !!! I want to make a tattoo, which is for life, so I want to be sure what I am writing .
    Can you help me, PLEASEEEEEE

    Thank u


  414. For those wanting tattoo translations, try this website: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com/

    I just discovered this blog about learning Sanskrit, and I will attempt to learn the Devanagari as suggested. It was very interesting reading the comments, at first. Then it descended into questions about translations of names and concepts that, it seems to me, go against the idea of some of teachings, such that I know them, which isn’t much. I’m sure the owner of this website is happy to help, but this shouldn’t be taken advantage of. It is important to be respectful. And asking for tattoo translations, appears to me as tasteless and as one ‘well-wisher’ said, tacky. There are other websites for this, as noted above.

    Just saying..


  415. hello.. i saw you had this quote for someones brother?
    younger brother, our bond is for life and after life, we will meet again

    what if it was .. Jonathan, our bond is for life and after life, we will meet again?

    thank you!


  416. Hi!

    I came across with the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” with this meaning: ‘love, peace, and harmony, for me and the people around me’.

    Is this correct, or are there a variety of meanings to it?

    Thank you in advance!


    1. “Om Namah Shivaya” ॐ नमः शिवाय is simply a prayer, an obeisance to Lord Shiva.
      ॐ Om = respectful beginning of a prayer or of an obeisance
      नमः Namah = obeisance
      शिवाय Shivaaya = to Lord Shiva
      There is a verb implicit अस्तु astu = may (it) be.
      Om Namah Shivaaya” ॐ नमः शिवाय = May (this) obeisance be to Lord Shiva !
      शिवाय Shivaaya has another meaning as well. शिवाय is dative case of शिव. Hence शिवाय Shivaaya would mean “for Shiva” and Shiva means ‘love, peace, and harmony’.
      By this alternate meaning of शिवाय i.e. for Shiva, the alternate overall meaning of “Om Namah Shivaya” ॐ नमः शिवाय would become “May this obeisance be for ‘love, peace, and harmony’. And a kind, exalted soul would not pray a selfish prayer. The prayer would be not only for oneself, but for the entire world. Hence the prayer would then mean ‘love, peace, and harmony, for me and the people around me’. Actually ‘people around me’ is also a limited purview. “for the whole world” is the broadest. “Om Namah Shivaya” ॐ नमः शिवाय does not say, for whom or for whom all. Even if one is selfishly saying this prayer, can one be at ‘love, peace, and harmony’, if whatever around me is not at ‘love, peace, and harmony’ ? For the prayer to be granted, it cannot be just selfish.
      “Om Namah Shivaya” ॐ नमः शिवाय is also a mantra (a six-syllable mantra) for meditation. If one meditates on this mantra, strong and focused and intensely, it will have an all-pervasive effect.


  417. hello ..thank you for this beautiful site..so much gratitude to you for sharing this sacred language…i am trying to translate into dvengari something like the following :
    “when a single drop meets the ocean, it becomes the ocean”
    Can you translate this for me?
    or can you quote any scripture that speaks of the oneness of the self and the divine using this imagery of the ocean???


    1. Possibly shloka 30 in chapter 6 of Shreemad-bhagavad-geetaa answers your query.
      यो माम् पश्यति सर्वत्र सर्वं च मयि पश्यति ।
      I do appreciate that your statement, “when a single drop meets the ocean, it becomes the ocean” has it own marvelous beauty !
      Something similar is mentioned in this prayer
      आकाशात्पतितं तोयम् यथा गच्छति सागरम् । सर्वदेवनमस्कारं केशवं प्रतिगच्छति ।।
      Also comes to mind shloka 28 in chapter 11 in Shreemad-bhagavad-geetaa, wherein it is contended that all rivers flow towards the ocean (“flow towards does not exactly mean “flow into”).
      यथा नदीनां बहवोऽम्बुवेगाः समुद्रमेवाभिमुखा द्रवन्ति ।


  418. Hello,
    Could someone please tell me how to translate “I love you” into Sanskrit? I have seen many translations on the internet and am a bit confused. I would like it in the sense of a daughter saying it to her father – so, not the romantic sense. Thank you so much for your help! I would like to write this on a gift to my teacher who is leaving and who has meant the world to me. Namaste!


  419. HI,

    Could someone please translate Eternal Love for me in Sanskrit. I would like to get this tattoo in rememberence of my grandparents and to express my love for my childeren.

    thank you very much for your help


      1. Dear Esmeralda,
        I sympathize with your sentiments.
        But this site is for learning Sanskrit. Getting some sentence or quote scripted to get a tattoo does not make any great urge to learn Sanskrit.
        Urge to learn Sanskrit should have much higher purpose.
        All people seeking a scripting for a tattoo should refrain from such posts.
        This is humble and sincere request.


    1. nityapriya = eternal love/affection. a beautiful name. this is one of common names of women in india. instead of having a tatoo i would suggest you can call your daughter nityapriya. that would make much sense. ‘nityapriyan’ if you have a son. it need not be official though. 🙂


  420. Hi,

    I want translation for ‘I Am’ and ‘I will’. I understand that ‘I Am’ is aHam asmi..Please can some one tell me how to write ‘I Will’? Its preferred if it starts with ‘aHam’.

    Thanks a ton.


      1. In English ‘will’ is an auxiliary verb. The main verb has to be clarified. “I will do” “I shall be”.

        Please clarify what you intend the main verb to be.


  421. Thank you for your response. What I am searching for is a twin sentence, more like a couplet. The first sentence is “aham asmi” and I am looking for the twin. “i will” which would mean “I shall be” is what I though a good twin will be for “I am”. Hence the search.
    I really appreciate your response, and I really hope your knowledge will be able to give me more clarity and suggestion.


    1. do you think equivalent of “my will” can be a good twin to “I Am”?..In Ishopanishad (verse 16), there is a “soham asmi”, which I understood as “I am him” or “I am what he is”..do you think that can be a good twin for “aham asmi”?..

      I appreciate all the help.



      1. In Sanskrit present tense is also used for future tense ! But one can employ different verbs to connote the meaning of “I am” and “I shall be” in the present and future tenses.

        May I suggest ahamasmi अहमस्मि (present tense) aham bhavaami अहम् भवामि (future tense) !

        Your mention of सोऽहमस्मि from ईशावास्योपनिषत् rings in many thoughts. Maybe, I penned those in another context some long time back at this blog itself. Interestingly, a Psalm also has the wording “Be still and know that I am God” !


  422. Excellent..I sincerely appreciate your help. At the same time I am fascinated by your knowledge and humbleness.
    Thank you and I wish you all the best.

    with respect,


  423. can any one tell how to write “shatamaanam bhavati shataayuH puruShaH shatendriyaH aayuShyevendriye pratitiShThati” in sanskrit….please post as soon as poosible ,thanks


    1. शतमानं भवति शतायुः पुरुषः शतेन्द्रियः आयुष्ये वेन्द्रिये प्रतितिष्ठति ।


  424. hey! i am kanika a student of class 6th. there were 2 subjects french and sanskrit i have 2 take 1 and i have taken sanskrit
    1st time i found sanskrit very difficult bt now from ur website i found sanskrit very easy.
    thank u so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  425. Hi.
    Can you translate namaste in Sanskrit? The translations I have seen from prior post look like Hindi? Is the translation the same?


  426. Hello! I was wondering how you write “Love, harmony, serenity” in sanskrit? If you can, could you write it vertically in some way? It would mean so much if you were able to help me with the translation! 🙂


  427. hi
    can u please tell me the translation of ‘ sanskrit-the treasure of knowledge’ to sanskrit.It would be a great help.


  428. Dear Sir,
    ‘Yagnena yagnam aya jantha devaa’ can you please be kind enough to tell me what this means!
    and how can we write this in sanskrit.


  429. can anyone tell me how to write these four words in sanskrit:

    – self-confidence
    – openness (to the other people)
    – perseverance
    – serenity

    many thanks!


  430. I am actually looking to get the two words “Amita” and “Abha” tattooed… I love the idea of the phrase infinite light… it is poetically perfect for what I am searching for, and do not know how the words would be written next to each other. I know that they were combined to make the name Amitābha for the Buddha, but do not want the tattoo to name the Buddha, but to be the two distinct words. Could seomeone please help… Also, not to be difficult, but I would MUCH prefer if someone could actually write it out and save the picture (pdf or jpg) and send it to me rather than trust the computer to reproduce the font. You all seem super helpful, and I would appreciate any support I could get. (and any insight into how these words should be written together) Thanks in advance.


  431. Hello, i am getting a tattoo in sanskrit, i am going to send you the quote im getting can you please translate this in sanskrit for me please thank you.. “Trust in the Lord for He has blessed us with wisdom and strength. Fear no evil for He walks with me. He will not leave you, or forsake you… Have faith in God..”


  432. Hello,

    I was just wondering if anybody would know what the Sanskrit translation for “As within so without” is? I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out! Thank you!

    Many thanks!


  433. Hi,

    I’ve been trying to translate the following quotes to sanskrit but haven’t been able to do it correctly.
    Could you please help me translate them? And also, do you know of a Sanskrit teacher or center in Miami?… Thank you!

    “The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows”

    “Speech and actions are the mirrors to your soul”

    “What we think we become”

    THANK YOU!! 🙂


  434. Hi,

    I’ve been trying to translate the following quotes to sanskrit but haven’t been able to do it correctly.
    Could you please help me translate them…

    1) inner peace
    2) freedom


  435. can someone translate this for me in sabskrit i would love to have a tatoo “What we do in life echoes through eternity


  436. Very nice info and right to the point. I am not sure if this is in fact the best place to ask but do you guys have any ideea where to get some professional writers? Thanks 🙂


  437. Fae Urbani 4:55 am on April 12, 2012 Permalink | Reply

    I have exhausted my efforts on the internet. I am trying to train my mind on the four noble truths and The Noble Eightfold Path. In doing so, i wanted to get Sanskrit tattoo of Buddhas quote “Peaces comes from within, do not seek it without” i cannot find a translation anywhere. I don’t want this to be written incorrectly on me. Any help would be appreciated.

    तमाखु !


  438. Hi
    this is really great blog. I’ve been studying sanskrtā some years ago just a little bit. It is really great language. But didn’t get much far with grammar. And now trying to understand whether I have written it right.
    My friend (female) asked me to write down in sanskrtā following:

    “My happiness is in their happiness” (meaning: she’s happy, when their male guys – husband and son are happy). To love. To respect. To protect”

    As I don’t have Devanāgari script on my mac, will try to write it latin script:

    Mama sukha antah tadīja (tadIja) sukham
    Dajate. Ādrijate. Dajate.

    Is this right? Can anyone can write down the right version in Devanāgari?



  439. very interesting blog! I would love to learn sanskrit but unfortunately i do not have the time!
    i came upon this website because i was looking for a translation
    maybe someone can help me?

    its for a tattoo
    i was looking for the translation of
    ” control of the senses, control of the mind, happiness, unhappiness, birth, death ”
    “all these variegated diverse qualities of all living entities originate from Me alone ”

    please and thank you!


  440. Hi there,

    I was wondering if you could help me translate “forgive” and “forget”.

    The translations I’ve gotten for forgive is “अतिसृजति atisRjati” and forget is “विस्मरति vismarati”. Are they correct?

    I’ve checked this site: http://www.spokensanskirt.de and I’d like to know if it’s a reliable site.



  441. I’d really appreciate if you could help me translate the following sentences into sanskrit:

    Compassion to all living beings

    Compassion and kindness to all living beings

    Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love.

    Thank you VERY much!


  442. Hi

    I’ve noticed a couple of requests, but couldn’t find a reply. I was wondering if you would be kind enough to translate the word “integrity” into Sanskrit and also the name “Vanessa”. Thank you so very much.

    Peace and love x


  443. Hi there, please please could you confirm for me what the translation of ‘Love and Gratitude’ would be in sanskrit. Yip am having this tattoed on myself 🙂 rocking site and thank you so much!


  444. Pranam! Mahoday…
    can you write 5 sentences each describing diwali festival celebrated in old times comparing with modern time celebration. please post it . it is my school homework.


  445. Could you please kindly translate this sentence into sanskrit : Forever in my heart.

    Thank you so much in advance.


  446. I need the translation for “everything manifest with an intended purpose” I’m trying to learn the language myself but am having a hard time. Please and thank you.


    1. Namaste Jyotsna Devi,

      Everything manifest with an intended purpose

      Everything = krtsnam

      manifest = vyaptam

      astu = is

      purpose = lakShya,

      need a more elegant, poetic phrasing; aphorisms like these in Sanskrit are termed SubhaShita, or well-spoken, i.e. pithy, bon-mots. They need to be elegantly phrased to be memorable, and not workaday, prosaic language. That is a no-no! Herein lies the difficulty! You see, in the Gita, and elsewhere, certain lines and phrases have become immortal precisely for the way simple ideas have been worded! Sage Vishvamitra writes: Dhigbalam kShatriya balam, brahmatejobalam balam, balAbalam vinischitya, tapo evam param balam. Such is the beauty of the DevabhASha, that none can forget the flow, and rhythm of the words and metre after thousands of years and the ideas contained therein! Sanskrit is extremely nuanced, as well. Each word also has a shastric level, a kAvya level, a darshana level, an Adhyatmika level, Adhibhautika and Adhidaivika levels and so forth. Vedic levels and later, and much, much more.

      So, the term “intended” here takes on a lot of weight: whose intent?

      Is the author a philosopher from a particular school of Darshana, trying to convey a particular point of view, is she from a spiritual background referring to a Deity, say Shaivite, Vaishnava concepts of Godhead, a Buddhist referring to Interdependence, an freethinker saying that there is a mysterious purpose that manifests itself? Sanskrit is is exceptionally nuanced in its metaphysics, like a laser cutting edge, and its phrasing makes these things stand out, unlike in English. Think of cutting sashimi with an axe blade, i.e English, versus slicing with a special purpose Japanese blade forged with great care for that single purpose, i.e Sanskrit.

      Everything you have said is beautifully expressed in the DeviMahatmyam, but with a depth of meaning by the padas:

      Tvam vaiShNavirshaktiranantavIryA
      Vishvasya bIjam paramAsi mAyA

      So, I have offered you a most unsatisfactory half-answer, and hope to have stimulated a protest or complaint, so that we may keep on talking, or you may be persuaded to keep on investigating.



  447. Many people are asking for ‘translation’ of so many things… but quite often it seems what is being requested is just a ‘transliteration’ into another script, especially by folks wanting tattoo ….


  448. Is the translator still using this site? Wanted to know the sanskrit spelling for my sons name.
    If so, could you kindly spell “Shaylan” in sanskri.
    Many thanks in advance.


  449. Hi, I need some help in finding the sanskrit version of a verse whose meaning I know in English which goes like this “Fear of darkness is fear of the unknown.
    Fear of Light is fear of the known.
    Fear of the unknown is stupidity.
    Fear of the known is absurdity.”. Unsure if this is an extract from Atharva Veda or Bhagawadgita. Please help!


  450. Hi,
    Thank you for all the wonderful translations, they are very helpful! I am wondering how you would write
    “Perfection is found in gratitude”

    in sanskrit. I am having a hard time finding sanskrit words that have the right meaning i want to convey…which is that if we take a moment to think about everything we have in this life and be thankful for it, we will see how perfect everything is.

    I hope you can help, thank you so much!


    1. Namaskara Julia Devi,

      The word for “perfection” you are seeking may be “Apta” [aapta], i.e. a past participle meaning “fulfilled”, “achieved” or “completed” that is used in the same sense as “perfection” is in idiomatic English. “Gratitude” is “krtajnatA”, and the older Vedic expression, “adruha” “being faithful, never betraying trust”. A grateful person is “krtajna, and adruha. Such a being is Apta.

      Sa krtajnAdruha puruSho’sti hi Aptah = SakrtajnAdruha puruSho’sti hyAptah.

      Here, puruSha does not mean male, but human being.

      Why do I insert the Vedic formula “adruha” in addition to “krtajnatA”? Because it is most important to reiterate in idiom, the core ideas of a culture. Therefore the RkSamhita never fails to emphasize the 3 attributes it abhors: DROHA, MITHYA and ANARTHA: Betrayal, Falsehood, and Evil. “KrtajnatA” by itself, to my ears, it just not assertive enough, it is somewhat passive, and lacks vigor, the SAHAS enjoined by the RkSamhita, the active, forceful, directed energy. You are not to just be grateful but to have an alert awareness, continuously on the watch to intervene vigorously on behalf of your benefactor, SACRIFICING yourself WITHOUT condition, not weighing how much was given against how much is now required.

      Agni is named SAHAS SUNU, the SON of SAHAS, who brings the energy and force of SAHAS to earth, and invigorates us with those same qualities. The Vedic symbolism is all about unconditional sacrifice. To enter into the realm of sacrifice, Yajna, one needs to have DikSha, which is Dah+san, meaning the “resolve to flame upwards, to burn up, to become FIRE”.

      Gratitude makes you GAURAVITA, derived from the word GAURAVA, which is derived from GURU, which comes from HEAVY, with substance, cognate with Gravity, Gravid, Grave.

      Gaurava means feeling uplifted, feeling expansive, proud, large, wonderful, the opposite of feeling small, nothing, worthless.

      Gauravita is the past participle, the state of being when someone has permanently affirmed you, made you permanently established in your own worth. Who does that? The GURU. S/he shows you, the lion cub, your own reflection, and proves to you that you are a lion in the making, and never a sheep.

      That is the beginning of infinite gratitude and strength being generated, that allows you to never ever behave in a small, mean manner unworthy of the greatness to which you have been just made heir. That informs your every act, thought and word, and makes you perfect.

      Gauravita hetu kriyA pUjA

      All activities performed on account of being made gauravita, substantial, is termed worship.

      That is what you were speaking of when you spoke of Gratitude making one dwell in perfection, were you not?

      Hopefully, our learned and respected vidwans will rectify and improve upon the above translation.

      Sri Gurubhyoh Namah Harih Om tat sat.


  451. i want 10 proverbs or sayings and there meaning in english about women in sanskrit for my personal project can any body please help me


  452. Hello,

    Could anyone translate the following names and words?



    “Love of my life”

    Thankyou anyone who helps!!!


  453. wow! what a great site! I have been looking for some explanation about Sanskrit for a long time, but this is better than all the sites I’ve seen. I have been looking for a translation for a long time now, and I was hoping one of you could help me! I’ve been trying to fix some words together but I’m not sure if I did it right…. I’m looking for a translation of this sentence: “I will do everything for those I love”. It’s been really hard because I could only find loose words, but I don’t think they make a sentence together. 😦 Could any of you help me? I will be forever grateful! Thanks a lot!


    1. It can also be: “I will do everything for the ones I love”, the loose words in sanskrit are hard to find. it’s a difficult but BEAUTIFUL language! 🙂


  454. I wanted to express gratitude to the person who created and maintains this blog. I would also like to ask if someone could show me how to write the word LIFE and also the word DEATH. Any help would be received graciously……thank you


  455. Hi there,

    Can anyone tells me what this means?
    सर्वं वर्तमानमुपहारः अस्ति

    I believe it says “Everything in the present is a gift,” but I want to make sure that that is the correct translation. Thank you!


  456. Hi,

    I would like to get a tattoo of my sisters name on me written in sanskrit, can anyone help me out with how to write this? her name is JESSICA



  457. Hi.

    I would like to get a tattoo with the following in hindi «Be the change you want to see in the world»
    Every website gives me a different translation.

    Thanks for your help in advance!


  458. Namaskaram! I just heard that there was a sanskrit writer in Maharashtra by name ‘Shyamala’
    I am just amazed to hear about her. I am eager to see her writings. Hope she must have lived around 1960s. Can anybody tell me? I found many people posting in this and get satisfied. Can anyone help me in finding her? The name Shyamala may be first or last name or even middle. I just want to know about the titles of her works.


  459. Can someone tell me what this translates to?

    ओर् वे लिवे ब्य बेलिएविन्ग अण्ड नोत ब्य सीइन्ग

    अल्क ब्य फ़ैथ्, नोत ब्य सिघ्त

    2 चोरिन्थिअन्स 5:7


  460. My mom passed and I wanted to get the translation of her name and the date of her death for a tattoo. Her name is Ann and the date of her death is 12/19/11. Thank you and Namaste! Desiree


  461. hi.. i am planning to get my tattoo this saturday and wanted to include this line “if i wear a mask i can fool the world but i cannot fool my heart.” can anyone translate this for me in sanskrit?


    1. also is this the correct sanskrit for” I am true to myself”?

      स्वात्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्ते


  462. Hello! I am also planning on getting a tattoo. I want to get the phrase “Karma creates all” I want to be 100% sure of the accuracy before tattooing my body. So far I have this as the translation. कर्म च्रेअतेस अल्ल् If someone could confirm it’s accuracy or correct it I would be so grateful. Best wishes!!


  463. Hi! I wanted the transliteration for “there is nothing lost or wasted in this life” for a tattoo.
    I know it’s in the bhagavd gita, 2.40 and I have one version of the sanskrit which is
    नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते ।
    and the devanagri script
    जीवने न किमपि नष्टं वा क्षीणं विद्यते
    but i want to check that they are both correct.
    Any help is appreciated!


  464. Hello! I am also looking to get a tattoo. I want to write the phrase “Just Breathe, Namaste”. Can you tell me how to translate the complete phrase? Thank you!


  465. I am extremely inspired with your writing skills and
    also with the structure in your blog. Is this a paid subject matter or
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  466. Hi,
    I wish to know the meaning of the words used in ” अधमाः नीचाः च राक्षसाः वञ्चिताः यत् तावन्मात्रेण जगन्मोहिनीत्वम् किं सिध्यति “. I could not understand the meaning of the sentence from “यत्”. Can anyone explain the derivation of these words from verb roots.


    1. Namaskar Nitish,

      It always helps if you provide a little more context, e.g. title of the text, because the context determines the meaning or shade of meaning Sanskrit, as you know! For example, here,

      adhamAH may mean “inferior” to some presumed hierarchy, nIcAH also means “low” or very low, low-born, and vaJcitaH implies that the rakSasAs were themselves tricked, deceived, operating under some sort of enchantment, trickery or compulsion. So when that was the case with these foul, inferior lowly creatures, what need be said of their [presumed] wish to succeed in bewitching or controlling by enchantment the entire world?

      yat : since they were themselves bewitched, acting compulsion, therefore [ tAvat] how could they succeed in their intent to land a whammy [jaganmohinitvam] on everyone else? [ kim sidhyati?]


  467. अधमाः नीचाः च राक्षसाः वञ्चिताः यत् तावन्मात्रेण जगन्मोहिनीत्वम् किं सिध्यति
    I would translate this as –
    यत् That
    अधमाः नीचाः च राक्षसाः वञ्चिताः the vicious, mean, demons were conceited
    तावन्मात्रेण = just by that
    जगन्मोहिनीत्वम् किं सिध्यति = is the charm across the whole world established ?
    So, by putting the parts together – That the vicious, mean, demons were conceited, just by that, is the charm across the whole world established ?

    Hope, this is okay.


  468. hello, I would like to know how to write in Sanskrit the fortitude and fearless… i hope you can help me, thank you very much


  469. Could anyone show me how “Life is beautiful” and “Nothing lasts forever” would be written in sanskrit?


  470. Hi Slabhyankar,
    I have just come across this website. I would like to have my 3 childrens names tatooed in sanskrit. Could you help me please. They are


  471. i need 5 sentences in sanskrit on “mother” , “father” , “elder brother ” . please help me out as soon as possible.


  472. I would like the sanskrit translation of the word “forever”. I am making a painting for a soon to be married couple and the bride requested it. Thanks!


  473. Czy znamy opracować do części Twój dom kupieckiej eksploatacji o stali Kancelaria szafy a może sprzedajemy stworzenia do składowania z sklepiku podkablować, poradnictwa niektórych w wyższym stopniu o do towar pomoc iż następstwo wiele opłacalne, w charakterze wysokiej pojemności porządnie bo bezobsługowe automatyzmy. Sprowokowania badawcze tak zgodny kiedy osprzęt w tym “szafy bocznej rekordu”, “pełne slajdów szuflady kołyski” konkurencyjnych “mobilny gabinet” ochronić i szafki rekordowe wielu z nas, kupić natrafi tymczasowe, konsekwentne albo archiwalnych potrzeby utrwalania rekordów jak również agencja wystrój. Dysponuje wyciąganą półki, które możemy Drzwi, nośnika szafy can powody wszystko spośród op płyt na DVD do taśmy nagranie. Znajdź automatyzmy z kuchenne szafy biurowe partycypowania prostszych sztafety konkurencyjna jedna składowanie Opcje. Uniemożliwić zablokowaniu w charakterze bardzo dobry gdy posłuszeństwo z wykorzystaniem miejsce stalowej biura szafy co zwykle podkreślają grube kolebka Kuchnia slajdy. Wyspecjalizowanym znaki mają go prostsze rozpocząć tak kongruentny jak stało się opracowane geniuszu o dostarczonych aktów. Kiedy jego krytyczne dla Ciebie dowodów przeniknąć spośród agencja aż do biura ewentualnie doświadczenie slogany ewentualnie konferencje, cruise mobile rekord szafa dziecka spośród kółkami za skontaminowanej wygody. półki spiżarnia podkreślają półki na wbudowany początki, nie inaczej popłatne, podczas gdy ogromne komórka wykonawcza nierozwiązanych dokumenty. Przechowuj stosy lub zsynchronizowane półkowych design, bok w bok rekordu szafy. Modele spośród otwartymi regały do środka potwierdzi że do chronienia jednego więcej wyposażenia jak prezydium rezerwy na łączny wygodę.


  474. Hi everyone! Can anyone help me translate the words ” love, peace and happiness ” in sanskrit? I dont know how legitimate are the ones like this ” प्रेम शांतिः आनंदश्च ” on the internet.


  475. Iluminacja korytarzy, holów również schodów. Beztroska w tych ulokowaniach powinno umożliwiać poznanie sprawne natomiast pewne dotykanie się po mieszkaniu. W wiatrołapie, wąskim korytarzu, dokąd gros granic widnieje zajęta z wykorzystaniem drzwi plus szafy, najpłynniej doświadczają się inscenizacji sufitowe – plafoniery umożliwiające światło równomierne i stateczne – jak i również realizacji halogenowe powydawane na linkach ewentualnie szynach. Rentowne iluminacja schodów gwarantuje ufność tudzież może posłużyć jako element dekoracyjny. Jest dozwolone oświetlić klatkę schodową lub same stopnie schodów. W łazience odstęp musi przemieszkiwać po pierwsze zdrowe a przynosić w wyniku doświadczenie prawdomówności. Wedle normy aż do światła uniwersalnego łazienki o powierzchni na przykład postulujemy żarówki o armii. Zazwyczaj jednakże do oświetlenia źródełka władamy promieni co więcej dwa razy mocniejszego. Łagodniejsze równowaga regionalne, oświetlające zonę prysznica, wanny, umywalki to znaczy toaletki, zdecydowanie wieczorny spokój w łazience. Podświetlenie wspólne zawiesza się w centralnym miejscu sufitu, np. plafonierę z kloszem lampy wiszące korzystnie przepuszczającym beztroska, oraz odtąd uzupełnia odkrawa halogenami umieszczonymi nad wanną względnie prysznicem. W suficie podwieszanym można zamontować halogenowe inscenizacji sufitowe. W niedużej łazience. Jest dozwolone gryzie uporządkować, dzieląc łazienkę na okolicy: porcja spośród nich dać ponad umywalką, wycinek – w środkowej fragmenty sufitu to znaczy ponad wanną. Lampy wiszące do salonów to nieustannie kierownicze tła oświetlenia w tych miejscach, natomiast nie tylko nienaruszalnością one tę materialną funkcję, jednak podobnie jak powinny realizować instrumentacji podobnego salonu oraz czynić, iż będzie on wyglądać jeszcze z większym natężeniem interesująco. Będący w dyspozycji wielki preferencja lamp wiszących, które można dopasować do każdego wnętrza, również tego urządzonego głośne, jak oraz dodatkowo po nowemu. Lampy spośród pojedynczymi oprawkami lub kilkoma, spośród kloszami szklanymi, z tworzywa, stalowymi, oraz dodatkowo odnowione innymi słowy bezpośrednie. Sprostałaby się umieszczać w prasie, że iluminacja kuchni nie znajduje się kłopotliwą rzeczą. W tej chwili, aby można uzyskało niezbyt dokładnie przyrządzać a także zużywać wsparcie, zabierać dodatkowo wypić wieczornej herbaty, nie trzeba tej spraw olewać. Zwracamy obserwację na owo, o czym powinno się troszczyć się typując blask aż do kuchni. Wymowa w tej okolicy o świetle, jakie przestaje mięsiste wnętrze. W większości przygodów jest skierowane z sufitu. Dla najważniejszego produktu jego genealogia powinno gnić w więzieniu zlokalizowane centralnie w pomieszczeniu (światło newralgiczne sufitowe). Najczęściej znajduje się to lampa wisząca, rzadziej plafon. Jeśli w kuchni mamusi wydzieloną element jadalnianą z wyższym stołem, musimy osadzić światło wręcz powyżej nim. Umiemy podobnie jak założyć oświetlenie punktowe, to znaczy np. halogeny rozmieszczone na kompletnym suficie. Aby za ich niewielką poradą zbudować odpowiednie iluminacja kuchni, wypada wziąć pod uwagę ilość pomieszczenia. Doglądajmy, że odsprzedaż chore nasycenie uczyni, że w kuchni wyświetlą się spaprania przytłoczone (co umie gmatwać np. pochłanianie, mycie podłogi), natomiast nazbyt większa rozcieńczenie owo po prostu utrata skali.


  476. Bless you kind people for your assistance.
    I am too looking to have words written in Sanskrit.

    Sat Nam
    Harjagat Kaur

    Thank you.


  477. I am looking for any site which is teaching sanskrit, but I could not find any, There are few, but they are just useless.
    This is extremely unfortunate.


  478. http://www.learnsanskrit.org is the best I have seen. This takes from pronounciation of devanagari alphabet to such a level that you can read bhagavadgita with a sanskrit dictionary(Don’t go to beta website,just because it is not fully developed.) Even ganas, prosody are treated there in really simple language.


  479. Hi, do you can translate “everything happens for a reason” to sanskrit for me? I’ve seeing in a lot of sites and all of them are differents. Thank you so much 🙂


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  481. Hello from Portugal everyone!
    I would like to know if there is a diference between the way of writing “forgive me” and “forgive you” and if so, how to write them!
    Thank you so much!


  482. Hi

    could you please translate the sentence “everything happens for a reason” for me?

    I´m looking forward to read from you 🙂

    Many greetings from Germany!
    Thank you so much!!!!


    1. poornam adhaha poornam idam poornaath poorna mudachchyate.
      poornasya poornam aadaya poornam eva avashishyate.

      sarvesham swastihi bhavatu,sarvesham shantihi bhavatu,
      sarvesham poornam bhavatu ,sarvesham mangalam bhavatu.

      gnabhirvantyate naiva chorena api naneeyate
      daane naiva kshayam yaati vidhyaratnam mahadhanam.


    1. Sorry Need a sanskrit (not tamil )Translation of “Everything is Prewritten but nothing can be Re-written in life”
      Thanks in advance


  483. Could anyone translate “Lives linked across time, echoing through the ages” into Sanskrit for me. Lives could be substituted with Hearts. Thank you anyone that can help.


  484. I said “Kimalabhyam prasanne Srinikethane!!” Just to tell that if god wishes we will get everything. in return some one questioned me “Bhavan Kim uktavan? “. Can someone please help me to answer to his question in Sanskrit!!


    1. mam kutumbkam mam jeevanam / mam kutumbkam mam pranam
      jeevanam/pranam= life
      pranam is more intense i.e more like a matter of life and death


      1. can you also please give this to me in proper Devanagari script. i should have asked this in the first place.


  485. मम कुटु॔बकम् मम जीवनम्

    मम कुटु॔बकम् मम प्राणम्


    1. thank you so much Arpit you have been of great help. i also like Pranam. you know how sanskrit sentences are conjugated. can you help me with that as well for मम कुटु॔बकम् मम प्राणम् (when you have the sentence as on single word and you can split it into sentence?)


  486. Hello, I’m very interested in learning Sanskrit language. But I don’t know how to write the Date in Sanskrit. For example: Wednesday 21st August 1991. Could you please tell me how? Thanks in advance


  487. Hello everyone, I know that Anrutam means lie or opposite of truth. I wanted to confirm if that means Nrutam = truth?
    Please do help


  488. Hi can any one please provide me a good phrase in sanskrit mentioning …Self respect, being optimistic and walking tall with pride, dignity or self respect. It would be very helpful. Thanks in advance


  489. Hi can anyone tell me how to write the work Karma in Sanskrit? I want it to be written in the sense of the meaning where it says what goes around come around.


  490. Hello all!
    Could anyone tell me how to write “Live Purely” in Sanskrit, please?
    I wanna to tattoo that in my back.



  491. Hi, I’m think of getting a tattoo of the sanskrit writing for Ahem Prema but I would like to know the correct writing because i’ve seen it written in two different ways.
    Thank You


  492. Hi, I’m think of getting a tattoo of the sanskrit writing for Namaste but I would like to know the correct writing because i’ve seen it written in two different ways.
    Thank You


  493. In the Lalita Sahsranamam sloka no. 40 my book says tadil lata samaruchi shatchakropari samsthita. However, in some other books it appears as tatil lata…..I checked a couple of Sanskrit dictionaries online. They say Tadit is lightning. Going by that, tadil lata should be correct. Can you please clarify?


  494. I have a doubt regarding vowel sandhi.

    ने + अन = नयन


    ग्रामे + अत्र = ग्रामेऽत्र

    These two seem to be cotradictory. Why does the rule, “ए + अ = अय” not apply in the first case? Help!


  495. From Apte’s English-Sankrit online dictionary:

    Forgive, v. t क्षम् 1 A., (with acc. of person also), मृष् 4 P., 10, सह् 1 A., तिज् desid. (तितिक्षते). (with acc. of fault).
    2 मुच् 6 P., अव-सृज् 6 P., त्यज् 1 P., (as a debt).
    -ness, s. क्षमा, तितिक्षा, क्षांति f., सहिष्णुता, मर्षणं;
    ” f. of sin ” पाप-दोष-मुक्ति f. -मार्जनं.
    -ing, a. क्षमिन्, सहिष्णु, क्षमावत्, क्षमाशील, तितिक्षु, क्षमायुक्त, क्षंतृ, क्षमितृ.


  496. What does it mean by the sanskrit slok- Karmanye Vaadhikaa rastey, maa phaleshu kadaachana
    Maa karmaphal hetur bhoor Maa te sangostwa karmani

    Please tell me


  497. Hello,
    My desire to learn sanskrit has brought me here. I want learn to speak sanskrit, understand it , please suggest me some good books for the same.I know hindi and now i have learnt few basic words and sentences in sanskrit but i am not able to make my own proper sentences like not clear about simple present , present continues so on…….please help for my learning..

    Thank you
    Shruthi S D


  498. Can someone please tell me Sanskrit spell and its meaning for Sanskrit name “Tirthan” to me? I am thinking to decide as by baby’s name


  499. Hi, i am wondering if anyone can help me in translating the phrase “EVERYTHING COMES FROM HARDWORK” in Sanskrit. I have the Telugu word for your convenience “సాదనాత్ సాధ్యతే సర్వం”.
    It would be great help if anyone takes his time to help me out. Thanks in advance


  500. Hello all

    How would I write ‘answer is within’ or ‘answer is inside your heart’ or ‘answer is inside of us’ in Sanskrit? Thanks for your help


  501. Hi Everyone,
    To be able to speak sanskrit ( properly ” संस्कृत ” ) one must know Devenagari script very well , and it is not difficult though. because संस्कृत is ” write as you speak” and ” speak as you write ” language. with english script it is bit difficult.
    we have a Whatsapp group where the basic संस्कृत संभाषणं happens , like creating small small sentences , understanding the meaning of words , how to use them etc. you can also post your basic questions in group people are happy to answer them.
    if anyone is interested to join our group then please send a whatsapp message to the Admin at 9404222266 .
    in short while one will be able to speak & read संस्कृत comfortably .


  502. Hi! I’m searching the word warrior in sanskrit because i want to tattoo it on my body, could somebody help me to translate it? Thanks!!!!!


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  506. Hey,

    could anyone tell me the right spelling for the mantra: aham prema (meaning I’m devine love) in sankrit?

    i found this spelling: अहं प्रेम ?Is this correct?


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